Bare-knuckle boxing
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  Subject Replies Date
A true story. 0 7/3/2014
I have found a reference to 'Wilday of Coventry' in connection with 19C fighter Jemmy Walsh. Can anyone give me any information on him? I am researchi... 2 12/30/2013
Simon Byrne-bare knuckle Irish Champion 1800s 0 11/26/2013
Does anyone have any information on bareknuckle prizefighter Tim Collins a top lightweight contender around 1868. I hold a record of his fights, howev... 2 10/19/2013
Hi there - how would I go about trying to research a particular bare knuckle boxer from the end of the 19th beginning of the 20th century from Londo... 9 10/8/2013