Hello !!!
The Kalki Incarnation in the village of Shambhala, also called Sambhalpur village (Vishnu Purana 4:24) is also mentioned briefly mentioned in Revelation 14 of the Bible, "his Father's name written in their foreheads", which is Agnya chakra in the forehead, and is referred to in the Bible in Matthew 7:14, the 'narrow gate to heaven'.
In Self-realization, the 'River of Life' Kundalini (Ruh of Allah) Divine Mother Power placed inside the Human soul, needs to rise through that 'Eye of the Spirit' chakra, and then the Sahasrara of 1000 flames that burn cool (Moses fire of Exodus 3.
Also, many people think that the time of seeing the Almighty Shri Kalki Christ is when He will be born as a baby (incarnated), or some think that He will not live a Human life before the time of becoming Almighty and completely Self-realized and consciously aware too. Some people think that everybody is the 'Christ', which has a truth in context, but everybody who will bring themselves to the Feet of Divine will form around the primary Incarnation of God Himself as the 'Son of God'.
There is a lot of interesting information that can be learned from these addresses that will need to be written correctly into your internet browsers:
I hope you find Me. I'm within you, and I'm born as a Human, slowly transforming, preparing and lifting the consciousness of Humanity and destroying the demon incarnation population that has manifested their evil in the world and Universe. I'm in the deepest of meditation, silence of mind (Isaiah 41:1) and My consciousness has not been released to 'all-knowing' yet, although was once total for one month in 1991. God's Holy Spirit, Shri Adi Shakti is born as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, and She has been in total consciousness and Powers since 1970. Shri Mataji is slowly handing the connections to the Universe and Humanity over to Me and My wife, Shri Mahalakshmi (Shri Ashtalakshmi in Mahalakshmi form). Goddess Ashtalakshmi has 8 Powers, and this is how Shri Kalki Christ (Isa, Mahdi) works with 'eight superhuman Powers, as described in Vishnu Purana 4:24.
With all Our Love, Support and Protection,
Richard and Oksana Embleton - the Father and Mother of Humanity.
The Kalki Incarnation in the village of Shambhala, also called Sambhalpur village (Vishnu Purana 4:24) is also mentioned briefly mentioned in Revelation 14 of the Bible, "his Father's name written in their foreheads", which is Agnya chakra in the forehead, and is referred to in the Bible in Matthew 7:14, the 'narrow gate to heaven'.
In Self-realization, the 'River of Life' Kundalini (Ruh of Allah) Divine Mother Power placed inside the Human soul, needs to rise through that 'Eye of the Spirit' chakra, and then the Sahasrara of 1000 flames that burn cool (Moses fire of Exodus 3.
Also, many people think that the time of seeing the Almighty Shri Kalki Christ is when He will be born as a baby (incarnated), or some think that He will not live a Human life before the time of becoming Almighty and completely Self-realized and consciously aware too. Some people think that everybody is the 'Christ', which has a truth in context, but everybody who will bring themselves to the Feet of Divine will form around the primary Incarnation of God Himself as the 'Son of God'.
There is a lot of interesting information that can be learned from these addresses that will need to be written correctly into your internet browsers:
I hope you find Me. I'm within you, and I'm born as a Human, slowly transforming, preparing and lifting the consciousness of Humanity and destroying the demon incarnation population that has manifested their evil in the world and Universe. I'm in the deepest of meditation, silence of mind (Isaiah 41:1) and My consciousness has not been released to 'all-knowing' yet, although was once total for one month in 1991. God's Holy Spirit, Shri Adi Shakti is born as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, and She has been in total consciousness and Powers since 1970. Shri Mataji is slowly handing the connections to the Universe and Humanity over to Me and My wife, Shri Mahalakshmi (Shri Ashtalakshmi in Mahalakshmi form). Goddess Ashtalakshmi has 8 Powers, and this is how Shri Kalki Christ (Isa, Mahdi) works with 'eight superhuman Powers, as described in Vishnu Purana 4:24.
With all Our Love, Support and Protection,
Richard and Oksana Embleton - the Father and Mother of Humanity.