Time travel
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Why does an independent observor , with a stop watch , timing the event of supposidly time travel come up with a different reality than the equasions state ? for instance, a vessel left earth traveling at 1,200,000 miles per second, went into space for 60 seconds and returned at the same speed, 4 times faster than light 300,000 miles per second, arriving back on earth 60 seconds before the light energy bombarding earth arrives if he had stayed on earth, not complicated, however a stopwatch was started when the event started, and was stopped when the event ended, it took 120 seconds. If you traveled around the entire universe in 33 seconds, you would still not affect time. the space time continium is baloney. Time is a word ment to describe the moment, indistinguishable with the speed of light in its normal state as stated by einsteins plaguarized theory of Lorentz. discard the words of preliterate scribes writing for fame, making absolute statements when in reality nothing is the same, nor ever will be, change/chaos is the only reality we must observe to discover the truths that compose reality. A play on the context of words mingled with math may work for academic sales, and waste the time of sincere purveyors of truth. In the spirit of truth
replied to:  jackiecox333
Replied to:  Why does an independent observor , with a stop watch ,...
The wavefront present of the stopwatch is not effected by the wavefront present of the space ship. Each one exists in time as separate entities. Time is not affected by either thing because time is not a function of the stopwatch or the distance per second traveled.
I have no proof and I'm not a scientist I just like to think about this stuff. My idea is that everything in this universe is a function of time. There is nothing that is infinite, a word which to me describes something outside time as it cannot be measured by it and that is what time is...measurement. It cannot exist in a place where there is nothing to measure. Maybe this is why the laws of physics seem to break down in singularities.
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  The wavefront present of the stopwatch is not effected...
Time is a simple unit of measure, and as such can be used in scientific studies wherever you care to inject it. It can be used to verify suppositions made witout its use, as in the realm of time travel