List of Canadian plants by family PQ
Main page: List of Canadian plants by family
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Pallaviciniaceae is a widely-distributed family of liverworts in the order Metzgeriales. All species are thallose, typically organized as a thick central costa , each side with a broad wing of tissue one cell in thickness. All species are dioicous...


  • Moerckia blyttii
  • Moerckia hibernica

  • Pallavicinia lyellii — pallavicinia

Papaveraceae, informally known as the poppy family, are an economically important family of 44 genera and approximately 770 species of flowering plants in the order Ranunculales. The family is cosmopolitan, occurring in temperate and subtropical climates, but almost unknown in the tropics...


  • Meconella oregana — white meconella
  • Papaver alboroseum — pale poppy
  • Papaver alpinum
    Papaver alpinum
    Papaver alpinum, the Alpine poppy, is a poppy found in the Alps.This species includes several sub-species, four of which are found in Austria.-Features:...

    — dwarf poppy
  • Papaver dahlianum — polar poppy
  • Papaver gorodkovii — Russian poppy
  • Papaver lapponicum — Lapland poppy
  • Papaver macounii — Macoun's poppy

  • Papaver mcconnellii — McConnell's poppy
  • Papaver nudicaule — Icelandic poppy
  • Papaver pygmaeum — alpine glacier poppy
  • Papaver radicatum
    Papaver radicatum
    Papaver radicatum is a plant species of the genus Papaver. The species grows at a latitude of 83°40'N on Kaffeklubben Island, making it the northern most growing plant in the world.This poppy appears on the Coat of arms of Nunavut.-See also:*Svalbard poppy,...

    — Arctic poppy
  • Papaver walpolei — Walpole's poppy
  • Sanguinaria canadensis — bloodroot
  • Stylophorum diphyllum — celandine poppy

Pelliaceae is a family of liverworts with only two genera: Pellia and Noteroclada . The two genera are easily distinguished, not only because they occur in completely separate regions of the world, but because Noteroclada has a leafy appearance, while Pellia is more clearly thallose....


  • Pellia endiviifolia
  • Pellia epiphylla
    Pellia epiphylla
    Pellia epiphylla is a species of thallose liverwort. It occurs in North America, Europe, North Africa and parts of Asia. It grows in patches in damp, sheltered places on neutral or acidic substrates...

    — common pellia

  • Pellia neesiana

Pinaceae are trees or shrubs, including many of the well-known conifers of commercial importance such as cedars, firs, hemlocks, larches, pines and spruces. The family is included in the order Pinales, formerly known as Coniferales. Pinaceae are supported as monophyletic by its protein-type sieve...


  • Abies amabilis — Pacific silver fir
  • Abies balsamea — balsam fir
  • Abies grandis — grand fir
  • Abies lasiocarpa — subalpine fir
  • Abies x phanerolepis
  • Larix laricina — tamarack
  • Larix lyallii — subalpine larch
  • Larix occidentalis — western larch
  • Picea engelmannii — Engelmann's spruce
  • Picea glauca — white spruce
  • Picea mariana — black spruce
  • Picea rubens — red spruce
  • Picea sitchensis — Sitka spruce
  • Picea x lutzii
  • Pinus albicaulis — whitebark pine

  • Pinus banksiana — jack pine
  • Pinus contorta — lodgepole pine
  • Pinus flexilis — limber pine
  • Pinus monticola — western white pine
  • Pinus ponderosa — ponderosa pine
  • Pinus resinosa — red pine
  • Pinus rigida — pitch pine
  • Pinus strobus — eastern white pine
  • Pinus x murraybanksiana
  • Pseudotsuga menziesii — Douglas-fir
  • Tsuga canadensis — eastern hemlock
  • Tsuga heterophylla — western hemlock
  • Tsuga mertensiana — mountain hemlock

Plagiochilaceae is a family of liverworts in order Jungermanniales. There may be anywhere from 500 to 1300 species, most of them from the tropics, but the exact number is still under revision. The family also has a wide distribution in temperate and arctic areas....


  • Pedinophyllum interruptum
  • Plagiochila arctica
  • Plagiochila asplenioides
  • Plagiochila austinii

  • Plagiochila porelloides
  • Plagiochila satoi
  • Plagiochila schoefieldiana
  • Plagiochila semidecurrens


  • Plagiothecium berggrenianum
  • Plagiothecium cavifolium
  • Plagiothecium denticulatum
  • Plagiothecium laetum

  • Plagiothecium latebricola — lurking leskea
  • Plagiothecium piliferum
  • Plagiothecium undulatum

Plantaginaceae Juss. or plantain family, are a family of flowering plants in the order Lamiales. The type genus is Plantago L..In older classifications it used to be the only family of the order Plantaginales, but numerous phylogenetic studies, summarized by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, have...


  • Littorella
    Littorella is a genus of two to three species of aquatic plants. Many plants live their entire lives submersed, and reproduce by stolons, but some are only underwater for part of the year, and flower when they are not underwater.- Classification :...

    — American shoregrass
  • Plantago bigelovii — Bigelow's plantain
  • Plantago canescens — hairy plantain
  • Plantago cordata — heartleaf plantain
  • Plantago elongata
    Plantago elongata
    Plantago elongata is a species of plantain known by the common names prairie plantain and slender plantain. It is native to much of western North America, from British Columbia to California and as far east as Minnesota. It grows in wet habitat, such as vernal pools and wet meadows, including areas...

    — slender plantain
  • Plantago eriopoda
    Plantago eriopoda
    Plantago eriopoda is a species of plantain known by the common name redwool plantain. It is native to much of western and central North America from Alaska to the southwestern United States to the Great Lakes region, where it can be found in moist and wet habitat types, sometimes in alkaline soils...

    — saline plantain

  • Plantago macrocarpa — Alaska plantain
  • Plantago maritima
    Plantago maritima
    Plantago maritima is a species of Plantago, family Plantaginaceae. It has a subcosmopolitan distribution in temperate and Arctic regions, native to most of Europe, northwest Africa, northern and central Asia, northern North America, and southern South America...

    — seaside plantain
  • Plantago patagonica
    Plantago patagonica
    Plantago patagonica is a species of plantain known by the common name woolly plantain. It is native to much of North America, including the southern half of Canada, the western and central United States, and northern Mexico, and parts of southern South America. It grows in many types of habitat,...

    — woolly plantain
  • Plantago rugelii
    Plantago rugelii
    Plantago rugelii is a 3-12 inch tall perennial in the Plantain family...

    — blackseed plantain
  • Plantago tweedyi — Tweedy's plantain

Plumbaginaceae is a family of flowering plants, with a cosmopolitan distribution. The family is sometimes referred to as the leadwort family or the plumbago family....


  • Armeria maritima
    Armeria maritima
    Armeria maritima is the botanical name for a species of flowering plant.It is a popular garden flower, known by several common names, including thrift, sea thrift, and sea pink. The plant has been distributed worldwide as a garden and cut flower...

    — western thrift

  • Limonium carolinianum — sea-lavender

The Poaceae is a large and nearly ubiquitous family of flowering plants. Members of this family are commonly called grasses, although the term "grass" is also applied to plants that are not in the Poaceae lineage, including the rushes and sedges...


  • Achnatherum hymenoides — Indian mountain-ricegrass
  • Achnatherum lemmonii — Lemmon's needlegrass
  • Achnatherum nelsonii — Nelson's needlegrass
  • Achnatherum occidentale
    Achnatherum occidentale
    Achnatherum occidentale is a species of grass known by the common name western needlegrass. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in many types of habitat. This is a tufting perennial bunchgrass forming tight clumps of erect stems up...

    — western needlegrass
  • Achnatherum richardsonii — Canada mountain-ricegrass
  • Agrostis aequivalvis — northern bentgrass
  • Agrostis alascana — Alaska bentgrass
  • Agrostis clavata — clubbed bentgrass
  • Agrostis diegoensis — leafy bentgrass
  • Agrostis exarata
    Agrostis exarata
    Agrostis exarata is a species of grass known by the common names Pacific bentgrass, spike bentgrass, and spike redtop. It is native to western North America from Texas to the Aleutian Islands....

    — spike bentgrass
  • Agrostis geminata — hairgrass
  • Agrostis humilis — mountain bentgrass
  • Agrostis hyemalis — winter bentgrass
  • Agrostis idahoensis
    Agrostis idahoensis
    Agrostis idahoensis is a species of grass known by the common name Idaho bent grass. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Colorado, where it grows in several habitat types.-Description:...

    — Idaho bentgrass
  • Agrostis mertensii — Arctic bentgrass
  • Agrostis microphylla
    Agrostis microphylla
    Agrostis microphylla is a species of grass known by the common name small-leaf bentgrass. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Baja California, where it grows along coastal cliffs, on serpentine mountain slopes, and in vernal pools.-Description:This is a winter-flowering...

    — small-leaf bentgrass
  • Agrostis oregonensis
    Agrostis oregonensis
    Agrostis oregonensis is a species of grass known by the common name Oregon bent grass. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Wyoming, where it grows in several habitat types.-Description:...

    — Oregon bentgrass
  • Agrostis pallens
    Agrostis pallens
    Agrostis pallens is a species of grass known by the common name seashore bent grass. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Montana to California, where it grows in many types of habitat.-Description:...

    — seashore bentgrass
  • Agrostis perennans
    Agrostis perennans
    Agrostis perennans is species of grass in the Poaceae family.-Description:...

    — perennial bentgrass
  • Agrostis scabra
    Agrostis scabra
    Agrostis scabra is a common species of grass known by the common names rough bent grass and ticklegrass. A tumbleweed, it is native to much of North America, and widely known elsewhere as an introduced species. It occurs in most of the United States except parts of the Southeast and most of...

    — rough bentgrass
  • Agrostis stolonifera
    Agrostis stolonifera
    Agrostis stolonifera is a perennial grass species in the Poaceae family. It is stoloniferous and may form mats or tufts...

    — creeping bentgrass
  • Agrostis thurberiana — Thurber's bentgrass
  • Agrostis variabilis — variable bentgrass
  • Alopecurus aequalis
    Alopecurus aequalis
    Alopecurus aequalis is a common species of grass known by the common name shortawn foxtail.It is native to much of the temperate Northern Hemisphere from Eurasia to North America, where it can be found in many types of habitat.-Description:...

    — shortawn foxtail
  • Alopecurus alpinus — mountain foxtail
  • Alopecurus carolinianus
    Alopecurus carolinianus
    Alopecurus carolinianus is a species of grass known by the common names Carolina foxtail and tufted foxtail.It is native to much of North America, including most of the United States and western Canada. It may be an introduced species in many areas, however...

    — tufted foxtail
  • Ammophila breviligulata
    Ammophila breviligulata
    Ammophila breviligulata is a species of grass that is native to eastern North America, where it grows on sand dunes along the Atlantic Ocean and Great Lakes coasts...

    — American beachgrass
  • Andropogon gerardii — big bluestem
  • Andropogon hallii
    Andropogon hallii
    Andropogon hallii is a sod forming perennial species in the grass family . It is a bunchgrass which grows in tufts and can reach 7 feet in height under favorable conditions.Sand bluestem is native to North America...

    — sand bluestem
  • Andropogon virginicus
    Andropogon virginicus
    Andropogon virginicus is a species of grass known by several common names, including broomsedge bluestem and yellowsedge bluestem. It is native to the southeastern United States and as far north as the Great Lakes. It is known as an introduced species in California and Hawaii, where it is...

    — common broom-sedge
  • Arctagrostis latifolia — broadleaf arctagrostis
  • Arctophila fulva — pendant-grass
  • Aristida basiramea — forked three-awn grass
  • Aristida dichotoma — Shinner's three-awn grass
  • Aristida longespica — slimspike three-awn grass
  • Aristida purpurascens — purple needlegrass
  • Aristida purpurea
    Aristida purpurea
    Aristida purpurea is a species of grass native to North America which is known by the common name purple three-awn. This grass is fairly widespread and can be found across the western two thirds of the United States, much of southern Canada and parts of northern Mexico...

    — purple three-awn grass
  • Beckmannia syzigachne
    Beckmannia syzigachne
    Beckmannia syzigachne, American sloughgrass, slough grass, is an annual or short lived perennial bunchgrass in the Poaceae family found in shallow marshes or sloughs....

