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Do protestants believe in the father, the son and the holy ghost...or is that just catholics
replied to:  eighteen18
Replied to:  Do protestants believe in the father, the son and the holy...
Besides Catholic religion, several Protestant religions
believe in the Triune God.
replied to:  colinjacksen
Replied to:  Besides Catholic religion, several Protestant religions believe in the...
The triune is false
there is One God and no requirements to find Him


replied to:  eighteen18
Replied to:  Do protestants believe in the father, the son and the holy...

There are many sects who claim Christ did not find a Church or he founded many Churches. The Church of Christ is referred to in St.
Matthew's Gospel no less than thirty times as "the kingdom," the "kingdom of heaven," the "kingdom of God." It is also referred to as
Christ's "household" (St. Matt. 10:25); as the "flock" of the Shepherd (St. Matt. 26:31); its members being called "the branches of which
Christ is the Vine (St. John 15:1-6). It is definitely spoken of, by Christ Himself as "the Church" He was about to build, in the sixteenth
chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel, which alone is a refutation the declaration that "Christ did not establish a Church." Christ begins by
addressing Simon, afterwards named Peter,

"`But who do you say I am?' Simon answered and said `Thou are Christ (the Messiah), the Son of the living God.' Then Jesus
answered and said, `Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee, but My Father in heaven. And
I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give
thee the keys to the kingdom of heaven; and whatever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever thou shalt
loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven'" (St. Matt. 16:13-20).

If we carefully study the above text, as it embodies much more than the announcement of Jesus Christ that He was to build a Church.,
we see it shows:

1. Simon unhesitatingly declared Jesus to be the Messiah expected in Israel.

2. Simon proclaimed the divinity of Jesus, by declaring Him to be the "Son of the living God"; that is "Son" with a big S.

3. That Christ commanded a public declaration of who He is, which includes a recognition of His mission.

4. No further questions were asked, as Jesus had received the proper recognition of His Messianic Lordship; the recognition that is
desired of every Jew in the world today.

5. Jesus called Simon "blessed," because his confession of belief, that Christ is true God as well as true man, was an illumination from
on high. It is a confession of faith that every Catholic in the world has since made.

6. Jesus rewarded Simon with a new name, Peter (rock), that signified the office he would henceforth occupy. This change of name
meets no obstacle in Jewry, as history records the fact that God changed the names of Abram (exalted father) to Abraham (father of a
multitude); Sarai ("contentious") to Sarah (princess); and Jacob (supplanter) to Israel (he that striveth with God), to signify the missions
they were to fulfill in Israel. There is no misunderstanding of the statement, "thou art Peter," on the part of Jews who know that Jesus
spoke the Aramaic dialect of the Jews in Jerusalem. Hence Jesus did not say "Peter" (the English translation of the Greek word Petros,
Petra, which means a stone or a rock), but rather Kepha (Rock), thou are Kepha and upon this Kepha, etc.

7. "Upon this rock I will build my Church."

A. The Eternal Rock made Simon the Kepha, that earthly, solid human foundation of His Church.

B. Jesus spoke in the first person singular, "I." The "I" is God, for only God could rightly assume to build a Church to take the place of
an existing Church that was of God's making, and by His own fiat.

C. Jesus says "My Church," not my churches; that is the Church. That means it was to be either in competition with the Church Moses
established by direction of God, or it was to displace it. There is but one God, hence there can be but one Church of God. Two
churches could only be established to teach two different doctrines, codes and practices, which would mean a contradiction.

8. Jesus said that the "gates of hell" would never prevail against His Church. He referred to the evil forces; the enemies within as well
as without; the schisms, sects, false doctrines, slanders, robberies, slaughters, all of which have taken place, and will take place in the
future. These words implied that such forces would endeavor to prevail against the Church, but would not succeed. It is Jesus Christ
who, faithful to His promise to remain with His Apostolic Band and their successors until the end of the world, that kept this Barque of
Peter afloat despite the tempestuous gales that have blown against her, and the attempts to drive her off her divine course during the
past nineteen hundred years.

9. Christ gave Peter, the earthly head of Christ's Church, His "keys," His authority, for that is what keys symbolize. No need of telling
Jews what keys mean from a religious point of view. They recall that when a man was made a Doctor of the Law he was given a key to
the closet in the Temple. With that key went the authority to take the scrolls of the Law out of the Ark and to interpret them.

10. Christ gave Peter, and later The Twelve under Peter's headship (St. Matt. 18:18), the power "to bind and to loose." This means
that Peter had the right to legislate, pass sentence, or rather judgment as to what is to be allowed or forbidden in Christ's Church. Such
powers were exercised by the High Priest in Israel, who had the juridical right to pronounce a person "zakkai" (innocent), "patur"
(absolved), or "chayyabh" (liable to punishment, guilty).

In the Sermon on the Mount, He referred to " A city on the mountain(that) cannot be hid" (St. Matt. 5:14). To deny the visible character
of a God-made Church, which many good-meaning people do, is an utter absurdity. Christ called His Church a "building" (St. Matt.
16:18); a "kingdom" (St. Matt. 16:19); a "city" (St. Matt. 5:14); a "flock" (St. John 10:16); and a "house" (St. Matt. 7:24). Only when
buildings, kingdoms, cities, flocks and houses become invisible entities will the Church of Christ ever be an invisible spiritual society.
There are invisible parts of Christ's Church. They are the Church Triumphant, made up of the souls in heaven; and the Church
Suffering, made up of the souls in purgatory. Such a thing as an invisible spiritual society on earth of Christ's making, is of sixteenth
century anti-Catholic origin. It was prompted by the realization that a Visible Church, a corporate body of Christ's making, would have to
date back to the first century, back to Jerusalem instead of Germany where Protestantism was born.

I would like to stress Peter's primacy here as it enforces the Catholic concept of a Church as a corporate body of believers in Christ; a
society of doctrinal and authoritative oneness, the universal headship centering in the Chair of Peter; its divine heavenly head being
Jesus Christ. Speaking of that Church, Christ said it would be one fold, of which He is the Good Shepherd (St. John 10). Christ made
Peter the shepherd of His flock, when He said "feed My sheep" "feed My lambs." That is why the Pope is called the Shepherd of

While Peter was the first in authority, the Church was "built upon the foundation of the Apostles" (Eph. 2:20), the bishops of today
being their ecclesiastical successors. They were commissioned to perform tasks that are the ministerial functions of a church. Christ
referred to it when He said that anyone who would not "hear the Church, let him be to thee like the heathen and the publican" (St. Matt.
18:17), condemned. So we see there can only be one Church, if there were more, we would not know which one to send a person to
as all other sects teach things contrary to that of Christ and each other! Christ did establish a Church, and it is, without a question of
reasonable doubt, the Church over which the occupant of the Chair of Peter, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI officiates today.