Eden: the Deceit
Eden: the Deceit is an award-winning Italian science fantasy
Science fantasy
Science fantasy is a mixed genre within speculative fiction drawing elements from both science fiction and fantasy. Although in some terms of its portrayal in recent media products it can be defined as instead of being a mixed genre of science fiction and fantasy it is instead a mixing of the...

 role playing game by Gabriele Baldassarre and Massimo Basso with rule system written by Mario Raiola. It was first published by the indie publisher 9th Circle Games, after two pre-releases during the 2006 and 2008. In the year 2010 Eden: the Deceit wins the Side Award for the Best Game Mechanics in the Best of Show of the Italian Event 'Lucca Comics and Games
Lucca Comics and Games
Lucca Comics and Games is an annual comic book and gaming convention in Lucca, Italy. It takes place, usually, at the end of October.Launched in 1966, the event grew in importance years after years; but it's only in 2006, for the 40th anniversary, that fair has been moved to the city center: from...


Campaign setting

Eden is an artificial world, created by the last vestiges of an alien race and shaped, through Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, nanotechnology deals with developing materials, devices, or other structures possessing at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometres...

, in image and likeness of their original planet. Long ago, though, the angel, artificial race created for the sole purpose of serving the project, rebelled against their masters, bringing the war on Eden. At the end of the fearful War of Gods, the Creators disappeared, leaving the great experiment unfulfilled and leaving Eden in the care of Angels, that, secretely, kept on manipulating it for their own purposes. The planet has, then, developed toward unexpected directions, departing from the original model.

The Playing Characters are residents of Eden, unaware of the real nature of the world that seems to them very similar to the Earth
Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets...

, in an era similar to the Middle Ages
Middle Ages
The Middle Ages is a periodization of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. The Middle Ages follows the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and precedes the Early Modern Era. It is the middle period of a three-period division of Western history: Classic, Medieval and Modern...

, but full of scary and fantastic apparitions. There are many historical, filosofic, scientific and religious references to human history, but, following such similitudes, the players could find out that the quotations of the setting becomes the core of the setting, around which the most unspeakable secrets of Eden.

Pilasters of the setting, that mixes dark fantasy
Dark fantasy
Dark fantasy is a term used to describe a fantasy story with a pronounced horror element.-Overview:A strict definition for dark fantasy is difficult to pin down. Gertrude Barrows Bennett has been called "the woman who invented dark fantasy". Both Charles L...

 features with science fiction
Science fiction
Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

, philosophy
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational...

 and mysticism
Mysticism is the knowledge of, and especially the personal experience of, states of consciousness, i.e. levels of being, beyond normal human perception, including experience and even communion with a supreme being.-Classical origins:...

, can be seen in the absolute monotheism
Monotheism is the belief in the existence of one and only one god. Monotheism is characteristic of the Baha'i Faith, Christianity, Druzism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Samaritanism, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism.While they profess the existence of only one deity, monotheistic religions may still...

 of every religion followed in the world, which has borught to live in a dogma
Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, or a particular group or organization. It is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted, or diverged from, by the practitioners or believers...

tic world, misleading and obscurantist, in the presence, at least apparently, of a single sentient race, the humans, and overall of the concept of Revelations, which represents the three grades of consciusness of the real nature of the world and the Universe
The Universe is commonly defined as the totality of everything that exists, including all matter and energy, the planets, stars, galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space. Definitions and usage vary and similar terms include the cosmos, the world and nature...

, and of an endless series of intrigues aimed at its control. The Revelations, tightly braided to the Jewish mysticism, symbolizes the rise of the character across the Tree of Life
Tree of Life
The tree of life in the Book of Genesis is a tree planted by God in midst of the Garden of Eden , whose fruit gives everlasting life, i.e. immortality. Together with the tree of life, God planted the tree of the knowledge of good and evil . According to some scholars, however, these are in fact...

, that is the enhacement, highly expensive, of his knowledge about the mysteries of the Cosmos
In the general sense, a cosmos is an orderly or harmonious system. It originates from the Greek term κόσμος , meaning "order" or "ornament" and is antithetical to the concept of chaos. Today, the word is generally used as a synonym of the word Universe . The word cosmos originates from the same root...