    — American sloughgrass
  • Bouteloua curtipendula — side-oats gramma
  • Bouteloua gracilis — blue gramma
  • Bouteloua hirsuta
    Bouteloua hirsuta
    Bouteloua hirsuta, commonly known as Hairy grama, is a perennial short prairie grass that is native throughout much of North America, including the Great Plains and Canadian Prairies region, as well as Mexico and Guatemala.-Description:...

    — hairy gramma
  • Brachyelytrum erectum — bearded shorthusk
  • Brachyelytrum septentrionale — northern shorthusk
  • Bromus anomalus — nodding brome
  • Bromus carinatus
    Bromus carinatus
    Bromus carinatus is a species of brome grass known by the common names California brome and mountain brome.It is native to western North America from Alaska to northern Mexico, where it can be found in many types of habitat...

    — California brome
  • Bromus ciliatus
    Bromus ciliatus
    Bromus ciliatus is a species of brome grass known by the common name fringed brome.It is native to most of North America, including most of Canada, most of the United States except for some portions of the South, and northern Mexico. It is a plant of many habitats, including temperate coniferous...

    — fringed brome
  • Bromus inermis
    Bromus inermis
    Bromus inermis is a species of the true grass family . This bunchgrass is native to Europe- Common names :* Arctic brome – English [Bromus inermis subsp. pumpellianus]* Austrian bromegrass – English [Bromus inermis subsp. inermis]...

    — awnless brome
  • Bromus kalmii
    Bromus kalmii
    Bromus kalmii, Arctic brome and Prairie brome, is a species of brome grass. It is a native bunchgrass in the North-central and Northeastern United States, the Great Lakes region, and eastern Canada.-External links:**...

    — wild chess
  • Bromus latiglumis — broad-glumed brome
  • Bromus nottowayanus — Nottoway brome
  • Bromus pacificus — Pacific brome
  • Bromus porteri — Porter's chess
  • Bromus pubescens — hairy wood brome
  • Bromus sitchensis — Alaska brome
  • Bromus vulgaris
    Bromus vulgaris
    Bromus vulgaris is a species of brome grass known by the common name Columbia brome.It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Wyoming, where it grows in many types of habitat, including temperate coniferous forest. It is a perennial grass which may reach 1.1...

    — narrow-flowered brome
  • Buchloe dactyloides — buffalo grass
  • Calamagrostis canadensis
    Calamagrostis canadensis
    Calamagrostis canadensis is a species of grass, having three or more varieties, in the Poaceae family. It is known variously by the common names of Bluejoint, Bluejoint reedgrass, Marsh reedgrass, Canadian reedgrass, Meadow pinegrass, and Marsh pinegrass.-Varieties:Calamagrostis canadensis takes...

    — bluejoint reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis coarctata — Nuttall's reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis deschampsioides — circumpolar small-reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis holmii — Holm's small-reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis lapponica — Lapland reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis montanensis — plains reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis nutkaensis
    Calamagrostis nutkaensis
    Calamagrostis nutkaensis is a species of grass known by the common names Pacific reedgrass and Nootka reedgrass.It is native to western North America from Alaska to central California, where it is mainly a coastal species growing in moist areas such as beaches and wetlands. This is a perennial...

    — Pacific small-reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis pickeringii — Pickering's reed bentgrass
  • Calamagrostis purpurascens — purple reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis rubescens
    Calamagrostis rubescens
    Calamagrostis rubescens is a species of grass known by the common name pinegrass.It is native to western North America, including Canada from British Columbia to Manitoba and the United States from California to Colorado...

    — pine reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis sesquiflora — one-and-a-half-flower small-reedgrass
  • Calamagrostis stricta
    Calamagrostis stricta
    Calamagrostis stricta, Slim-stem Reed Grass, Koeler is a species of bunch grass in the Poaceae family.Calamagrostis stricta is native to wetlands of the Holarctic Kingdom....

    — slimstem small-reedgrass
  • Calamovilfa longifolia — sand reedgrass
  • Catabrosa aquatica — brook grass
  • Cenchrus longispinus
    Cenchrus longispinus
    Cenchrus longispinus is a species of grass, also known as Spiny Burr Grass or Gentle Annie. Its burrs produce sharp, barbed spines that can penetrate the hides and mouth of grazing animals....

    — longspine sandbur
  • Chasmanthium latifolium
    Chasmanthium latifolium
    Chasmanthium latifolium, known as Woodoats, Inland sea oats, Northern sea oats, and River oats is a grass native to the southeastern United States and northeastern Mexico; it grows as far north as Pennsylvania and Michigan, where it is a threatened species...

    — Indian sea-oats
  • Cinna arundinacea — stout wood reedgrass
  • Cinna latifolia
    Cinna latifolia
    Cinna latifolia is a species of grass known by the common name drooping woodreed. It is a native bunchgrass to the Northern Hemisphere, where it has a circumboreal distribution. It grows in moist habitat, such as forest understory and riverbanks. It reaches nearly two meters in maximum height...

    — slender wood reedgrass
  • Coleanthus subtilis — moss grass
  • Danthonia californica
    Danthonia californica
    Danthonia californica is a species of grass known by the common name California oatgrass. This plant is native to two separate regions of the Americas, western North America from California to Saskatchewan, and Chile.-Description:...

    — California oatgrass
  • Danthonia compressa — flattened oatgrass
  • Danthonia intermedia
    Danthonia intermedia
    Danthonia intermedia is a species of grass known by the common names timber oatgrass and intermediate oatgrass. This clumping erect perennial grass is native to North America, where it is widespread across most of Canada and along the western United States into California...

    — Vasey's oatgrass
  • Danthonia parryi — Parry's oatgrass
  • Danthonia spicata — poverty oatgrass
  • Danthonia unispicata
    Danthonia unispicata
    Danthonia unispicata is a species of grass known by the common name onespike oatgrass, or onespike danthonia.It is sometimes treated as a variety of Danthonia californica, to which it is similar...

    — few-flowered oatgrass
  • Deschampsia alpina — alpine hairgrass
  • Deschampsia beringensis — Bering hairgrass
  • Deschampsia brevifolia — shortleaf hairgrass
  • Deschampsia caespitosa — tufted hairgrass
  • Deschampsia danthonioides
    Deschampsia danthonioides
    Deschampsia danthonioides is a species of grass known by the common name annual hairgrass. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Baja California, and southern South America in Chile and Argentina....

    — annual hairgrass
  • Deschampsia elongata
    Deschampsia elongata
    Deschampsia elongata is a species of grass known by the common name slender hairgrass. It is native to western North America from Alaska to Wyoming to northern Mexico, and South America in Chile. It grows at all elevations, often in moist areas. It is a perennial grass forming dense clumps...

    — slender hairgrass
  • Deschampsia flexuosa
    Deschampsia flexuosa
    -Introduction:Deschampsia flexuosa Trin. or Wavy Hair-grass is a species of bunchgrass in the Poaceae family with a Holarctic distribution.-Habitat and distribution:...

    — wavy hairgrass
  • Deschampsia holciformis — Pacific hairgrass
  • Deschampsia mackenzieana — MacKenzie's hairgrass
  • Diarrhena americana
    Diarrhena americana
    Diarrhena americana, also known as American beak grass or American beakgrain, is a native, perennial grass of North America,, where it grows in rich, moist woodlands from Missouri to Maryland and south to Oklahoma and Alabama. It is considered to be threatened in Michigan, and is listed as...

    — American beakgrain
  • Diarrhena obovata — beak grass
  • Dichanthelium acuminatum
    Dichanthelium acuminatum
    Dichanthelium acuminatum is a species of grass from the genus Dichanthelium, in North America.D. acuminatum forms a hybridization complex with other Dichanthelium species such as D. dichotomum, D. sphaerocarpon, D. ovale, and D. aciculare....

    — tapered rosette grass
  • Dichanthelium boreale — northern witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium boscii — Bosc's witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium clandestinum — deer-tongue witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium depauperatum — starved witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium dichotomum — cypress witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium latifolium — broadleaf witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium leibergii — Leiberg's rosette grass
  • Dichanthelium leucothrix — roughish witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium linearifolium — slimleaf witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium longiligulatum — coastal plain witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium meridionale — matting witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium oligosanthes — Heller's witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium ovale — egg-leaf witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium sabulorum — hemlock witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium scabriusculum — woolly witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon — roundfruit panicgrass
  • Dichanthelium spretum — Eaton's witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium villosissimum — whitehair witchgrass
  • Dichanthelium wilcoxianum — Wilcox' panicgrass
  • Dichanthelium xanthophysum — slender dichanthelium
  • Digitaria cognata — mountain hairgrass
  • Distichlis spicata — seashore saltgrass
  • Dupontia fisheri — Fisher's dupontia
  • Echinochloa muricata
    Echinochloa muricata
    Echinochloa muricata is a species of grass known by the common names rough barnyard grass and American barnyard grass. It is native to Eurasia and much of North America. It is an annual grass growing one half to one meter in height....

    — rough barnyard grass
  • Echinochloa walteri — Walter's barnyard grass
  • Elymus alaskanus — Alaska wild rye
  • Elymus albicans — Montana wild rye
  • Elymus calderi — Calder's wild rye
  • Elymus canadensis
    Elymus canadensis
    Elymus canadensis is a species of wild rye known by the common name Canada wild rye. This grass is native to much of North America, being most abundant in the central plains and Great Plains...

    — nodding wild rye
  • Elymus diversiglumis — interrupted wild rye
  • Elymus elymoides
    Elymus elymoides
    Elymus elymoides is a species of wild rye known by the common name squirreltail. This grass is native to most of North America west of the Mississippi River. It occurs in a number of ecosystems, from alpine forest to desert sage scrub to valley grassland.-Description:Elymus elymoides is a perennial...

    — bottlebrush squirrel-tail
  • Elymus glaucus
    Elymus glaucus
    Elymus glaucus is a species of wild rye known by the common name blue wild rye. This grass is native to North America from Alaska to New York to northern Mexico...

    — smooth wild rye
  • Elymus hirsutus — boreal wild rye
  • Elymus hystrix
    Elymus hystrix
    Elymus hystrix is a bunchgrass in the grass family, Poaceae.-Description:Elymus hystrix is a herbaceous plant with alternate, simple leaves, on erect stems. The flowers are white, borne in spring....

    — bottlebrush grass
  • Elymus lanceolatus — streamside wild rye
  • Elymus macrourus — thickspike wild rye
  • Elymus riparius — river wild rye
  • Elymus scribneri
    Elymus scribneri
    Elymus scribneri is a species of wild rye known by the common names spreading wheatgrass and Scribner's wheatgrass. It is native to much of the western United States and parts of central Canada where it grows in several types of habitat including alpine mountain peaks.-Description:Elymus scribneri...

    — Scribner's wild rye
  • Elymus sibiricus — Siberian wild rye
  • Elymus submuticus — wild rye
  • Elymus trachycaulus
    Elymus trachycaulus
    Elymus trachycaulus is a species of wild rye known by the common name slender wheatgrass. It is native to much of North America, where it grows in widely varied habitats from northern Canada to Mexico....

    — slender wild rye
  • Elymus villosus — hairy wild rye
  • Elymus virginicus
    Elymus virginicus
    Elymus virginicus, or Virginia wildrye, is a perennial bunchgrass located in Virginia and the eastern United States....

    — Virginia wild rye
  • Elymus vulpinus — Rydberg's wild rye
  • Elymus wiegandii — Wiegand's wild rye
  • Elymus x dorei — Dore's wild rye
  • Elymus x ebingeri — Ebinger's wild rye
  • Elymus x hansenii — Hansen's wild rye
  • Elymus x maltei — Malte's wild rye
  • Elymus x mossii — Moss' wild rye
  • Elymus x palmerensis — Palmer's wild rye
  • Elymus x pseudorepens — quackgrass
  • Eragrostis capillaris — tiny lovegrass
  • Eragrostis frankii — Frank's lovegrass
  • Eragrostis hypnoides
    Eragrostis hypnoides
    Eragrostis hypnoides is a species of grass known by the common name teal lovegrass. It is native to the Americas from Canada to Argentina...

