Albert Einstein
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If you cannot travel faster than light do neutrinos do Albert your wrong!
replied to:  leathlocks
Replied to:  If you cannot travel faster than light do neutrinos do...
Neutrinos do travel, according to past experments at Cern.faster than light. Remenber that the speed of light is a unit measurement.
Usually anything traveling at the speed of light turns to energy. If Albert used the speed of one of the 3 types of Neutrinos in his math equation " Theory " would the results remain the same. Should we plug in the ultimate speed of energy into the equation. Past questions I purposed " Does the speed light in a vacuum , if there is such a circumstance in space, remain the same. ????????????? or is there an effect from gravity, dark matter or space fabric.
replied to:  leathlocks
Replied to:  If you cannot travel faster than light do neutrinos do...
replied to:  leathlocks
Replied to:  If you cannot travel faster than light do neutrinos do...
Your acceptance of the supposition that the neutrinos are travelling faster than light and that that means einsteins basic premise is wrong is itself wrong.
The question that needs to be asked is how the neutrinos are achieving this feat. Rather than try pulling or refuting the results understand that there is nothing in the results which does contradict his theories.
You need to look beyond these two conflicting theories 'relativity & Quantum' because in the strange world which is the result this is not a contradiction of either theory it is only our understanding of the teories that fails.
Although it may not be possible to do what needs to be analysed is the interaction of the neutrinos with the surrounding matter.
To clarify everyone has been taught to use time as a basis for measuring almost everything and this is a useful tool, unfortunately time is basically a philosophy which allows us to interact with our environment, thats it it is not a dimension, you can not measure its particles and as einstein clearly stated what you call time is relative to matter
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Your acceptance of the supposition that the neutrinos are travelling faster...
Einsteins basic premise is wrong was not "M's " intention. But my answer would be to look at the measurement. Could it be that light is not the ultimate speed but energy found in smaller particles.
replied to:  Mickeyfin
Replied to:  Einsteins basic premise is wrong was not "M's " intention....
I have and am looking at that idea but have so far discarded it, at least in this instance. At this point I would assume that the measurement is accurate and what we are seeing is the result of energy (excess to the neutrino, so to say) being applied in a way which is making / bending the space time continum (not happy with that phrase by the way). It is not actually travelling faster than light.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  I have and am looking at that idea but have so...
New out of NRF Cern, that the past test may be off a bit. May 2012 testing can produce a different result, coming out of a English artical. I still feel that any EMF can distort these results.
replied to:  Mickeyfin
Replied to:  Neutrinos do travel, according to past experments at Cern.faster than light....
Shall i share ideas here? understand me if it will always be in simple english.
Vacuum here on earth has only .000005 energy left as its contained internal force and energy, since .0000004 to .0000005 energy are energy which are being attracted at all time by gravitational energy absorption of earth.

By comparison we may understand it better,and by equating the product of time which resulted from quantized mass and energy,equation T=ME clearly expressed this.

Vacuum energy of space between sun and earth maybe .0000054
by applying equation of time
T = M E
=.0000004 x .000005
=zero time
meaning that .0000004 energy is a collected(+) or absorbed energy by vacuum of outer space,so the result is .0000054 quantized energy in no time.

To farther understand that light speed as solar radiation mass causes time,and as we measure it in mile pr second,we may assume that speed of light from sun to earth is 185185 miles pr second.
T = M E
=1 second
Therefore vacuum here on earth made by man has an energy of .000005 left since gravity of earth strips off .0000004 to .0000005 energy
This is the reason why photoelectric effect experimented by Robert Millikan works by frequency of light since gravity of earth absorbs .0000005 from vacuum tube and from electron that results .5110025 energetic electron mass.

Time also deals with distance, T = M D and so means energy = time ( E = T )

If i will only measure millikan's table with his phototube experiment then match with my obtain measurement that it was 906.3825408 mm height from the floor then T = M D verified.

