What was Elihu Root's position on the Congo Free state?
replied to: marcgilbert
Replied to: What was Elihu Root's position on the Congo Free state?
see the front page of the "The San Francisco Call" (10th December 1906). At the end of the article "King Leopold of Belgium Has a Lobby at Washington" is written, that "Secreatry Root Took a position that the interference by the United States in the Congo would be unwarranted". There is also a word about him having significant part of land in Congo received from cruel Leopold II king of Belgium. I hope he did not received his Peace Nobel Price (1912) for his achievement in that cause. Then, as Adam Hochschild (King Leopold's Ghost, p. 249) puts it, he changed his "hands off policy" and cooperated with the British and helped the tranfer of the power to the Belgian goverment
Hope it helps . Ula Badaruk