    — teal lovegrass
  • Eragrostis pectinacea
    Eragrostis pectinacea
    Eragrostis pectinacea is a species of grass known by the common name Tufted lovegrass. This plant is native to the Americas from Canada to Argentina...

    — purple lovegrass
  • Eragrostis spectabilis — purple lovegrass
  • Festuca altaica — rough fescue
  • Festuca baffinensis — Baffin fescue
  • Festuca brachyphylla — shortleaf fescue
  • Festuca brevissima — Alaska fescue
  • Festuca campestris — blue rough fescue
  • Festuca edlundiae — Arctic festuca
  • Festuca frederikseniae — North Atlantic fescue
  • Festuca hallii — Hall's rough fescue
  • Festuca heteromalla — spreading fescue
  • Festuca hyperborea — boreal fescue
  • Festuca idahoensis
    Festuca idahoensis
    Festuca idahoensis is a species of grass known by the common names Idaho fescue and blue bunchgrass. It is native to western North America, where it is widespread and common...

    — Idaho fescue
  • Festuca lenensis — tundra fescue
  • Festuca minutiflora — smallflower fescue
  • Festuca occidentalis
    Festuca occidentalis
    Festuca occidentalis is a species of grass known by the common name western fescue. It is native to much of the northern half of North America and is most widely distributed in the west. It is most often found in forest and woodland habitat....

    — western fescue
  • Festuca richardsonii — Richardson's fescue
  • Festuca rubra
    Festuca rubra
    Festuca rubra is a species of grass known by the common name red fescue. It is found worldwide and can tolerate many habitats and climates; it generally needs full sun to thrive...

    — red fescue
  • Festuca saximontana — Rocky Mountain fescue
  • Festuca subulata
    Festuca subulata
    Festuca subulata is a species of grass known by the common names bearded fescue and nodding fescue. It is native to the northwestern quarter of North America, from Alaska to South Dakota to northern California, where it is most often found in moist mountain forests.This fescue is a loosely clumping...

    — nodding fescue
  • Festuca subuliflora
    Festuca subuliflora
    Festuca subuliflora is a species of grass known by the common name crinkleawn fescue. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California where it is most abundant in the moist forests of the coastal mountains....

    — crinkle-awn fescue
  • Festuca subverticillata — nodding fescue
  • Festuca viridula
    Festuca viridula
    Festuca viridula is a species of grass known by several common names, including green fescue, greenleaf fescue, and mountain bunchgrass...

    — mountain fescue
  • Festuca viviparoidea — northern fescue
  • Glyceria borealis
    Glyceria borealis
    Glyceria borealis is a species of mannagrass known by the common names northern mannagrass, boreal mannagrass, and small floating mannagrass. It is native to much of the northern half of North America, where it has a widespread distribution...

    — small floating mannagrass
  • Glyceria canadensis — Canada mannagrass
  • Glyceria elata — tall mannagrass
  • Glyceria grandis
    Glyceria grandis
    Glyceria grandis is a species of mannagrass known by the common name American mannagrass. It is native to Canada and the United States, where it is widespread in distribution. It is most commonly found in wet areas such as riverbanks and ponds. This is a rhizomatous perennial grass bearing thin...

    — American mannagrass
  • Glyceria laxa — northern mannagrass
  • Glyceria leptostachya
    Glyceria leptostachya
    Glyceria leptostachya is a species of mannagrass known by the common names davy mannagrass and narrow mannagrass. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California, where it grows in wet places such as riverbanks....

    — slimhead mannagrass
  • Glyceria melicaria — slender mannagrass
  • Glyceria obtusa — blunt mannagrass

  • Glyceria occidentalis — northwestern mannagrass
  • Glyceria pulchella — MacKenzie Valley mannagrass
  • Glyceria septentrionalis — floating mannagrass
  • Glyceria striata
    Glyceria striata
    Glyceria striata is a species of mannagrass known by the common names fowl mannagrass and ridged glyceria. It is native to much of North America, from Alaska and northern Canada to northern Mexico....

    — fowl mannagrass
  • Glyceria x gatineauensis — Gatineau mannagrass
  • Helictotrichon hookeri — spike-oat
  • Hesperostipa comata
    Hesperostipa comata
    Hesperostipa comata, commonly known as needle-and-thread grass, is a species of grass native to North America, especially the western third. It has a wide distribution spanning from northern Canada to Mexico.-Description:...

    — needle-and-thread
  • Hesperostipa curtiseta — western porcupine grass
  • Hesperostipa spartea — porcupine needlegrass
  • Hierochloe alpina — alpine sweet grass
  • Hierochloe hirta — northern sweet grass
  • Hierochloe odorata — vanilla grass
  • Hierochloe pauciflora — Arctic sweet grass
  • Hordeum brachyantherum
    Hordeum brachyantherum
    Hordeum brachyantherum, known by the common name Meadow barley, is a species of barley. It is native to western North America from Alaska to northern Mexico, coastal areas of eastern-most Russia , and a small area of coastal Newfoundland....

    — meadow barley
  • Hordeum jubatum
    Hordeum jubatum
    Hordeum jubatum is a perennials plant species in the grass family Poaceae. It occurs wild mainly in northern North America and adjacent northeastern Siberia. However, as it escaped often from gardens it can be found worldwide in areas with temperate to warm climates, and is considered a weed in...

    — foxtail barley
  • Hordeum pusillum
    Hordeum pusillum
    Hordeum pusillum or little barley is a diploid-type species of the Poaceae family of grasses. H. pusillum, native to the United States except the westernmost parts, originated via multiple long-distance dispersals of a southern South American species of Hordeum to North America about 1 million...

    — little barley
  • Koeleria asiatica — Oriental junegrass
  • Koeleria macrantha
    Koeleria macrantha
    Koeleria macrantha is a species of grass known by the common name prairie Junegrass. In the UK it is known as Crested hair-grass. It is native to much of North America, from Alaska to California, from northern Mexico to the Eastern United States...

    — prairie junegrass
  • Leersia oryzoides
    Leersia oryzoides
    Leersia oryzoides is a species of grass known by the common name rice cutgrass. It is a widespread grass native to Europe, Asia, and North America and present in many other regions, such as Australia, as an introduced species. This is a rhizomatous perennial grass growing to a maximum height...

    — rice cutgrass
  • Leersia virginica
    Leersia virginica
    Leersia virginica, commonly known as whitegrass, white cutgrass, or Virginian cutgrass, is a perennial grass that is native to eastern North America, typically found in partially shaded low-lying wet areas....

    — Virginia cutgrass
  • Leymus cinereus
    Leymus cinereus
    Leymus cinereus is a species of wild rye known by the common names basin wild rye and giant wild rye. It is a common native grass of western North America, including western Canada and the United States from California to South Dakota and Minnesota...

    — Great Basin lyme grass
  • Leymus innovatus — northwestern wildrye
  • Leymus mollis — sea lyme grass
  • Leymus triticoides
    Leymus triticoides
    Leymus triticoides, with the common names Creeping wild rye and Beardless wild rye, is a species of wild rye. It is native to western North America from British Columbia, in California, to Texas.-Habitat:...

    — beardless lyme grass
  • Leymus x vancouverensis — Vancouver Island lyme grass
  • Melica bulbosa
    Melica bulbosa
    Melica bulbosa is a species of grass known by the common name oniongrass. The common name comes from the onionlike appearance of the corm at its root; it is not related to the onions. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to the Rocky Mountains to California...

    — western melicgrass
  • Melica fugax
    Melica fugax
    Melica fugax is a species of grass known by the common names little oniongrass and little melic. It is native to western North America where it usually grows in volcanic soils in forest and plateau habitat from British Columbia to the Sierra Nevada.Melica fugax is a perennial bunchgrass growing up...

    — small melicgrass
  • Melica harfordii
    Melica harfordii
    Melica harfordii is a species of grass known by the common name Harford's oniongrass.-Distribution:It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California, where it grows in many types of habitat, including mountain forests and open hillsides...

    — Harford's melicgrass
  • Melica hitchcockii — Alberta melicgrass
  • Melica smithii — Smith's melicgrass
  • Melica spectabilis
    Melica spectabilis
    Melica spectabilis is a species of grass known by the common name Purple oniongrass.-Distribution:It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California to the Rocky Mountains, where it grows in moist meadows, forests, and other mountainous habitat.-Description:Melica...

    — showy melicgrass
  • Melica subulata
    Melica subulata
    Melica subulata is a species of grass known by the common name Alaska oniongrass.-Distribution:It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Colorado, where it grows in moist habitat, often in forests....

    — Alaska onion grass
  • Milium effusum
    Milium effusum
    Milium effusum L. is a species of grass in the Poaceae family, native to damp forests of the Holarctic Kingdom.-External links:*...

    — tall millet grass
  • Monroa squarrosa — munro grass
  • Muhlenbergia andina
    Muhlenbergia andina
    Muhlenbergia andina, known by the common name Foxtail muhly, is a species of grass. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Texas. It grows in moist habitat such as meadows, marshes, and riparian riverbanks....

    — foxtail muhly
  • Muhlenbergia asperifolia
    Muhlenbergia asperifolia
    Muhlenbergia asperifolia is a species of grass known by the common name Scratchgrass. It is native to much of North America, including most of southern Canada, most of the continental United States except for the southeastern region, and parts of northern Mexico...

    — alkali muhly
  • Muhlenbergia cuspidata — plains mühlenbergia
  • Muhlenbergia filiformis
    Muhlenbergia filiformis
    Muhlenbergia filiformis, known by the common name Pullup muhly, is a species of grass. It is native to western North America from western Canada through the Western United States to northern Mexico....

    — Pullup muhly
  • Muhlenbergia frondosa — wirestem muhly
  • Muhlenbergia glomerata — marsh muhly
  • Muhlenbergia mexicana
    Muhlenbergia mexicana
    Muhlenbergia mexicana, known by the common names Mexican muhly and Wirestem muhly, is a species of grass. It is native to North America, including most of the United States and southern Canada...

    — Mexican muhly
  • Muhlenbergia racemosa — green muhly
  • Muhlenbergia richardsonis
    Muhlenbergia richardsonis
    Muhlenbergia richardsonis, known by the common name Mat muhly, is a species of grass. It is native to North America, where it can be found throughout much of Canada, Alaska, the western half of the contiguous United States through California, and in Baja California, Mexico.-Habitat:Muhlenbergia...

    — softleaf muhly
  • Muhlenbergia schreberi — Schreiber's muhly
  • Muhlenbergia sobolifera — cliff muhly
  • Muhlenbergia sylvatica — woodland muhly
  • Muhlenbergia tenuiflora — slender muhly
  • Muhlenbergia uniflora — fall dropseed muhly
  • Nassella viridula — green needlegrass
  • Oryzopsis asperifolia — white-grained mountain-ricegrass
  • Panicum capillare
    Panicum capillare
    Panicum capillare, known by the common name Witchgrass, is a species of grass. It is native plant to most of North America from the East Coast through all of the West Coast and California. It can be found as an introduced species in Eurasia, and as a weed in gardens and landscaped areas...

    — old witch panicgrass
  • Panicum dichotomiflorum
    Panicum dichotomiflorum
    Panicum dichotomiflorum, known by the common name Fall panicgrass, is a species of Poaceae "true grass". It is native to much of the eastern United States and parts of Canada, and it can be found in the Western United States through California. It may be an introduced species in some western climates...

    — spreading panicgrass
  • Panicum flexile — wiry witch grass
  • Panicum gattingeri — Gattinger's panicgrass
  • Panicum philadelphicum — Philadelphia panicgrass
  • Panicum rigidulum — redtop panicgrass
  • Panicum virgatum — old switch panicgrass
  • Pascopyrum smithii — western wheatgrass
  • Paspalum setaceum — slender paspalum
  • Phalaris arundinacea — reed canarygrass
  • Phippsia algida — ice grass
  • Phippsia concinna — snow grass
  • Phleum alpinum
    Phleum alpinum
    Phleum alpinum is a species of grass known by the common name Alpine timothy.-Distribution:Phleum alpinum has a circumboreal distribution, inhabiting northern areas of the Northern Hemisphere, as well as extending down through the Americas to southern South America...