By this we can conclude that earth revolves around sun by collections of .0000004 to .0000005 orbital energy leaving vacuum of space with .000005 energy
We can verify that .0000005 is the intensity of earth's orbit, outer radiation belts farthest electron mass is .47315
most of all the possibility of anti gravity confirming equation V=M-E where E is the energy needed by gravity of earth to be propagated down ward in order to ignore the weight of anti gravity vehicle,photo electric effect may function as this.
replied to:  quantum
Replied to:  Shall i share ideas here? understand me if it will always...
Interesting to see the maths here, though what you have written would seem to indicate the reverse of this effect. Which is in itself an interesting idea. I am working from a theory still in development which simply put answers the question what is time and what is gravity. Although this allows me to predict and analyse current theories I am by no means finnished going through the convoluted process of it's logic, not to mentioned the maths.
What I was saying is that the distance was less for the neutrinos. sic
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Interesting to see the maths here, though what you have written...
It happened for me by feeding my curiosity and i am not contented that universe was really resulted from accident,rather created,i am not a mathematician nor have finished schooling about physics,but i was just so thinking about why big bang is being teach to school even without compressing its word of explanation into a single equation. I tried formulating equation of time since i learned discussing about time travel as a result of feeding my curiosity also tried discussion in the fate of universe.

I don't posses explaining about my theory in words,you will know why if you try reading last pages about said discussions.

i am back again to much farther explore if my equation is right,so i welcome your comment. Since i know that explanation varies by a given equation.

For me equation of T=me limits human kind's physical understanding, by assuming that

A) .0000001 unit energy is the ultimate mass and energy present mostly at the edge of universe.
B) 185185 miles per second is the speed of light
C) mass and energy in outer space are transmutable at a given time,expressed by equation

T = M E
=.0000001 x 185185 = .0185185 seconds- the time consumed by light passing earth from sun reaching the edge of universe,where earth as a reference point,and or travelling energy from edge of universe to earth.

M = T/E
=.0185185/185185 = .0000001 the quantum energy approaching earth from edge of universe at a given .01 to .027 time in second. the particle like behavior of light quanta. it may put into account as dark energy.

E = T/M
=.0185185/.0000001 = 185185 visible light observe by observatory in earth,that propagate as wave nature.

This equations approached my conclusions that .0000001 is the ultimate mass and energy, and is the medium of light speed at the edge of universe . This result for us to observe universe as if expanding.Since orbital energy is .0000054 to .0000055 the medium of light speed approaching earth and results .9814815 difference of time in second,by comparing speed of light from sun to speed of light from edge of universe. Also conclude that orbital energy of earth is .0000054 facing sun and .00000055 midway energy of earth's orbit.
Vacuum of outerspace also has unabsorbable .000005 quanta of energy and may also be the vacuum energy contain of atom. this may put into account as dark matter.

replied to:  quantum
Replied to:  It happened for me by feeding my curiosity and i am...
Just quickly, as will have to think about the rest, from what I can see the speed of light is a strange concept to say the least. Einstein appears to say that, assuming you could stand out of time and space and look in, you would see light slow to a crawl within a very strong gravity well. ie as the atoms (space) shrinks, although the light still travels the same distance that distance has shrunk around the gravity well. Standing within space and time nothing would appear to change because all your measurements are based on tools that have shrunk down with space itself.
This is even assuming as astronomers do that the speed of light is measured agains the standard of the microwave background radiation.
replied to:  quantum
Replied to:  It happened for me by feeding my curiosity and i am...
Oh and sorry the other thing is time also changes, which leads to the question of why. This is what led me down the path that I am on. My first question was what is gravity, then I noticed a comment attributed to Einstein stating that gravity was time. Assuming an association I came to a place where time and gravity are a direct affect of matter, a place where considering time as a fourth dimension is not possible. What follows Follows.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Oh and sorry the other thing is time also changes, which...
Time dimension can be explain by having different distances of each planet from sun and different rotation of each,due to different requirements of energy from space,so we can call orbit as free fall space of massive body. Outer space is occupied energy. If space energy will stand still(freeze) there will be no velocity of mass. just like a ball floating in swirling water is different than a ball floating on silent water.