The Revelations

  • Assiah
    Assiah is the last of the four spiritual worlds of the Kabbalah—Atziluth, Beri'ah, Yetzirah, 'Asiyah—based on the passage in . According to the Maseket Aẓilut, it is the region where the Ofanim rule and where they promote the hearing of prayers, support human endeavor, and combat evil...

     - The First Revelation
    , where the Playing Characters act mainly in the realm that form the Sacred Empire ruled by the theocracy
    Theocracy is a form of organization in which the official policy is to be governed by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided, or simply pursuant to the doctrine of a particular religious sect or religion....

     of the Church of Presence, among heretical movements
    Heresy is a controversial or novel change to a system of beliefs, especially a religion, that conflicts with established dogma. It is distinct from apostasy, which is the formal denunciation of one's religion, principles or cause, and blasphemy, which is irreverence toward religion...

     and infernal legions
    call - 1347 531 7769 for more infoIn Ancient Near Eastern religions as well as in the Abrahamic traditions, including ancient and medieval Christian demonology, a demon is considered an "unclean spirit" which may cause demonic possession, to be addressed with an act of exorcism...

    . The setting, in this level, presents strong dark fantasy
    Dark fantasy
    Dark fantasy is a term used to describe a fantasy story with a pronounced horror element.-Overview:A strict definition for dark fantasy is difficult to pin down. Gertrude Barrows Bennett has been called "the woman who invented dark fantasy". Both Charles L...

     features, with situations and storic contents similar to the European middle ages
    Middle Ages
    The Middle Ages is a periodization of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. The Middle Ages follows the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 and precedes the Early Modern Era. It is the middle period of a three-period division of Western history: Classic, Medieval and Modern...

    , but soaked of fantastic and supernatural elements. Many adventures will orbit around the Church, that, through its Orders (in which figures the Inquisition
    The Inquisition, Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis , was the "fight against heretics" by several institutions within the justice-system of the Roman Catholic Church. It started in the 12th century, with the introduction of torture in the persecution of heresy...

     and the templar Order
    Knights Templar
    The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon , commonly known as the Knights Templar, the Order of the Temple or simply as Templars, were among the most famous of the Western Christian military orders...

    ), influences heavily the society. Above all the situations experienced by the characters, though, hovers the shadow of doubt, that drives them to seek the truth about the unexplainable events that involves them.
  • Yetsirah - The Second Revelation, where the Playing Characters, once discovered the artificial nature of the planet and the science that supports it, will take part in the matter involving Angels. Those ones, because of the technology and the skill at their service, in the First Revelation were seen as supernatural beings, while now are revealed as earthly creatures with an enormous influence, fighting each other for the control of the planet. Again, the PC will be able to oppose or support complex and subtles dynamics involving the various angelic generations, or concur for personal goals using the acquired knowledge, that collocates them above the ignoring people of Eden. The Second Revelation presents heavy hints of no gender science fiction
    Science fiction
    Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

  • Asilut - The Third Revelation, which influence impends creepingly, in which the PC will reach the consciousness that the angelic war was part of a bigger and more comlex intrigue, which involves the whole Universe. The characters, entering in this new game scheme, will understand that the adventures and the goals of the previous Revelations are completely futiles. The Third Revelation presents, then, strong roots in the speculative science fiction
    Science fiction
    Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, aliens, and paranormal abilities...

     and in metaphysics
    Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world, although the term is not easily defined. Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms:...

     and often trespasses in purely mystical fields as Kabbalah
    Kabbalah/Kabala is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the esoteric aspect of Rabbinic Judaism. It was systematized in 11th-13th century Hachmei Provence and Spain, and again after the Expulsion from Spain, in 16th century Ottoman Palestine...

     and Hermeticism
    Hermeticism or the Western Hermetic Tradition is a set of philosophical and religious beliefs based primarily upon the pseudepigraphical writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus...

    , introducing in the game a new component of investigation.


The setting is based, for the gameplay, on the Genesis System, where each action is tested by a throw of percentile die, which is then compared with one of the skills reported on the character sheet, and to which the Dungeon Master
Dungeon Master
In the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the Dungeon Master is the game organizer and participant in charge of creating the details and challenges of a given adventure, while maintaining a realistic continuity of events...

 (called Megistus) may give bonus or malus depending on the circumstances.