    — mountain timothy
  • Phragmites australis — common reed
  • Piptatherum canadense — Canada mountain ricegrass
  • Piptatherum exiguum — little ricegrass
  • Piptatherum micranthum — little mountain-ricegrass
  • Piptatherum pungens — slender mountain-ricegrass
  • Piptatherum racemosum — blackfruit mountain-ricegrass
  • Piptochaetium avenaceum — blackseed needlegrass
  • Pleuropogon refractus
    Pleuropogon refractus
    Pleuropogon refractus is a species of grass known by the common name nodding semaphoregrass. It is native to the west coast of North America from British Columbia to northern California, where it grows in moist meadows, marshy areas, and shady forests.-Description:Pleuropogon refractus is a...

    — nodding false semaphore grass
  • Pleuropogon sabinei — sabine-grass
  • Poa abbreviata — northern bluegrass
  • Poa alpina
    Poa alpina
    Poa alpina, commonly known as Alpine Meadow-grass, is a species of meadow grass.It is noted for being viviparous: Its seeds are evolved to germinate while still connected to the parent plant, in order to give them a safe head start....

    — alpine bluegrass
  • Poa alsodes — grove meadow grass
  • Poa arctica — Arctic bluegrass
  • Poa arida — prairie bluegrass
  • Poa confinis
    Poa confinis
    Poa confinis is a species of grass known by the common names coastline bluegrass and beach bluegrass. It is native to the coastline of western North America from British Columbia to northern California, where it grows on beaches, dunes, and other coastal habitat.-Description:Poa confinis is a...

    — dune bluegrass
  • Poa cusickii
    Poa cusickii
    Poa cusickii is a species of grass known by the common name Cusick's bluegrass. It is native to western North America from Yukon to Colorado to eastern California, where it grows in many types of habitat, including high mountain meadows and slopes, sagebrush scrub, and forests.It is a perennial...

    — Cusick's bluegrass
  • Poa eminens — largeflower bluegrass
  • Poa fendleriana — muttongrass
  • Poa flexuosa — flexible bluegrass
  • Poa gaspensis — Gaspé Peninsula bluegrass
  • Poa glauca
    Poa glauca
    Poa glauca is a species of grass known by the common names glaucus bluegrass and white bluegrass. It has a circumboreal distribution, occurring throughout the northern regions of the Northern Hemisphere. It is also known from Patagonia. It is a common grass, occurring in Arctic and alpine climates...

    — white bluegrass
  • Poa hartzii — Hartz' bluegrass
  • Poa howellii
    Poa howellii
    Poa howellii is a species of grass known by the common name Howell's bluegrass. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California, where it grows in rocky areas in woodlands and chaparral, as well as disturbed areas....

    — Howell's bluegrass
  • Poa interior — inland bluegrass
  • Poa laxa — Mt. Washington bluegrass
  • Poa laxiflora — loose-flowered bluegrass
  • Poa leibergii — Leiberg's bluegrass
  • Poa leptocoma
    Poa leptocoma
    Poa leptocoma is a species of grass known by the common names marsh bluegrass and western bog bluegrass. It is native to western North America from Alaska to New Mexico, where it grows in subalpine and alpine climates and the Arctic...

    — bog bluegrass
  • Poa lettermanii — Letterman's bluegrass
  • Poa macrantha
    Poa macrantha
    Poa macrantha is a species of grass known by the common names seashore bluegrass and large-flowered sand dune bluegrass. It is native to the west coast of North America from Alaska to northern California, where it grows in sand dunes and other beach habitat.Poa macrantha is a perennial grass...

    — sand-dune bluegrass
  • Poa marcida — weak bluegrass
  • Poa nemoralis
    Poa nemoralis
    Poa nemoralis is a perennial plant in the Poaceae family. The late-growing grass is fairly nutritious for livestock, which feed on it in the autumn....

    — woods bluegrass
  • Poa nervosa — Hooker's bluegrass
  • Poa palustris
    Poa palustris
    Poa palustris is a species of grass native to Asia, Europe and Northern America. This plant is used as fodder and forage, and it also used for erosion control or revegetation.-External links:****...

    — fowl bluegrass
  • Poa porsildii — Porsild's bluegrass
  • Poa pratensis — Kentucky bluegrass
  • Poa pseudoabbreviata — polar bluegrass
  • Poa reflexa — nodding bluegrass
  • Poa saltuensis — drooping bluegrass
  • Poa secunda
    Poa secunda
    Poa secunda is a widespread species of grass native to North America. It is highly resistant to drought conditions, and provides excellent fodder.-External links:**...

    — curly bluegrass
  • Poa stenantha — narrowflower bluegrass
  • Poa suksdorfii — western bluegrass
  • Poa sylvestris — woodland bluegrass
  • Poa tolmatchewii — Tolmatchew's bluegrass
  • Poa wheeleri Wheeler's bluegrass
  • Poa x limosa — Lassen County bluegrass
  • Pseudoroegneria spicataBluebunch wheatgrass
    Bluebunch wheatgrass
    Pseudoroegneria spicata is a species of grass known by the common name Bluebunch Wheatgrass. This native western North American perennial bunchgrass is known by the scientific synonyms Elymus spicatus and Agropyron spicatum. The grass can be found from Alaska to Texas. It occurs in many types of...

  • Puccinellia agrostidea — tundra alkali grass
  • Puccinellia ambigua — Alberton alkali grass
  • Puccinellia americana — American alkali grass
  • Puccinellia andersonii — Anderson's alkali grass
  • Puccinellia angustata — northern alkali grass
  • Puccinellia arctica — Arctic alkali grass
  • Puccinellia bruggemannii — Prince Patrick alkali grass
  • Puccinellia deschampsioides — polar alkali grass
  • Puccinellia distans
    Puccinellia distans
    Puccinellia distans is a species of grass known by the common names Weeping alkali grass and European alkali grass. It is native to Europe and it is present in most of North America, where it is perhaps an introduced species. It grows in moist habitat, usually in areas with saline soils, such as...

    — spreading alkali grass
  • Puccinellia fasciculata — saltmarsh goosegrass
  • Puccinellia grandis — Pacific alkali grass
  • Puccinellia interior — inland alkali grass
  • Puccinellia kurilensis — dwarf alkali grass
  • Puccinellia laurentiana — Tracadigash Mountain alkali grass
  • Puccinellia lemmonii
    Puccinellia lemmonii
    Puccinellia lemmonii is a species of grass known by the common name Lemmon's alkali grass. It is native to western North America, particularly the northwestern United States, where it grows in moist, saline soils....

    — Lemmon's alkali grass
  • Puccinellia lucida — shining alkali grass
  • Puccinellia macra — Bonaventure Island alkali grass
  • Puccinellia nutkaensis
    Puccinellia nutkaensis
    Puccinellia nutkaensis is a species of grass known by the common names Nootka alkali grass and Alaska alkali grass. It is native to North America from Alaska across northern Canada to Greenland and Nova Scotia, and down the west coast of the United States to the Central Coast of...

    — Alaska alkali grass
  • Puccinellia nuttalliana
    Puccinellia nuttalliana
    Puccinellia nuttalliana is a species of grass known by the common name Nuttall's alkali grass. It is native to North America, where it is widespread from Alaska east throughout Canada to Greenland, and common in the western and central United States...

    — Nuttall's alkali grass
  • Puccinellia phryganodes — creeping alkali grass
  • Puccinellia poacea — floodplain alkali grass
  • Puccinellia tenella — tundra alkali grass
  • Puccinellia vaginata — Arctic tussock alkali grass
  • Puccinellia vahliana — Vahl's alkali grass
  • Schedonnardus paniculatus — tumble grass
  • Schizachne purpurascens — purple oat
  • Schizachyrium scoparium — little bluestem
  • Scolochloa festucacea
    Scolochloa festucacea
    Scolochloa festucacea is a species of perennial grass in the Poaceae family, growing in Europe, temperate Asia, and North America. Culms are erect and 100–150 cm in height; leaf blades are 15–30 cm long and 5–10 mm wide.- References and external links :* * *...

    — sprangletop
  • Sorghastrum nutans
    Sorghastrum nutans
    Sorghastrum nutans, commonly known as Yellow Indiangrass, is a North American prairie grass found in the central and eastern United States and Canada, especially in the Great Plains...

    — yellow Indiangrass
  • Spartina alterniflora
    Spartina alterniflora
    Spartina alterniflora is a perennial deciduous grass which is found in intertidal wetlands, especially estuarine salt marshes. It grows 1-1.5 m tall, and has smooth, hollow stems which bear leaves up to 20-60 cm long and 1.5 cm wide at their base, which are sharply tapered and bend down...

    — saltwater cordgrass
  • Spartina gracilis
    Spartina gracilis
    Spartina gracilis is a species of grass known by the common name alkali cordgrass. It is native to western North America from northwestern Canada through the western United States and eastern California, and into central Mexico...

    — alkali cordgrass
  • Spartina patens
    Spartina patens
    Spartina patens , also known as salt marsh hay, is a species of cordgrass native to the Atlantic coast of the Americas, from Newfoundland south along the eastern United States to the Caribbean and northeast Mexico...

    — saltmeadow cordgrass
  • Spartina pectinata
    Spartina pectinata
    Spartina pectinata is a species of cordgrass known by the common name prairie cordgrass. It is native to central North America.-External links:***...

    — freshwater cordgrass
  • Spartina x caespitosa — marsh cordgrass
  • Sphenopholis intermedia — slender wedgescale
  • Sphenopholis nitida — shiny wedgegrass
  • Sphenopholis obtusata
    Sphenopholis obtusata
    Sphenopholis obtusata is a species of grass known by the common name prairie wedgescale. It is native to North America where it is widespread across southern Canada and the United States...

    — prairie wedgegrass
  • Sporobolus airoides
    Sporobolus airoides
    Sporobolus airoides is a species of grass known by the common name alkali sacaton. It is native to western North America, including the Western United States west of the Mississippi River, British Columbia and Alberta in Canada, and northern and central Mexico...

    — alkali sacaton
  • Sporobolus compositus
    Sporobolus compositus
    Sporobolus compositus, alt. Sporobolus asper, Tall dropseed or composite dropseed, is a native North American prairie grass growing from two to four feet tall. Also called rough dropseed and meadow dropseed it is common on the Great Plains, and found in most states in the United States.It flowers...

    — tall dropseed
  • Sporobolus cryptandrus
    Sporobolus cryptandrus
    Sporobolus cryptandrus is a species of grass known by the common name sand dropseed. It is native to North America, where it is widespread throughout southern Canada, most all of the United States, and northern Mexico.-Habitat:...

    — sand dropseed
  • Sporobolus heterolepis — northern dropseed
  • Sporobolus neglectus — small dropseed
  • Sporobolus vaginiflorus
    Sporobolus vaginiflorus
    Sporobolus vaginiflorus is a species of grass known by the common names poverty grass, poverty dropseed, and sheathed dropseed.-Distribution:...

    — sheathed dropseed
  • Torreyochloa pallida
    Torreyochloa pallida
    Torreyochloa pallida is a species of grass known by the common name pale false mannagrass. It is native to North America, especially the east and west sides. It grows in wet habitat, such as rivers, lakesides, bogs, and swamps. It is a rhizomatous perennial grass producing thick, erect to...

    — pale manna grass
  • Triplasis purpurea — purple sandgrass
  • Trisetum canescens
    Trisetum canescens
    Trisetum canescens is a species of grass known by the common name tall trisetum. It is native to western North America from Alaska and British Columbia to central California and Arizona, where it occurs in forests, mountain meadows, and streambanks, being most common among Ponderosa pines and...

    — nodding trisetum
  • Trisetum melicoides — purple false oats
  • Trisetum montanum — mountain oats
  • Trisetum sibiricum — Siberian false oats
  • Trisetum spicatum
    Trisetum spicatum
    Trisetum spicatum is a species of grass known by the common name spike trisetum. It is native to North America, Eurasia, and South America. In North America it occurs throughout northern regions, including northern sections of the United States and most all of Canada, its range continuing to...

    — narrow false oats
  • Trisetum wolfii
    Trisetum wolfii
    Trisetum wolfii is a species of grass known by the common name Wolf's trisetum. It is native to western North America, including southwestern Canada and the western United States. It occurs in mountain habitat at moderate to high elevations below the tree line, such as spruce, fir, and aspen stands...