Gravity is not time itself, but gravity of massive body like earth absorb energy needed from space, the result is time,so expression t=me would never be by gravity alone but by relating with energy absorption,you may conclude it by reading last page in discussion about "is there life in other planets?"

future is the difference of past and present, future of earth is absorption of .0000004 unit energy present in space at all time,so the future is depend upon the past and present governed by t=me.
replied to:  Mickeyfin
Replied to:  New out of NRF Cern, that the past test may be...
One thing more,i would like to confirm some of my equations,and will be verify by at least twice testing of same particle,at the accelerator,the result will never be the same in time measurement upon reaching target. There will be very little time difference between each test of same particle.
Its because of gravitational energy absorption affecting space of vacuum and particle itself.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Oh and sorry the other thing is time also changes, which...
You can check out my comments about light and gravity in google's how stuff works
replied to:  quantum
Replied to:  Time dimension can be explain by having different distances of each...
Hmmmm it is interesting to see the defence of time you have presented. Time is part of an energy equation, for it to have validity within science, it will need to be written as such. ie it 'T' must be rewritten to represent it's actual value which is a variable (sorry obvious) not a constant. Time is a state of matter and sorry I did not mean to give the impression that gravity was time, I actually no longer believe in time as either a dimension or having any actual real validity.
Also so long as there is mass, even down to a single atom/maybe other particles, there will always be velocity of mass. Something that is annoyingly called potential energy. more to say but later must sleep.....
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Hmmmm it is interesting to see the defence of time you...
Even a single atom has its independent time,since its particles' velocities are ranging differently, less than or greater than the speed of light that depend upon energy requirement of each particle in order for its energy equilibrium state,by energy distributing each other.
Making variability of time that depend to every particle,since each of them have different energy requirements.
There is difference of t=me in an atom in earth's environment than in an atom where there's no gravity.
Uncertainty results by energy equilibrium,so is the ecliptic path of every planetary orbit. since the whole of sun's energy is not equally distributed to the whole body of sun also.
These makes variations of time at all t=me.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Hmmmm it is interesting to see the defence of time you...
My post comment in extraterrestrial life and time travel forum may let you agree that gravity is time.
replied to:  quantum
Replied to:  My post comment in extraterrestrial life and time travel forum...
Sorry have not been on for a while. Will consider and backtrack on what you have written so I may come back with a clearer response as my head seems to be in a better place ie annoyingly glacial thinking at times but it has finally absorbed/memorised/analysed what hsa been written, soon sorry.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Sorry have not been on for a while. Will consider and...
T=me, this equation will never be mine,as it would and still will be, even without my presence.

I have post comments in the ultimate fate of universe.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  T=me, this equation will never be mine,as it would and still...
Fate of the universe lies with the redistribution of energy. There may come a time when( fabric of space. ) cannot hold it's expansion and then ???????????? or the energy that drives it will deplete and gravity will do it's job and will inplode on itself like it's done many times before. Reguardless, we will be gone but the universe and it's mass will survive.
replied to:  Mickeyfin
Replied to:  Fate of the universe lies with the redistribution of energy. There...
I believe it lies by energy equilibrium by giving and sharing like infinite, but by power of God, what the bible says will be the thing that will happen in the future,it will be the signature of God.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  T=me, this equation will never be mine,as it would and still...
T=ME is a wonderful piece of maths for determining answers within the bounds of our localised environment yet without some means of determining the shape of space or maybe I should say size it can only partially answer the reality
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  T=ME is a wonderful piece of maths for determining answers within...
All time that governs everything from the smallest mass to biggest in the universe happened at the same universal time. This is due to energy equilibrium from mass to mass,done by energy absorption and emission of every mass that exist.

For partial answers of reality about a part or a piece of time in the whole universe,only the size of mass that do absorption of energy measures.

