My wife and I played a card game tonight with 6 other persons. We were divided up into 4 couples, my wife was with another man and I was with a different man. The game was fun,lots of laughter, etc. My wife was sitting to my right and her game partner was on her right side. During the game I noticed my wife during a time of laughter reaching out to her game partner with her right elbow. Now I don't believe she was trying to convey some message because her game partner was her son-in-law and our daughter was also playing in the game. The reason this got my attention is because my wife and I have absolutely no physical contact at all-the last time we were sexually together was in September 1997. I have attempted to approach her in an unthreatening way, I have given her hugs but she does not return the hug, rather it feels like I am hugging my 14 year old grandson in front of his friends-she can't wait until I turn loose. So while she has no interest in touching me, even like she did in the game, when she does reach out to another man with such a touch, even her son-in-law, is she confirming by her body language that she is interested in touching but just not with me?