    — beardless oats
  • Vahlodea atropurpurea — mountain hairgrass
  • Vulpia microstachys
    Vulpia microstachys
    Vulpia microstachys is a species of grass known by the common names small fescue and small sixweeks grass. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Colorado and New Mexico to Baja California, where it grows in many types of open habitat, including grasslands...

    — small six-weeks grass
  • Vulpia octoflora
    Vulpia octoflora
    Vulpia octoflora Vulpia octoflora Vulpia octoflora (Pullout grass, Sixweeks fescue, Sixweeks grass, Eight-flower sixweeks grass, Eight-flowered fescue; syn. Festuca octoflora Walter var...

    — slender eight-flowered fescue
  • Zizania aquatica — eastern wild rice
  • Zizania palustris — northern wild rice
  • x Agroelymus bowdenii
  • x Dupoa labradorica
  • x Elyhordeum chatangensis
  • x Elyhordeum macounii
  • x Elyhordeum montanense
  • x Elyhordeum schaackianum
  • x Elyleymus colvillensis
  • x Elyleymus hirtiflorus
  • x Elyleymus jamesensis
  • x Elyleymus turneri
  • x Elyleymus uclueletensis
  • x Elyleymus ungavensis
  • x Pucciphippsia vacillans

Polemoniaceae are a family of about 25 genera with 270-400 species of annual and perennial plants, native to the Northern Hemisphere and South America, with the center of diversity in western North America, especially in California.Only one genus is found in Europe, and two in Asia, where they...


  • Collomia grandiflora
    Collomia grandiflora
    Collomia grandiflora is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names grand collomia and large-flowered mountain trumpet. This annual herb is native to western North America. It is also cultivated as an ornamental. The plant produces an erect, hairy or fuzzy stem which...

    — largeflower collomia
  • Collomia heterophylla
    Collomia heterophylla
    Collomia heterophylla is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name variableleaf collomia. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Idaho to central California, where it grows in several types of habitat, including open areas on gravelly mountain...

    — varied-leaved collomia
  • Collomia linearis
    Collomia linearis
    Collomia linearis is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names tiny trumpet and slenderleaf collomia. This tiny wildflower is native to North America where it is fairly widespread across the north and west. It is an annual herb with a velvety erect stem bearing...

    — narrow-leaved collomia
  • Collomia tenella — diffuse collomia
  • Gilia sinuata
    Gilia sinuata
    Gilia sinuata is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name rosy gilia. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to New Mexico, where it can be found in a number of open habitats.-Description:...

    — rosy gilia
  • Gilia tenerrima — delicate gilia
  • Ipomopsis aggregata — scarlet skyrocket
  • Ipomopsis minutiflora — smallflower standing-cypress
  • Leptodactylon pungens — granite prickly-phlox
  • Linanthus bicolor — bicoloured desert-gold
  • Linanthus harknessii — harkness linanthus
  • Linanthus septentrionalis — northern desert-gold
  • Navarretia divaricata
    Navarretia divaricata
    Navarretia divaricata is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name mountain navarretia, or divaricate navarretia...

    — mountain navarretia
  • Navarretia intertexta
    Navarretia intertexta
    Navarretia intertexta is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name needleleaf pincushionplant.It is native to western North America, including most of the western United States and extending into the Midwest...

    — needleleaf navarretia
  • Navarretia leucocephala
    Navarretia leucocephala
    Navarretia leucocephala is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name whitehead pincushionplant, or whitehead navarretia. It is native to North America, including much of the western United States and central Canada...

    — whiteflower navarretia
  • Navarretia squarrosa
    Navarretia squarrosa
    Navarretia squarrosa is a spreading annual plant from North America which is noted for its skunk-like odour. It grows to between 10 and 60 cm in height and has tubular lilac pink to deep blue flowers up to 12 mm in diameter in dense terminal heads, encircled by a spiny sepals and bracts...

    — skunkweed
  • Phlox alyssifolia
    Phlox alyssifolia
    Phlox alyssifolia, or alyssum-leaved phlox, is a flowering plant in the genus Phlox. It is native to central North America.-Range and habitat:...

    — alyssum-leaf phlox
  • Phlox caespitosa
    Phlox caespitosa
    Phlox caespitosa is a species of phlox known by the common name tufted phlox. It is native to western North America from British Columbia through the Great Basin to New Mexico, where it grows in scrub, woodland, and other open plateau habitat. It is a mat-forming perennial] [Herbaceous plant|herb...

    — carpet phlox

  • Phlox diffusa
    Phlox diffusa
    Phlox diffusa is a species of phlox known by the common name spreading phlox. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to the southwestern United States to the Dakotas, where it grows in many types of habitat, including rocky, high elevation mountain slopes...

    — spreading phlox
  • Phlox divaricata
    Phlox divaricata
    Phlox divaricata is a herbaceous perennial valued for its lavender-blue flowers, native to forests and fields in eastern North America.-Description:...

    — wild blue phlox
  • Phlox gracilis — slender phlox
  • Phlox hoodii — Hood's phlox
  • Phlox longifolia — longleaf phlox
  • Phlox maculata — northern meadow phlox
  • Phlox richardsonii — Richardson's phlox
  • Phlox sibirica — Siberian phlox
  • Phlox speciosa
    Phlox speciosa
    Phlox speciosa is a species of phlox known by the common name showy phlox. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Arizona and New Mexico, where it occurs in sagebrush, pine woodlands, and mountain forests. It is an erect perennial herb with a shrubby base growing up to about...

    — showy phlox
  • Polemonium acutiflorum — tall Jacob's-ladder
  • Polemonium boreale
    Polemonium boreale
    Polemonium boreale is a plant native to the most of the high arctic. In Greenland it is found only in a small area on the east coast. It is not very common....

    — northern Jacob's-ladder
  • Polemonium californicum
    Polemonium californicum
    Polemonium californicum is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common names moving polemonium, low Jacob's ladder, and California Jacob's ladder. It is native to the northwestern United States, where it grows in shady and moist habitat, such as mountain woodlands...

    — California polemonium
  • Polemonium elegans — elegant polemonium
  • Polemonium micranthum
    Polemonium micranthum
    Polemonium micranthum is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name annual Jacob's-ladder. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to North Dakota to California, where it can be found in many types of shrubby habitat, such as sagebrush and foothill...

    — annual polemonium
  • Polemonium occidentale
    Polemonium occidentale
    Polemonium occidentale is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by the common name western Jacob's-ladder. There are two subspecies. The common ssp. occidentale is native to western North America from British Columbia to Colorado to California, where it can be found in moist areas...

    — western Jacob's-ladder
  • Polemonium pulcherrimum
    Polemonium pulcherrimum
    Polemonium pulcherrimum is a species of flowering plant in the phlox family known by several common names, including beautiful Jacob's-ladder, showy Jacob's-ladder, and skunk-leaved polemonium...

    — showy Jacob's-ladder
  • Polemonium vanbruntiae — bog Jacob's-ladder
  • Polemonium viscosum
    Polemonium viscosum
    Polemonium viscosum is a flowering plant in the genus Polemonium native to western North America from southern British Columbia east to Montana and south to Arizona and New Mexico, where it grows at high altitudes on dry, rocky sites.It is a perennial herbaceous plant growing 10-30 cm tall,...

    — skunk polemonium

The Polygalaceae or Milkwort family is a family of flowering plants in the order Fabales. They have a near-cosmopolitan range, with about 17 genera and 900–1,000 species of herbs, shrubs and trees...


  • Polygala alba — white milkwort
  • Polygala incarnata — pink milkwort
  • Polygala paucifolia
    Polygala paucifolia
    Polygala paucifolia, known as Gaywings or Fringed polygala, is a perennial plant of the family Polygalaceae.Mature plants are 3 to 6 inches tall. Stems are smooth, slender and green. Leaves are clustered at the top, appearing to be whorled, but they are not. Leaflets are oblong to lanceolate —...

    — gaywing milkwort
  • Polygala polygama — racemed milkwort

  • Polygala sanguinea — field milkwort
  • Polygala senega — Seneca snakeroot
  • Polygala verticillata — whorled milkwort

Polygonaceae is a family of flowering plants known informally as the "knotweed family" or "smartweed family"— "buckwheat family" in the United States. The name is based on the genus Polygonum and was first used by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in 1789 in his book, Genera Plantarum. The name refers...


  • Eriogonum androsaceum — rock-jasmine wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum cernuum
    Eriogonum cernuum
    Eriogonum cernuum is a species of wild buckwheat known by the common name nodding buckwheat. It is native to much of western North America, where it grows in sandy and gravelly habitat, including woodland and sagebrush. It is an annual herb growing up to about 60 centimeters in maximum height with...

    — nodding wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum flavum
    Eriogonum flavum
    Eriogonum flavum is a species of wild buckwheat known by the common name alpine golden buckwheat. It is native to northwestern North America from Alaska to Colorado. It is a mat-forming herb producing erect flowering stems to a maximum height approaching 40 centimeters. Leaves are located at ground...

    — yellow wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum heracleoides
    Eriogonum heracleoides
    Eriogonum heracleoides has many flowering clusters that are cream or off-white in color. Its usual habitat is rocky areas such as sagebrush deserts and Ponderosa pine forests...

    — parsnip-flower wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum niveum — snow wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum ovalifolium
    Eriogonum ovalifolium
    Eriogonum ovalifolium is a species of wild buckwheat known by the common name cushion buckwheat. It is native to western North America from California to Alberta, where it is a member of many plant communities in varied habitats...

    — oval-leaf buckwheat
  • Eriogonum pauciflorum — smallflower wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum pyrolifolium
    Eriogonum pyrolifolium
    Eriogonum pyrolifolium is a species of wild buckwheat...

    — pyrola-leaved wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum strictum
    Eriogonum strictum
    Eriogonum strictum is a species of wild buckwheat known by the common name Blue Mountain buckwheat. It is a common plant of western North America from northern California to British Columbia where it is found along rocky slopes and scrubland....

    — blue mountain wild buckwheat
  • Eriogonum umbellatum
    Eriogonum umbellatum
    Eriogonum umbellatum is a species of wild buckwheat known by the common name sulphurflower buckwheat, or simply sulphur flower. It is native to western North America from California to Colorado to central Canada, where it is abundant and found in many habitats...

    — sulphur-flower wild buckwheat
  • Koenigia islandica — island kœnigia
  • Oxyria digyna
    Oxyria digyna
    Oxyria digyna a species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family. It is common in the tundra of Arctic...

    — mountain-sorrel
  • Polygonella articulata — eastern jointweed
  • Polygonum achoreum — leathery knotweed
  • Polygonum alpinum — alpine smartweed
  • Polygonum amphibium — water smartweed
  • Polygonum arifolium — halberd-leaf tearthumb
  • Polygonum bellardii — narrowleaf knotweed
  • Polygonum bistorta — meadow bistort
  • Polygonum bistortoides
    Polygonum bistortoides
    Polygonum bistortoides , syn. Bistorta bistortoides, is a perennial herb in the genus Polygonum....

    — American bistort
  • Polygonum boreale — northern knotweed
  • Polygonum buxiforme — Small's knotweed
  • Polygonum careyi — Carey's smartweed
  • Polygonum caurianum — Alaska knotweed
  • Polygonum cilinode — fringed black-bindweed
  • Polygonum douglasii
    Polygonum douglasii
    Polygonum douglasii is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common name Douglas's knotweed. It is native to much of northern and western North America, where it can be found in many types of habitat, including disturbed areas.This plant species is known as a species...

    — Douglas' knotweed
  • Polygonum erectum
    Polygonum erectum
    Polygonum erectum is an annual plant species with upright or ascending stems. It is a common weed in disturbed locations with dry soils in the North Eastern USA where it is called Erect knotweed.-Description:...

    — erect knotweed
  • Polygonum fowleri — Fowler's knotweed
  • Polygonum franktonii — Nova Scotia knotweed
  • Polygonum hudsonianum — Hudson Bay knotweed
  • Polygonum hydropiper — marshpepper smartweed

  • Polygonum hydropiperoides
    Polygonum hydropiperoides
    Polygonum hydropiperoides is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common name swamp smartweed. It is native to much of North America where it grows in moist and wet habitats, and is sometimes semi-aquatic....