Like an atom,part of earth's mass contributes a non sensible time,but the earth's mass,i may say all the building blocks of matter that forms earth contributes the whole reality of space and time with links to sun,stars,moon,other planets and space.
This results falling of earth to a curved space and time called orbit.

replied to:  185185
Replied to:  All time that governs everything from the smallest mass to biggest...
Universal time, even the GPS satellites when originally launched were programmed with the ability to apply einstein predictions regarding time. As it turned out they did have to turn it on. So I would have to wonder what you mean by universal time, that it ignoring your apparent acceptance that time is only energy.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Universal time, even the GPS satellites when originally launched were programmed...
You may mean for time dilation
it link in sympathy with space,since the space is energy.

[ Radius = circumference ] when dealing with time.

Universe is cluster of time by this equivalence,which the variations of individual time may depend on that belongs universally as a whole.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  You may mean for time dilation it link in sympathy with...
E= T Sounds like a a weak theory. R= C ??????
Time should be simple in it's relative to energy and mass. Again I feel that the measurement of time should have a point of origin and mass (energy) Question ! when an RAI expires, is there time in that mass. ?????
replied to:  Mickeyfin
Replied to:  E= T Sounds like a a weak theory. R=...
This equivalence which i've shown in fate of universe forum seems like impossible. but not .
You may want to read it...
As we can measure it on earth that it is,then why not believe?
replied to:  Mickeyfin
Replied to:  E= T Sounds like a a weak theory. R=...
What is RAI?

You said that E=T sounds like a weak theory.
This equivalence is just a part of unified theory of equilibrium,but it is universally prime source of universal mechanics.
Planets,stars , galaxies and all that forms part of whole universe is governed by energy which is time.

Light is energy,imagine if there's no light from sun,
will earth follows orbital velocity?
Earth is mass less in the vastness of space,if it can be put to other space of universe its still mass less.
We do have sense mass in the surface of earth because of its gravitational pull. But in universal gravitation, energy dictates universal mechanics,since everything in space is mass less.

Earth do poses mass in orbit only by having orbital velocity , and this velocity is done by energy absorption from sun.

So by this energy from sun,results time on earth.
We invented clocks relative to earth's planetary mechanic which belongs to solar system's quantizing mechanics.
The system's individual universal time.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  What is RAI? You said that E=T sounds like...
Universal (individual) time if you are accepting of times reality as a dimension then what follows? Although this is not a primary concern as I have already determined it's parameters, from what I see time applies variably to mass and it would seem that there is time for a planetary mass overlying/compounding the individual times of resident masses. There is time for a solar system mass, there is a time for the galaxy mass, time for the universe all compounding but also restricted by distance and other factors.

Is there theory out there or observations that would confirm or deny this assumtion.

Sorry I also find it funny when we talk about Mass without reference to the underlying factors, velocity or time without the containing parameters. Counting time in seconds, minutes etc is only valid within a small distance of the earths surface, much as the speed of light would seem to have the same constraints imposed on it.
As always what are we talking about?

As for Infinite mass or mass disappearing into time these are specifically where current theories fail and it would seem part of the solution is to understand what these mean, the maths is telling a story .....what is it?
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Universal (individual) time if you are accepting of times reality as...
Time as a dimension that results distances of every universal element with no touching each other by absorbing and giving off energy. By this the universe is very seem so fix and unshakable, what written in the bible about heaven's quake is the the thing will follow,its by the power of God that can shake everything in heaven, how and when? no man knows.

Variability of time is best understand by different weight you are carrying,as it is the energy in yours that act to carry, less force(energy) being applied for light weight and greater force for heavier. Just like as we can roll a wheel of a bicycle by our energy but not by the energy of an ant.

Distances of every element in the vastness of space means not a restriction but a result of t=me , so is time makes the distance,therefore stars and galaxies stretch the vastness of heaven that forms a universe.

