Mission San Luis Rey de Francia
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  Subject Replies Date
Did it ever move? 0 1/9/2016
What skill did the indians bring to the mission? 0 5/23/2015
Why was Mission San Luis Rey de Francia important? Were there any battles fought there? Was it ever damged(fires or flood, etc.)? 0 4/27/2015
Mission san luis rey de francia 0 4/9/2015
Where is it loacted 0 4/9/2015
What was the padres role in mission san luis rey de francia 0 4/23/2014
What do they do at mission 0 4/16/2014
What did they eat 0 2/21/2014
What is mission san luis rey de francia's daily scheduel,what food do they eat,what clothes do they wear, their living quarters were:,and what are thr... 0 1/30/2014
San luis rey de francia 0 5/17/2013
Who were the early inhabitants of mission san luis rey de francia? 0 5/17/2013
Why did the spanish establish the San Luis Rey de Francia Mission? 1 5/6/2013
What Group lived in San Luis Rey De Francia mission? Where did they live before the mission? What where some problems at this mission? 1 4/23/2013
How did they use the natural resources of their region? 1 4/16/2013
Descibe the daily life of the mission 4 4/2/2013
What was the layout of the mission 0 4/2/2013
How did the califirnia indians adapt to mission living 0 4/2/2013
What materials were used to build the mission? 2 3/29/2013
In what region was the mission built? 1 3/29/2013
Why was the mission built? 1 3/29/2013
Earthquake and fire effects on this mission 0 1/22/2013