    — mild water-pepper
  • Polygonum lapathifolium — dockleaf smartweed
  • Polygonum minimum
    Polygonum minimum
    Polygonum minimum is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common name broadleaf knotweed. It is native to much of western North America where it can be found in mountainous regions...

    — leafy dwarf knotweed
  • Polygonum oxyspermum — sharpfruit knotweed
  • Polygonum paronychia
    Polygonum paronychia
    Polygonum paronychia is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common names dune knotweed, black knotweed, and beach knotweed...

    — beach knotweed
  • Polygonum pensylvanicum
    Polygonum pensylvanicum
    Polygonum pensylvanicum is a species of flowering plant in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae, that is native to eastern North America. Common names include Pinkweed, Pink Knotweed, Smartweed, and Pennsylvania Smartweed....

    — Pennsylvania smartweed
  • Polygonum polygaloides
    Polygonum polygaloides
    Polygonum polygaloides is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common names milkwort knotweed and polygala knotweed. It is native to much of western North America, where it can be found in many types of moist habitat...

    — white-margin knotweed
  • Polygonum punctatum — dotted smartweed
  • Polygonum raii — Ray's knotweed
  • Polygonum ramosissimum
    Polygonum ramosissimum
    Polygonum ramosissimum is a herbaceous annual plant species native from most of North America, were it is commonly called Bushy knotweed.-Description:...

    — bushy knotweed
  • Polygonum robustius — stout smartweed
  • Polygonum sagittatum
    Polygonum sagittatum
    Polygonum sagittatum is a plant in the buckwheat family, Polygonaceae.-Description:Polygonum sagittatum is a herbaceous plant with alternate, simple leaves, on spiny, rambling stems. The flowers are pink or white, borne in late summer through autumn....

    — arrowleaf tearthumb
  • Polygonum scandens — climbing false buckwheat
  • Polygonum tenue — slender knotweed
  • Polygonum virginianum — Virginia knotweed
  • Polygonum viviparum — viviparous knotweed
  • Rumex acetosa — garden sorrel
  • Rumex altissimus — tall dock
  • Rumex aquaticus — western dock
  • Rumex arcticus
    Rumex arcticus
    Rumex arcticus, commonly known as Sourdock, is a perennial flowering plant that is native to Alaska. Its leaves are an important part of the diet of native Alaskans such as the Yupik people, who include it in various dishes such as akutaq....

    — Arctic dock
  • Rumex beringensis — Bering Sea dock
  • Rumex maritimus
    Rumex maritimus
    Rumex maritimus is an annual plant species of the genus Rumex.-External links:****...

    — seaside dock
  • Rumex occidentalis
  • Rumex orbiculatus — water dock
  • Rumex pallidus — seabeach dock
  • Rumex paucifolius
    Rumex paucifolius
    Rumex paucifolius is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common name alpine sheep sorrel. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada to California to Colorado, where it grows in moist areas in mountainous habitat, up to areas of alpine climate...

    — alpine sheep sorrel
  • Rumex salicifolius
    Rumex salicifolius
    Rumex salicifolius is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common name willow dock. It is native to much of western North America and it can be found in parts of Europe as an introduced species and a roadside weed...

    — willow dock
  • Rumex venosus
    Rumex venosus
    Rumex venosus is a species of flowering plant in the knotweed family known by the common names veiny dock, winged dock, and wild-begonia . While not of any particular agricultural use, its cousins Rhubarb and Buckweat are...

    — veined dock
  • Rumex verticillatus — swamp dock
  • Rumex x alexidis
  • Rumex x franktonis — Frankton's dock

Polypodiaceae is a family of polypod ferns, which includes more than 60 genera divided into several tribes and containing around 1,000 species. Nearly all are epiphytes, but some are terrestrial.-Description:...


  • Polypodium amorphum — irregular polypody
  • Polypodium appalachianum
    Polypodium appalachianum
    Polypodium appalachianum is a recently-recognized fern species, native to eastern North America. Sometimes called the Appalachian rockcap fern, it is very similar in appearance to Polypodium virginianum. For years, P...

    — Appalachian rockcap fern
  • Polypodium glycyrrhiza — licorice fern
  • Polypodium hesperium
    Polypodium hesperium
    Polypodium hesperium is a species of fern known by the common name western polypody. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California, and the Rocky Mountains to northern Mexico, where it grows in rocky habitat types....

    — western polypody

  • Polypodium scouleri
    Polypodium scouleri
    Polypodium scouleri is a species of fern known by the common names leathery polypody, Scouler's polypody, coast polypody and leather-leaf fern. It is native to coastal western North America from British Columbia to Guadalupe Island off Baja California...

    — coast polypody
  • Polypodium sibiricum — Siberian polypody
  • Polypodium virginianum
    Polypodium virginianum
    Polypodium virginianum, commonly known as Rock Polypody, Rock Cap Fern, or Common Polypody, is a small evergreen species of fern native to the Eastern United States and Canada...

    — rock polypody
  • Polypodium x incognitum

The Polytrichaceae is a common family of mosses. Members of this family tend to be larger than other mosses with a thickened central stem and a rhizome. The leaves have a midrib that bears lamellae on the upper surface. Species in this group are dioicous. Another characteristic that identifies...


  • Atrichum altecristatum
  • Atrichum angustatum
  • Atrichum crispum
  • Atrichum haussknechtii
  • Atrichum oerstedianum
  • Atrichum selwynii
  • Atrichum tenellum
  • Atrichum undulatum — wavy catherinea
  • Bartramiopsis lescurii
  • Oligotrichum aligerum
  • Oligotrichum falcatum
  • Oligotrichum hercynicum
  • Oligotrichum parallelum
  • Pogonatum brachyphyllum — haircap
  • Pogonatum contortum
  • Pogonatum dentatum — haircap
  • Pogonatum pensilvanicum

  • Pogonatum urnigerum — haircap
  • Polytrichastrum alpinum — alpine polytrichastrum moss
  • Polytrichum commune
    Polytrichum commune
    Polytrichum commune is a species of moss found in many regions with high humidity and rainfall...

    — common haircap moss
  • Polytrichum formosum
  • Polytrichum hyperboreum
  • Polytrichum juniperinum
    Polytrichum juniperinum
    Polytrichum juniperinum, commonly known as juniper haircap moss, is an evergreen and perennial species of moss that is widely distributed, growing on every continent including Antarctica.-Description:...

    — juniper moss
  • Polytrichum longisetum — haircap
  • Polytrichum lyallii
  • Polytrichum ohioense
    Polytrichum ohioense
    P. ohioense is a species of Polytrichaceae, commonly referred to as Ohio Hair-Cap Moss. It is found on soil and rocks of dry to moist hardwood forests of Eastern North America, New Mexico and Europe....

  • Polytrichum pallidisetum
  • Polytrichum piliferum — hairmoss
  • Polytrichum sexangulare
  • Polytrichum sphaerothecium
  • Polytrichum strictum — bog haircap moss
  • Polytrichum swartzii
  • Psilopilum cavifolium
  • Psilopilum laevigatum

Pontederiaceae is the botanical name of a family of flowering plants.The APG II system, of 2003 places the family in the order Commelinales, in the commelinid clade, in the monocots. It is a small family of heterostylous aquatic plants, occurring in tropical and subtropical waters...


  • Heteranthera dubia
    Heteranthera dubia
    Heteranthera dubia is a species of aquatic plant known by the common names water stargrass and grassleaf mudplantain. It is native to North and Central America where it is widespread from Canada to Guatemala. It lives submersed in freshwater such as rivers and lakes. It is quite variable in...

    — grassleaf mud-plantain

  • Pontederia cordata
    Pontederia cordata
    Pontederia cordata, commonly known as Pickerelweed, is a monocotyledonous aquatic plant native to North and South America. It can be found on pond and lake margins across an extremely large range from eastern Canada south to Argentina. The species is tristylous, meaning the styles of individual...

    — pickerelweed

Porellaceae is a family of liverworts in order Jungermanniales. It includes two genera: Ascidiota, and Porella....


  • Porella cordaeana
  • Porella navicularis
  • Porella pinnata

  • Porella platyphylla
  • Porella platyphylloidea
  • Porella roellii

Portulacaceae are a family of flowering plants, comprising about 20 genera with about 500 species, ranging from herbaceous plants to shrubs. The family has been recognised by most taxonomists, and is also known as the purslane family; it has a cosmopolitan distribution, with the highest diversity...


  • Calandrinia ciliata
    Calandrinia ciliata
    Calandrinia ciliata is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name fringed redmaids. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to New Mexico, where it is widespread and common. It can also be found in parts of Central and South America...

    — red maids
  • Cistanthe tweedyi
    Cistanthe tweedyi
    Lewisiopsis tweedyi is a flowering plant and sole species in genus Lewisiopsis. The species, formerly known asCistanthe tweedyi and Lewisia tweedyi, is now classified in the Montiaceae family. The plant is known by the common names Tweedy's pussypaws, Tweedy's lewisia, or Tweedy's bitterroot...

    — Tweedy's bitterroot
  • Cistanthe umbellata
    Cistanthe umbellata
    Cistanthe umbellata is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name Mount Hood pussypaws...

    — Mount Hood pussy-paws
  • Claytonia caroliniana — Carolina spring-beauty
  • Claytonia cordifolia
    Claytonia cordifolia
    Claytonia cordifolia is a species of wildflower in the purslane family known by the common name heartleaf springbeauty. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Utah, where it grows mainly in shady forested areas. It is a perennial herb growing from a long, budding rhizome and...

    — heartleaf spring-beauty
  • Claytonia exigua
    Claytonia exigua
    Claytonia exigua is a species of wildflower in the purslane family known by the common names serpentine springbeauty and pale claytonia. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Idaho to California, where it grows in a number of habitat types, including plant communities on...

    — serpentine spring-beauty
  • Claytonia lanceolata
    Claytonia lanceolata
    Claytonia lanceolata is a species of wildflower in the purslane family known by the common names lanceleaf springbeauty and western springbeauty. This plant is native to western North America as far south as New Mexico where it grows in foothills up to alpine slopes. It thrives in the rocky soil of...

    — lanceleaf spring-beauty
  • Claytonia megarhiza
    Claytonia megarhiza
    Claytonia megarhiza is a species of wildflower in the purslane family known by the common names fell-fields claytonia and alpine springbeauty. It is native to western North America from northwestern Canada to New Mexico, where it grows in talus habitats in subalpine and alpine climates...

    — alpine spring-beauty
  • Claytonia ogilviensis — Ogilve Mountain spring-beauty
  • Claytonia parviflora
    Claytonia parviflora
    Claytonia parviflora is a species of wildflower in the purslane family known by the common name streambank springbeauty. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada to northwestern Mexico, where it can be found in many types of habitat, particularly areas that are moist in the...

    — littleflower spring-beauty
  • Claytonia perfoliata
    Claytonia perfoliata
    Claytonia perfoliata is a fleshy annual plant native to the western mountain and coastal regions of North America from southernmost Alaska and central British Columbia south to Central America, but most common in California in the Sacramento and northern San...

    — miner's-lettuce
  • Claytonia rubra
    Claytonia rubra
    Claytonia rubra is a species of wildflower in the purslane family known by the common name redstem springbeauty. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada to northwestern Mexico, where it can be found in many types of habitat. This is an annual herb with stems up to about 15...

    — redstem spring-beauty
  • Claytonia sarmentosa — Alaska spring-beauty
  • Claytonia scammaniana — Scamman's spring-beauty
  • Claytonia sibirica
    Claytonia sibirica
    Claytonia sibirica is a flowering plant in the family Portulacaceae, native to Siberia and western North America. A synonym is Montia sibirica...

    — Siberian spring-beauty
  • Claytonia tuberosa — tuber spring-beauty

  • Claytonia virginica
    Claytonia virginica
    Claytonia virginica, the Eastern spring beauty, Virginia spring beauty, or fairy-spuds, is a flowering plant in the family Portulacaceae, native to eastern North America. It is found in moist woods and clearings. It is a trailing plant growing to 5-40 cm long. The leaves are slender lanceolate,...