About the containing parameters that results time is itself the speed of light and mass like planets that do absorption of energy which is light from sun.
A vacuum cleaner creates vacuum in its intake port by the fast rotation of its impeller,therefore sucks the dust as air and dust forces by its vacuum force,making it sticking in a flat surface.
But if a vacuum cleaner's intake port be put next in front of an air blowing nozzle it will not stick,and its by equilibrium of energy which converted to mechanical by impeller action.

The sun is as if that air blowing nozzle,the sun emits light in all direction and planets are as if that vacuum cleaner that absorbs all that nears it by vacuum forceful pull. But planets do rotation as its gravitational pull obeys curved path down to its core,as we examine an atom obeying curved path of its electron while orbiting its central nucleus. Therefore the nearest planet to the sun has a very strong gravitation,while the farthest has the least.

Least mass energy don't disappear into time,but absorbed and emitted the result is time,and time is only a measurement due to a mass absorbing energy.
It takes time for a metal to glow into a red hot color by continues heating, this means that metal absorbs heat energy. Deep that hot metal to water, water then boil as heat energy being transferred to water.

By this the math itself tells the story of even countless words,so the math is the compression of words.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Time as a dimension that results distances of every universal element...
Hmm I was talking about time not god. faith belongs in another discussion but please if you wish to bring it in try to remember without time there is no eternity, there is no need for anything to be created, there is no beginning nor end. I have no belief in time (excepting as a tool) therefore I have no problem with the concept of eternity, it is a meaningless concept as are a number of other time related ideas and yes my faith is strong. even more interesting and here I am as is my want, only talking science, is that there appears a glimmer of an idea here that indicates even the fallacy of distance.
Maths may be the compression of words yet even so it can fail to tell a true story as like much else without understanding there is no truth.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Hmm I was talking about time not god. faith belongs in...
The truth is,that there's a temporal t=me and a no beginning no end,the infinite time.
This infinite time will never be measure by the tool of temporal thing. And therefore not part of science, since reality are both physical and non physical things.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Hmm I was talking about time not god. faith belongs in...
Your comment as this,reminds me about like missing to talk inside the topic... if you cannot travel faster than light,how do neutrinos do it?

Its not the fabric of space for neutrinos for achieving this feat,i don't have too much idea about particle accelerator. But i believe its energy that makes neutrino travel faster than light. Neutrinos do have their unit mass,the quantom gravitation and gravity is mass.
Gravitational equation (g=me) explains this,neutron mass absorbs energy in a fraction of second,as a result,measures time by traveling fast reaching the target due to absorption reaction,so is time relative to mass and energy(t=me) and means about gravity is time.

Earth's time is relative to its gravity,our planet's individual time. Day and night are counted and even we don't have tool is itself nature serves as tool.
Also nature proves what is written in the bible,which says about darkness has no participation in the presence of light. And this is true for the comparison of spiritual thing.

We talk about speed of light here which is part of the extreme science, my question , is it not meaningful to connect science in religious belief?
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Your comment as this,reminds me about like missing to talk inside...
Much as science would rather religion was not included it is by default connected. My point is that a religious solution does not answer the questions that need answering.
Neutrinos, this is the falacy of time. I accept that the speed of electromagnetic radiation is as Einstein stated, the question then becomes what is occuring to achieve this result. Remembering that there was a previous experiment many years ago that also apparently achieved this result of the matter appearing before it had been accelerated. If you assume no time then the result is that you are balancing an energy equation and a large enough push will force the matter back, but careful I am not talking back in time although with our limited perception that would be the apparent conclusion. (Say like a see-saw).

It took me 13 months before I was able to accept the conclusion I myself had come to, that time does not exist. You will first need to understand how this concept pervades our every spoken word and then learn to interpret from the other perspective.

In that the theory is now almost complete, understand, this is but one stepping stone on the journey to a unified field theory and it allows me, even at this point, to make predictions about the physics of today.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Much as science would rather religion was not included it is...
If we think about time as only particle,then time don't exist.
Also if a measurement,the more exist no means, but like a tape measure used to measure our body.

