Cyptotrama is a genus
In biology, a genus is a low-level taxonomic rank used in the biological classification of living and fossil organisms, which is an example of definition by genus and differentia...

 of mushrooms in the Physalacriaceae
Physalacriaceae are a family of fungi in the order Agaricales. Species in the genus have a widespread distribution, but most are found in the tropics, particularly in South-East Asia and Australasia. Molecular studies suggested that Physalacria, formerly the sole genus in this family, is related to...



  • Cyptotrama asprata
    Cyptotrama asprata
    Cyptotrama asprata , commonly known as the Golden-scruffy Collybia, is a saprobic species of mushroom in the Physalacriaceae family. Widely distributed in tropical regions of the world, it is characterized by the bright orange to yellow cap that in young specimens is covered with tufts of fibrils...

    (Berk.) Redhead & Ginns (1980)
  • Cyptotrama chrysopeplum
    Cyptotrama chrysopeplum
    Cyptotrama chrysopeplum is a very small, bright golden yellow, dry cap stalk mushroom. Its gills color ranges from white to yellow. It grows on wood. Its cap is convex to flat, often lined or furrowed near the margin. The surface can be dull to powdery or scaly. Gills are either broadly attached or...

    (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Singer (1973)
  • Cyptotrama costesii (Speg.) Singer (1973)
  • Cyptotrama dennisii Singer (1973)
  • Cyptotrama depauperatum Singer (1977)
  • Cyptotrama deseynesiana (Pegler) Redhead & Ginns (1980)
  • Cyptotrama granulosa (Romell) Redhead & Ginns (1980)
  • Cyptotrama hygrocyboides Singer (1969)
  • Cyptotrama lachnocephalum (Pat.) Singer (1973)
  • Cyptotrama macrobasidium Singer (1960)
  • Cyptotrama niveum Singer (1989)
  • Cyptotrama pauperum Singer (1989)
  • Cyptotrama platense Singer (1969)
  • Cyptotrama songolarum Courtec. (1995)
  • Cyptotrama verruculosum (Singer) Singer (1973)
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