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Genesis: Abraham says that we must be circumcised
New testament says Jesus Christ was circumcised on the 8th day.
Why? Because he was a follower of Abraham.
But nowadays many Jesus following people don't circumcise. Why? It's upto them.....
But we must be circumcised or we will not be a true Believer


Woe to those who are not circumcised. . . .
replied to:  AbdulKalam
Replied to:  Genesis: Abraham says that we must be circumcised ....
Abraham was told that circumcision would be a sign of those identified with the Covenant initiated by God with him - Hebrew covenant of selection as "God's people", a nation.

Jesus was circumcised, as an obedient Hebrew male, to satisfy His adherence to the letter and spirit of the Hebrew laws.

Jesus initiated a New Covenant, as a consequence of His suffering (cruxification), death, and resurrection. His completion of this task places Him as the perfect payment for the sins of mankind. The Father sees US through the sacrifice Jesus accomplished, as mankind would be unable to accomplish it.

Circumcision is only obligatory upon the sons of Abraham - the Hebrew nation - in accordance with the Law He gave them. Those GENTILES who accept Jesus' sacrificial act are not under the original Hebrew covenant and law, and are NOT required to be circumcised. It was strictly a sign of Hebrew identity.

Those who spread false statements about what God said and did are the ones who are in trouble.
replied to:  Yoda55
Replied to:  Abraham was told that circumcision would be a sign of those...
What do you want to say? Was jesus simply a Hebrew man or a founder of a new religion?

If Jesus was a founder of a new religion, every christian must follow him. . . It doesn't matter whether he did Hebrew or Greek or Roman ritual. . .

If not, you must be saying that Jesus came only for the Jews, and not for the Gentiles. .
replied to:  AbdulKalam
Replied to:  What do you want to say? Was jesus simply a Hebrew...
No, He was not just a Hebrew man. And, no, He was not a founder of a *new* religion.

See my comments on thread: "Trinity is nothing but a way of self consolation"

He was physically here to speak to the Jews, who were wandering from the path God intended for them. They had become more secular - the 10 tribes of Israel having been dispersed, for their incorporation of pagan beliefs into the Hebrew rituals. Of the two remaining tribes, one was absorbed by the last (Judah). The last tribe was the last of the faithful - God's chosen. He came to remind them of their core faith... He performed miracles, to substantiate His position with the Father. He was related to King David (on both sides of the family), matching the Hebrew prediction of the expected Messiah. The Jews were skeptical of His authenticity, because they expected a King coming in glory to save them.

He was crucified, as God's solution to human sin and demonstration of His love for us. He was raised from the dead to demonstrate God's thorough power. Jesus preached God's forgiveness. He came to the Jews first. When they rejected Him, He sent His disciples into the world to bring news to the rest of mankind (as the Jews were supposed to do).

Gentiles, not being of the Hebrew faith (covered by Law), could only be saved through *faith* in His death and resurrection.

The Hebrews have a reckoning to face, at the end of the world. Those who successfully prepare themselves before His arrival will be saved. Those who do not will suffer the same fate as any unsaved Gentiles. As is repleat throughout Hebrew records, there is a remnant of mankind which is preserved to begin again... With Noah, it was a family. With Israel (in Egypt) it was a nation... It remains to see the world remnant saved and re-established after the Judgment.