By this point how shall we understand time to reach the level of truth about it? We are matter and no one escapes intangible time. But if we never exist materially shall we ever know the existence of something if we don't have the consciousness?

As we grow our consciousness also like growing until reaching completely.
I'm saying this because when talking about time,there is no default connection to no end,no beginning.
Truth also tell us that by consciousness,we answer question.

If was it that electromagnetic radiation caused neutrino travel that fast, my question, do nature of space in the universe have such electromagnetic radiation to reach and test the nature of neutrons?
For "what" reason are scientist "why" doing this?
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Much as science would rather religion was not included it is...
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Much as science would rather religion was not included it is...
Gravity and electromagnetism works by t=me

Orbiting of earth result by its mass due to absorption of energy in the space.
Electromagnetism results by freely moving electron mass,each electron's absorbed energy creates magnetic field around a current carrying wire. This field maybe influenced by earth's gravitational direction of pull.
Iron bar inside the loops of current carrying wire moves back and forth by reversing electric polarity, this result is due to iron mass while absorbing the curved field of energy that follows the rushing electrons.
Iron bar is as if particles being tested at the accelerator.

But why do some of mass like aluminum can not be attracted by electromagnetism even iron and aluminum may composed both by particles that are can be tested in the accelerator?

Now think of this question, is it really electromagnetic radiation as Einstein stated?
By this,still i may say that we are too far from truth.
replied to:  185185
Replied to:  Gravity and electromagnetism works by t=me Orbiting of earth result...
Yes they are too far from the truth. I can't say I am all that closer to the truth but I know that there are some brilliant scientists out there who have provided the world with the clues needed to see into the truth. I have taken much of that and a clear understanding of it's historical context to see things as maybe they should be.
It would not do (haha) to not use the information provided and to accept it, even though its base may not be as solid as it should be, because when it comes down to it things such as Quantum theory, relativity etc are clearly capable in most circumstances of defining the world around us.
accept what is acceptable and question as always theory. Remember even understanding that T=ME does not tell us what T is and the answer may not substantially change the theories only their maths
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Yes they are too far from the truth. I can't say...
Equation T=me ,where T stands for time is only means that massive body like earth do quantizing energy from space which is propagated by the sun in the form of light,and this makes time relative to mass quantizing(absorbing) energy..

The math proves the truth that earth's gravity(by Newton) is relative to measurement of time that was done by some brilliant scientist,and let us wonder the workings of God which being for mankind impossible,for Him is possible that radius is equal to its circumference.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Yes they are too far from the truth. I can't say...
Didn't you wonder how do universe hold its elements together as a whole?,and here in this discussion we talk about nature of light,red shift amazed some scientist,what about the blue shift of light?

Base of flame is blue by combustion process taking during chemical reaction of combustible elements with that of oxigen.
But in distance we see the red color emitted by burning chemical. Making some conclude that bluish stars are nearer than reddish one.
The sun is also a star and so near but emits not blue but reddish and brilliant shine. So if near seems far its not space rather t=me.

Red shift is the direction of light to the observer or to the mass that do absorbing energy of light like our eyes.
While blue shift is the direction of light being from the observer,so we observe some bluish stars during the clear night,because those absorbs energy of light,and the reddish stars are mostly the energy giver for the bluish stars.So is the sun is the prime energy source of planets around.
replied to:  Mickeyfin
Replied to:  New out of NRF Cern, that the past test may be...
I'm just curious about what the NRF Cern benefits humanity,it may like as of those scientists expending a lot in search of life in other planets like mars...Better read my post in extraterrestrial life forum.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Yes they are too far from the truth. I can't say...
There's link about my explanation here by reading my post comments in google's how stuff works...Big bang and time travel.
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Yes they are too far from the truth. I can't say...
replied to:  TrevorWhite
Replied to:  Yes they are too far from the truth. I can't say...
Please visit my facebook account, Melor Ramizares