    — narrowleaf spring-beauty
  • Claytonia washingtoniana — Washington spring-beauty
  • Lewisia columbiana
    Lewisia columbiana
    Lewisia columbiana is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name Columbian lewisia. It is native to the western United States and British Columbia, where it grows in rocky mountain habitat. It is a perennial herb growing from a short, thick taproot and caudex unit...

    — Columbian bitterroot
  • Lewisia pygmaea
    Lewisia pygmaea
    Lewisia pygmaea is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name alpine lewisia and pygmy bitterroot. It is native to western North America from Alaska and Alberta to California and New Mexico, where it grows in many types of moist, rocky mountain habitat, such as...

    — alpine bitterroot
  • Lewisia rediviva — Oregon bitterroot
  • Lewisia triphylla
    Lewisia triphylla
    Lewisia triphylla is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name threeleaf lewisia. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Colorado, where it grows in mountain and forest habitat, often in wet, rocky alpine areas where it may...

    — three-leaf bitterroot
  • Montia bostockii — Bostock's miner's-lettuce
  • Montia chamissoi
    Montia chamissoi
    Montia chamissoi is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common names toad lily and water miner's lettuce. It is native to much of western North America from Alaska to the southwestern and central United States, where it grows in moist to wet soils in a variety of...

    — Chamisso's miner's-lettuce
  • Montia dichotoma — dwarf miner's-lettuce
  • Montia diffusa
    Montia diffusa
    Montia diffusa is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common names branching montia and spreading miner's lettuce. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California, where it occurs mainly west of Cascade Range crest...

    — diffuse montia
  • Montia fontana
    Montia fontana
    Montia fontana, commonly known as blinks or water-blinks, water chickweed or annual water miner's lettuce, is a herbaceous annual plant of the genus Montia. It is a common plant that can be found in wet environments across the globe, from the tropics to the Arctic. It is quite variable in...

    — fountain miner's-lettuce
  • Montia howellii
    Montia howellii
    Montia howellii is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name Howell's miner's lettuce. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to northern California, where it grows in moist to wet habitat, including vernal pools and meadows...

    — Howell's miner's-lettuce
  • Montia linearis
    Montia linearis
    Montia linearis is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name narrowleaf miner's lettuce. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Utah, where it grows in moist to wet areas in a number of habitat types, including forests and...

    — linearleaf miner's-lettuce
  • Montia parvifolia
    Montia parvifolia
    Montia parvifolia is a species of flowering plant in the purslane family known by the common name littleleaf miner's lettuce. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Montana, where it grows in moist to wet areas in several typs of mountain habitat.-Description:Montia...

    — littleleaf miner's-lettuce
  • Talinum sediforme — Okanogan flameflower

The Potamogetonaceae, commonly referred to as the pondweed family, is an aquatic family of monocotyledonous flowering plants. There are roughly 120 species spread across six genera in the Potamagetonaceae...


  • Potamogeton alpinus
    Potamogeton alpinus
    Potamogeton alpinus is a species of aquatic plant known by the common names alpine pondweed and red pondweed. It is native to much of the Northern Hemisphere, including Eurasia, Greenland, Canada, and northern parts of the United States. It grows in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, marshes, and...

    — northern pondweed
  • Potamogeton amplifolius
    Potamogeton amplifolius
    Potamogeton amplifolius, commonly known as largeleaf pondweed or broad-leaved pondweed, is an aquatic plant of North America. It grows in water bodies such as lakes, ponds, and rivers, often in deep water....

    — largeleaf pondweed
  • Potamogeton bicupulatus — snail-seed pondweed
  • Potamogeton confervoides — algæ-like pondweed
  • Potamogeton epihydrus
    Potamogeton epihydrus
    Potamogeton epihydrus is a species of aquatic plant known by the common name ribbonleaf pondweed. It is native to much of North America, where it grows in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, ditches, and slow-moving streams. This is a perennial herb producing a narrow, compressed stem branching to a...

    — Nuttall's pondweed
  • Potamogeton filiformis — slender pondweed
  • Potamogeton foliosus
    Potamogeton foliosus
    Potamogeton foliosus is a species of aquatic plant known by the common name leafy pondweed. It is native to nearly all of North America and parts of Central America, where it grows in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, ditches, and slow-moving streams. This is a perennial herb growing from a dense,...

    — leafy pondweed
  • Potamogeton friesii — Fries' pondweed
  • Potamogeton gramineus
    Potamogeton gramineus
    Potamogeton gramineus is a species of aquatic plant known by the common name variableleaf pondweed. It is native to much of the Northern Hemisphere, where it grows in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, bogs, and streams. It may be found elsewhere as an introduced species. This is a perennial herb...

    — grassy pondweed
  • Potamogeton hillii — Hill's pondweed
  • Potamogeton illinoensis — Illinois pondweed
  • Potamogeton methyensis — Methy Lake pondweed
  • Potamogeton natans
    Potamogeton natans
    Potamogeton natans L. is an aquatic species in the genus Potamogeton native to quiet or slow-flowing freshwater habitats throughout the Holarctic Kingdom....

    — floating pondweed
  • Potamogeton nodosus
    Potamogeton nodosus
    Potamogeton nodosus is a species of aquatic plant known by the common name longleaf pondweed. It is native to Eurasia and the Americas, where it is widespread and can be found in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, ditches, and streams. This is a perennial herb producing a thin, branching stem...

    — longleaf pondweed
  • Potamogeton oakesianus — Oakes' pondweed
  • Potamogeton oblongus — cinnamon-spot pondweed
  • Potamogeton obtusifolius
    Potamogeton obtusifolius
    Potamogeton obtusifolius is an aquatic plant in the genus Potamogeton. It grows mainly in eutrofic lakes and ponds, rarely in brackish water. Species occurs primarily in Central Europe, British Isles, Fennoscandia and eastern North America....

    — bluntleaf pondweed
  • Potamogeton ogdenii — Ogden's pondweed
  • Potamogeton pectinatus
    Potamogeton pectinatus
    Stuckenia pectinata , commonly called fennel pondweed or sago pondweed, and sometimes called ribbon weed....

    — Sago pondweed
  • Potamogeton perfoliatus
    Potamogeton perfoliatus
    Potamogeton perfoliatus L. is an aquatic species in the genus Potamogeton occurring in both quiet and flowing freshwater or brackish-water habitats in Central and North America, Eurasia, Africa and Australia.-Description:The leaves are all submerged, oval, translucent, with no stalk, up to 8cm...

    — claspingleaf pondweed
  • Potamogeton praelongus
    Potamogeton praelongus
    Potamogeton praelongus, commonly known as White-stem Pondweed, is an aquatic plant with stout, rusty-spotted rhizomes. It is relatively easy to distinguish from other Potamogeton species by the leaves clasping around a zig-zagging stem and persistent, whitish stipules.-External links:*****...

    — whitestem pondweed
  • Potamogeton pulcher — spotted pondweed

  • Potamogeton pusillus
    Potamogeton pusillus
    Potamogeton pusillus is a species of aquatic plant known by the common name small pondweed. It has a Circumboreal distribution, occurring throughout the northern Northern Hemisphere. It grows in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, ditches, vernal pools, and slow-moving streams...

    — slender pondweed
  • Potamogeton richardsonii
    Potamogeton richardsonii
    Potamogeton richardsonii is a species of aquatic plant known by the common name Richardson's pondweed. It is native to much of northern North America, including all of Canada and the northern and western United States. It grows in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, ditches, and streams...

    — redheadgrass
  • Potamogeton robbinsii
    Potamogeton robbinsii
    Potamogeton robbinsii, commonly known as Robbins' Pondweed, is a North American perennial herb.It is found in "deep to shallow, quiet, often muddy waters of lakes, ponds, and rivers."...

    — flatleaf pondweed
  • Potamogeton spirillus — spiral pondweed
  • Potamogeton strictifolius — straightleaf pondweed
  • Potamogeton subsibiricus — Yenisei River pondweed
  • Potamogeton vaginatus — sheathed pondweed
  • Potamogeton vaseyi — Vasey's pondweed
  • Potamogeton x faxonii — Faxon's pondweed
  • Potamogeton x griffithii — Griffith's pondweed
  • Potamogeton x hagstroemii — Hagstrøm's pondweed
  • Potamogeton x haynesii — Haynes' pondweed
  • Potamogeton x nericus
  • Potamogeton x nitens
  • Potamogeton x saxonicus — Saxon pondweed
  • Potamogeton x schreberi — Schreiber's pondweed
  • Potamogeton x scoliophyllus
  • Potamogeton x sparganiifolius
  • Potamogeton x spathuliformis
  • Potamogeton x suecicus
  • Potamogeton zosteriformis
    Potamogeton zosteriformis
    Potamogeton zosteriformis is a species of aquatic plant known by the common names flatstem pondweed and eel-grass pondweed. It is native to much of northern North America, including most of Canada and the northern United States. It grows in water bodies such as ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams...

    — flatstem pondweed

Pottiaceae is a family of mosses. It forms the most numerous moss family known, containing nearly 1500 species or more than 10% of the 10,000 to 15,000 moss species known....


  • Acaulon muticum
  • Acaulon triquetrum
  • Aloina bifrons
  • Aloina brevirostris
  • Aloina rigida
  • Anoectangium aestivum
  • Anoectangium tenuinerve
  • Astomum muehlenbergianum
  • Astomum phascoides
  • Barbula amplexifolia
  • Barbula convoluta
  • Barbula coreensis
  • Barbula eustegia
  • Barbula indica
  • Barbula unguiculata
  • Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum
  • Bryoerythrophyllum ferruginascens
  • Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostre
  • Crossidium aberrans
  • Crossidium seriatum
  • Crumia latifolia
  • Desmatodon cernuus
  • Desmatodon convolutus
  • Desmatodon guepinii
  • Desmatodon heimii
  • Desmatodon latifolius
  • Desmatodon laureri
  • Desmatodon leucostoma
  • Desmatodon obtusifolius
  • Desmatodon porteri
  • Desmatodon randii
  • Desmatodon systylius
  • Didymodon asperifolius
  • Didymodon fallax
  • Didymodon johansenii
  • Didymodon leskeoides
  • Didymodon michiganensis
  • Didymodon nevadensis
  • Didymodon nigrescens
  • Didymodon rigidulus
  • Didymodon subandreaeoides
  • Didymodon tophaceus
  • Didymodon vinealis
  • Eucladium verticillatum — lime-seep eucladium
  • Geheebia gigantea
  • Gymnostomum aeruginosum
  • Gymnostomum calcareum
  • Gyroweisia reflexa
  • Gyroweisia tenuis
  • Hymenostylium insigne
  • Hymenostylium recurvirostre — hymenostylium moss

  • Hyophila involuta — hyophila moss
  • Molendoa sendtneriana
  • Oxystegus spiralis
  • Oxystegus tenuirostris
  • Paraleptodontium recurvifolium
  • Phascum cuspidatum
  • Phascum floerkeanum
  • Phascum vlassovii
  • Pleurochaete squarrosa
  • Pottia bryoides
  • Pottia davalliana
  • Pottia intermedia
  • Pottia nevadensis
  • Pottia truncata
  • Pottia wilsonii
  • Pseudocrossidium revolutum
  • Pterygoneurum kozlovii
  • Pterygoneurum lamellatum
  • Pterygoneurum ovatum
  • Pterygoneurum subsessile
  • Stegonia latifolia
  • Stegonia pilifera
  • Timmiella crassinervis
  • Tortella arctica
  • Tortella fragilis
  • Tortella humilis
  • Tortella inclinata
  • Tortella tortelloides
  • Tortella tortuosa — twisted moss
  • Tortula amplexa
  • Tortula bartramii
  • Tortula bolanderi
  • Tortula brevipes
  • Tortula cainii
  • Tortula caninervis — tortula moss
  • Tortula laevipila
  • Tortula latifolia
  • Tortula mucronifolia
  • Tortula muralis
  • Tortula norvegica
  • Tortula papillosa
  • Tortula papillosissima
  • Tortula princeps
  • Tortula ruralis
    Tortula ruralis
    Tortula ruralis is a species of moss. Common names include twisted moss and star moss. This moss has a cosmopolitan distribution, occurring in North America, the Pacific, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, North and South Africa, South America, and Australia. It grows in many types of climate,...

