Decommissioning and Deactivation Knowledge Management Information Tool (D&D KM-IT) is a centralized web-based knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences...

 information tool built for the D&D user community by the Applied Research Center (ARC) at Florida International University
Florida International University
Florida International University is an American public research university in metropolitan Miami, Florida, in the United States, with its main campus in University Park...

 (FIU) in collaboration with the United States Department of Energy
United States Department of Energy
The United States Department of Energy is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material...

, the Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG), and the ALARA Centers at the Hanford Site
Hanford Site
The Hanford Site is a mostly decommissioned nuclear production complex on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington, operated by the United States federal government. The site has been known by many names, including Hanford Works, Hanford Engineer Works or HEW, Hanford Nuclear Reservation...

 and Savannah River Site
Savannah River Site
The Savannah River Site is a nuclear reservation in the United States in the state of South Carolina, located on land in Aiken, Allendale and Barnwell Counties adjacent to the Savannah River, southeast of Augusta, Georgia. The site was built during the 1950s to refine nuclear materials for...


Knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences...

 is the process of gathering, analyzing, storing and sharing knowledge and information within an organization or community. The purpose of this process is to improve efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover the knowledge and to promote reuse of the existing knowledge. To prevent the loss of nuclear decommissioning
Nuclear decommissioning
Nuclear decommissioning is the dismantling of a nuclear power plant and decontamination of the site to a state no longer requiring protection from radiation for the general public...

 and deactivation (D&D) knowledge and expertise that has been gained over the years by employees and contractors of the United States Department of Energy
United States Department of Energy
The United States Department of Energy is a Cabinet-level department of the United States government concerned with the United States' policies regarding energy and safety in handling nuclear material...

 (DOE), a knowledge management
Knowledge management
Knowledge management comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences...

system has been created specifically for the D&D community to collect, consolidate, and share the information.

The Need for Knowledge Management

Deactivation and Decommissioning work is a high priority across the DOE Complex. Subject matter specialists associated with the different ALARA (As-Low-As-Reasonably-Achievable) Centers, DOE sites and the D&D community have gained extensive knowledge and experience over the years. To prevent the D&D knowledge and expertise from being lost over time, an approach is needed to capture and maintain this valuable information.

External links

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