Isaac Newton
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A few weeks back the thought came into my mind that time cannot pass slower for someone relative to me. Imagine a train speeding along at 100km/hr relative to an observer not on the train. Someone on the train fires a bullet in the direction of the train at a speed of 500km/hour. The bullet will pass the observer at 600km/hr. If someone on that train shone a beam of light from a torch in the same direction of the train, Einstein assumed that you should add the speed of the train to the speed of light. Since the speed of light is always constant to the observer, he came up with a new theorem. However, the bullet is taken onto the train. The beam of light emanates from the torch. Do the photons ever rest on any part of anything which is on the train. If they don't, they are not "on" the train. Is there a flaw in my logic?
Regarding the experiments performed to prove time slows down, there are very few and none provide enough detail to substantiate them.

replied to:  freshnfree
Replied to:  A few weeks back the thought came into my mind that...
Einstein decidedly blew a hole in Newton's absolute time and space belief when he formulated the Special Theory of Relativity (STR) and he created a geometrical line( with the addition of time as a fourth dimension) through space and time in which all matter, including us , were found to be in a clearly deterministic universe. He was quoted as saying ," God does not play dice with the universe". Neil’s Bhor came along and challenged Einstein. In an experiment suggested by Einstein himself pathways of atomic particles were observed as not being predictable to Einstein’s dismay, and therefore his findings were turned away from the model of a static universe. Newton's belief in absolute time and space implies the relational aspect of his theism. This relational understanding turns the tables on the idea the there are no preferred inertial frames of reference. Einstein’s revolutionary paper on STR only showed the limited or finiteness of the physical universe. Because of these findings we can allow as true the existence of a tensed universe.