The rule is strongly integrated into the setting due to a clear and recognizable aesthetic, linked to the Jewish Kabbalah
Kabbalah/Kabala is a discipline and school of thought concerned with the esoteric aspect of Rabbinic Judaism. It was systematized in 11th-13th century Hachmei Provence and Spain, and again after the Expulsion from Spain, in 16th century Ottoman Palestine...

. In particular, the structure of the character sheet and some of the game terminology are freely inspired by the Sephiroth Tree. It is indeed used also as the basis of the character sheet and stands, in game terms, for the path taken by them to access the higher Revelations: increasing of individual characteristics, called Sefirah and placed at the intersection of the branches of the Tree, corresponds to the acquisition of bonuses and special abilities, which distinguish the PC from the common Edenites.

In Genesis there is no predetermined classes, but each player can build their character by distributing a certain number of points between the basic characteristics, from which is determined the principal values of the PG, and some additional score, to be distributed between skills and virtues.

A highly distinctive element is the Archetype
An archetype is a universally understood symbol or term or pattern of behavior, a prototype upon which others are copied, patterned, or emulated...

, a kind of keyword that indicates what system of values does the character have, and what is his way of relating to the world. This element of characterization is closely related to the characteristics of play, through some simple rules that govern the relationship between numerical values and interpretative aspects. Even in this case, the manual provides guidelines but allows players a high level of customization.

The Will
Will (philosophy)
Will, in philosophical discussions, consonant with a common English usage, refers to a property of the mind, and an attribute of acts intentionally performed. Actions made according to a person's will are called "willing" or "voluntary" and sometimes pejoratively "willful"...

 is one of the other distinctive elements of the rule system, as it helps bringing in the gameplay some factors generally relegated to the narrative sphere, such as fatigue and motivation, without recurring to complex equipment of simulation rules. It represents the level of psycho-physical fatigue of the character, and decreases as a result of losses or traumatic events, to be then recovered with rest and through personal achievements. In game terms, it can be used to get bonuses on the tests or to use the mystical powers; it also determines the responsiveness of the character. Players will therefore be compelled to take account of fatigue of their characters, creating realistic situations and providing more pathos
Pathos represents an appeal to the audience's emotions. Pathos is a communication technique used most often in rhetoric , and in literature, film and other narrative art....

 in the circumstances of strong stress
Stress (biology)
Stress is a term in psychology and biology, borrowed from physics and engineering and first used in the biological context in the 1930s, which has in more recent decades become commonly used in popular parlance...


Another characterizing element of the rules, with a direct impact on the character sheet, is the characteristic called Malkuth
Shekinah is the English spelling of a grammatically feminine Hebrew word that means the dwelling or settling, and is used to denote the dwelling or settling divine presence of God, especially in the Temple in Jerusalem.-Etymology:Shekinah is derived...

, which has a particular role, as it stands for the level of comprehension of the secrets of Eden. Malkuth grows as the character learns the reality of the world he acts in and comprehends its mechanics, and such a growth brings different changes in the game, as:
  • Unlocking the chanche to increase the characteristics to higher values, obtaining particular bonuses as the repetition of tests or automatic successes;
  • Increasing the value of the capacity of Doubt, which allows the player to guess the nature of science or science fiction elements that lie behind many mystical events.

Through Malkuth is possible to progressively pass from a fantasy vision to a vision of the setting which is at first science fiction, and then metaphysical, following on the side of the game mechanics, the same path that, in terms of setting, is drawn from the Revelations.

In this context, all creatures, arcane objects and mystical powers have a double description: a mystical or fantastic one, to reflect the common beliefs about Eden, and a materialistic one, to describe the science fiction foundation that can be understood by people who access to the higher Revelations.


  • 2006 Eden: Suggestioni - preliminar sketchbook
    A sketchbook is "a book or pad with blank pages for sketching," and is frequently used by artists for drawing or painting as a part of their creative process....

     (w/b and colours, free sheets, 16 pg., italian)
  • 2008 Eden: l'Inganno - quick start book (w/b, spillato, 16 pag., italian)
  • 2010 Eden: l'Inganno - core book (w/b and colours, hardback and ebook, 194 pag., italian)
  • 2010 Eden: l'Inganno - megistus' screen (colours, italian)

External links

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