replied to: abbietopham99
Replied to: What is assertiveness
Assertiveness is the skill, the ability and the appropriateness of expressing yourself, your rights and your feelings without violating the rights and feelings of others. It is open, honest and direct communication that takes into account the situation in general and the other person in particular. Done this way it is expressive and self enhancing. Behaving assertively will gain you the respect of all who you come into contact with, especially your friends and those very close to you. Your self-respect and self-esteem will benefit and your chances of honest relationships will be greatly enhanced. You will feel much better about your everyday interaction with other people and the level of self control you display. All this will aid you in your decision making and very likely improve your chances of getting what you want from life. Assertiveness is the skill and ability to clearly define and express your emotions, feelings, needs and thoughts to other people without infringing theirs. Your needs, your emotions, your thoughts and your values are yours by right
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