    — tortula moss
  • Tortula scotteri
  • Tortula subulata
  • Trichostomopsis australasiae
  • Trichostomum arcticum
  • Trichostomum crispulum
  • Weissia controversa
  • Weissia hedwigii

Primulaceae is a family of flowering plants with about 24 genera, including some favorite garden plants and wildflowers. It is also known as the primrose family.- Genera :...


  • Anagallis minima
    Anagallis minima
    Anagallis minima is a 1-4 inch perennial herb in the Myrsine family . A native of Europe, this small plant has been widely naturalized elsewhere. It can be found growing in moist soils and seasonal pools....

    — chaffweed
  • Androsace chamaejasme — sweetflower rock-jasmine
  • Androsace filiformis
    Androsace filiformis
    Androsace filiformis is a species of flowering plant in the primrose family known by the common names filiform rockjasmine and slender-stemmed androsace. It is an uncommon plant native to the western United States, where it grows in mountain meadows. It is also known from Eurasia. This is a small...

    — slender rock-jasmine
  • Androsace occidentalis
    Androsace occidentalis
    Androsace occidentalis is a species of flowering plant in the primrose family known by the common name western rockjasmine. It is native to much of southern Canada and the central United States, where it occurs in open habitat such as prairie, especially in moist areas. This is a diminutive annual...

    — western rock-jasmine
  • Androsace septentrionalis
    Androsace septentrionalis
    Androsace septentrionalis is a species of annual herbaceous plant in the Primrose family , native to North America, Asia, and Europe...

    — pygmyflower rock-jasmine
  • Dodecatheon conjugens
    Dodecatheon conjugens
    Dodecatheon conjugens is a species of flowering plant in the primrose family known by the common name Bonneville shooting star. This wildflower is native to western North America from California to Saskatchewan where it grows in seasonally wet areas from sagebrush steppe to high mountains. This is...

    — Bonneville shootingstar
  • Dodecatheon dentatum
    Dodecatheon dentatum
    Dodecatheon dentatum is a species of flowering plant in the primrose family known by the common name white shooting star. It is native to the Pacific Northwest in North America, including British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho....

    — white shootingstar
  • Dodecatheon frigidum — northern shootingstar
  • Dodecatheon hendersonii
    Dodecatheon hendersonii
    Dodecatheon hendersonii is a species of Dodecatheon native to western North America, from California north to southern British Columbia and Idaho. In California, it occurs in the northwest , the Cascade Range, the Sierra Nevada foothills, the Central Valley, the San Francisco Bay Area, the north...

    — Henderson's shootingstar
  • Dodecatheon jeffreyi
    Dodecatheon jeffreyi
    Dodecatheon jeffreyi is a species of flowering plant in the primrose family known by the common names Sierra shooting star, Jeffrey's shooting star, and tall mountain shooting star. This wildflower is native to western North America from California to Alaska to Montana, where it grows in mountain...

    — Jeffrey's shootingstar
  • Dodecatheon meadia
    Dodecatheon meadia
    Dodecatheon meadia, known as Shooting Star, is a perennial wildflower native to North America. It is found in the American South, as well as the Upper Midwest, Kansas, New York, Pennsylvania and the Canadian province of Manitoba...

    — shootingstar
  • Dodecatheon pulchellum
    Dodecatheon pulchellum
    Dodecatheon pulchellum, commonly known as pretty shooting star, few-flowered shooting star, dark throat shooting star and prairie shooting star, is a perennial herb with single, leafless flower stems, growing from very short erect root stocks with no bulblets...

    — few-flower shootingstar
  • Douglasia alaskana — Alaska rock-jasmine
  • Douglasia arctica — MacKenzie's river douglasia
  • Douglasia gormanii — Gorman's douglasia
  • Douglasia laevigata — cliff douglasia
  • Douglasia montana — mountain douglasia
  • Douglasia ochotensis — Alaska douglasia
  • Glaux maritima — sea milkwort
  • Lysimachia ciliata
    Lysimachia ciliata
    Lysimachia ciliata is a plant in the Myrsinaceae family. It is a herbaceous plant with opposite, simple leaves, and smooth, green stems. The flowers are yellow, borne in summer. It is native to North America, including most of southern Canada and most of the United States except for the southwest....

    — fringed loosestrife

  • Lysimachia hybrida — lanceleaf loosestrife
  • Lysimachia lanceolata — lanceleaf loosestrife
  • Lysimachia quadriflora — four-flower loosestrife
  • Lysimachia quadrifolia
    Lysimachia quadrifolia
    Lysimachia quadrifolia is a herbaceous plant in the Myrsinaceae family. It has simple leaves in whorls of 3-7 , and erect stems. It grows to a height of about one meter. The flowers have five pointed, yellow petals with a splash of red near the center.It is native to the eastern United States and...

    — whorled yellow loosestrife
  • Lysimachia terrestris
    Lysimachia terrestris
    Lysimachia terrestris is a plant in the Primulaceae family.-Description:Lysimachia terrestris is a herbaceous plant with opposite, simple leaves, and erect stems. The flowers are yellow, borne in mid-summer.The flowers are star-shaped with five yellow petals...

    — swamp loosestrife
  • Lysimachia thyrsiflora
    Lysimachia thyrsiflora
    Lysimachia thyrsiflora, commonly known as Tufted Loosestrife, is a plant in the genus Lysimachia. It is native to large sections of the northern Northern Hemisphere, including Eurasia and North America. It often grows in marshes, shorelines of lakes and ponds and occasionally along streams...

    — water loosestrife
  • Lysimachia x commixta
  • Lysimachia x producta
  • Primula borealis — slender primrose
  • Primula cuneifolia — wedgeleaf primrose
  • Primula egaliksensis — Greenland primrose
  • Primula eximia — Arctic primrose
  • Primula incana — Jones' primrose
  • Primula laurentiana — St. Lawrence primrose
  • Primula mistassinica — bird's-eye primrose
  • Primula nutans — sleepy primrose
  • Primula stricta — stiff primrose
  • Samolus valerandi
    Samolus valerandi
    Samolus valerandi is a species of water pimpernel native to a very wide area across Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Americas. Common names include Thin-Leaf Brookweed, Water Cabbage, and Water Rose.-Cultivation:...

    — Valerand's brookweed
  • Trientalis borealis
    Trientalis borealis
    Trientalis borealis is a North American woodland perennial, it is also known as the Starflower. The starflower grows up to 9 inches tall and has one or two white flowers which consist of seven petals that form a star-like shape. The flowers are found on top of stalks which are above the lanceolate...

    — northern starflower
  • Trientalis europaea
    Trientalis europaea
    Trientalis europaea is a plant in the Myrsinaceae family, called by the common name chickweed wintergreen or Arctic starflower. It is a small herbaceous perennial plant with one or more whorls of obovate leaves. The leaves take on a copper hue in late summer. The solitary white flowers appear in...

    — Arctic starflower

Pteridaceae is a large family of ferns in the order Pteridales. Members of the family have creeping or erect rhizomes and are mostly terrestrial or epipetric...


  • Adiantum aleuticum
    Adiantum aleuticum
    Adiantum aleuticum is a species of fern in the genus Adiantum, native mainly to western North America from the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, south to Chihuahua, and also locally in northeastern North America from Newfoundland south to Maryland.The fronds grow to 15-110 cm high, and are...

    — Aleutian maidenhair fern
  • Adiantum capillus-veneris
    Adiantum capillus-veneris
    Adiantum capillus-veneris, the Southern maidenhair fern, black maidenhair fern, and venus hair fern, is a species of fern in the genus Adiantum with a subcosmopolitan worldwide distribution...

    — southern maidenhair fern
  • Adiantum pedatum
    Adiantum pedatum
    Adiantum pedatum is a maidenhair fern native to moist woodland in eastern North America.Adiantum aleuticum was once considered a subspecies...

    — northern maidenhair fern
  • Adiantum viridimontanum
    Adiantum viridimontanum
    Green Mountain maidenhair fern is a rare fern limited to outcrops of serpentine rock in New England and Canada. A hybrid between Adiantum pedatum and Adiantum aleuticum , it closely resembles its parent species...

    — green mountain maidenhair fern
  • Aspidotis densa
    Aspidotis densa
    Aspidotis densa is a species of fern known by the common name Indian's dream. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to California to Wyoming, as well as parts of eastern North America including Quebec....

    — Indian's-dream
  • Cheilanthes feei
    Cheilanthes feei
    Cheilanthes feei is a species of lip fern known by the common name Slender lip fern. It is native to much of western North America from British Columbia and Alberta to northern Mexico, and throughout much of the central United States....

    — Fee's lipfern
  • Cheilanthes gracillima
    Cheilanthes gracillima
    Cheilanthes gracillima is a species of lip fern known by the common name lace lip fern. It is native to western North America, where it grows in rocky habitat from British Columbia to California to Montana. It grows clusters of frilly green leaves up to about 25 centimeters long...

    — lace lipfern

  • Cryptogramma acrostichoides
    Cryptogramma acrostichoides
    Cryptogramma acrostichoides is a species of fern known by the common names American parsley fern and American rockbrake. It is native to most of western North America, where it grows in the cracks of rocks in many types of mountainous habitat....

    — American rockbrake
  • Cryptogramma cascadensis
    Cryptogramma cascadensis
    Cryptogramma cascadensis is a species of fern known by the common names Cascade parsley fern and Cascade rockbrake. It is native to western North America from British Columbia to Montana to California, where it grows in the cracks and crevices of mountain talus slopes, especially in moist subalpine...

    — Cascade rockbrake
  • Cryptogramma sitchensis — Sitka rockbrake
  • Cryptogramma stelleri — fragile rockbrake
  • Pellaea atropurpurea
    Pellaea atropurpurea
    This is a fern, P. atropurpurea, commonly known as purple-stem cliffbrake or just purple cliffbrake. Brake is an old word for fern, related to the word bracken. Like many other members of the Pteridaceae, it is a rock plant, needing a calcareous substrate.P...

    — purplestem rockbrake
  • Pellaea gastonyi — Gastony's rockbrake
  • Pellaea glabella
    Pellaea glabella
    Pellaea glabella is the smooth cliffbrake. For much of pteridological history, it was regarded as a reduced form or variety of Pellaea atropurpurea. P. glabella is known to exist in two cryptic species, one diploid and one tetraploid. The diploid reproduces sexually, while the tetraploid is...

    — smooth rockbrake
  • Pentagramma triangularis
    Pentagramma triangularis
    Pentagramma triangularis is a fern, commonly known as goldback fern, native to Western North America, including California. It is commonly found in mixed evergreen and oak forests, occasionally on dry brushy slopes, and prefers shaded areas...

    — western gold fern


  • Heterocladium dimorphum
  • Heterocladium macounii
  • Heterocladium procurrens
  • Iwatsukiella leucotricha

  • Myurella julacea
  • Myurella sibirica
  • Myurella tenerrima
  • Pterigynandrum filiforme


  • Ptilidium ciliare — northern naugehyde liverwort

  • Ptilidium pulcherrimum


  • Campylostelium saxicola — rock-loving swan-necked moss

  • Ptychomitrium gardneri
  • Ptychomitrium incurvum

Pyrolaceae was a small family of flowering plants under the old Cronquist system of plant classification. It included the four genera Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthilia, and Pyrola, and sometimes also the eight genera formerly usually placed in the family Monotropaceae.Recent genetic research by the...


  • Chimaphila maculata
    Chimaphila maculata
    Chimaphila maculata is a small , perennial evergreen herb native to eastern North America and Central America, from southern Quebec west to Illinois, and south to Florida and Panama.It has dark green, variegated leaves 2-7 cm in length, and 6-26 mm in...

    — spotted wintergreen
  • Chimaphila menziesii
    Chimaphila menziesii
    Chimaphila menziesii is a species of perennial wildflower in the heath family known by the common name little prince's pine. This is a short flower with a slender reddish stem not exceeding 15 centimeters. The leaves are lance-shaped and a leathery rich green with light veins and tiny widely-spaced...

    — Menzies' wintergreen
  • Chimaphila umbellata
    Chimaphila umbellata
    Chimaphila umbellata is a small perennial flowering plant found in dry woodlands, or sandy soils. It is native throughout the cool temperate Northern Hemisphere....

    — common wintergreen
  • Moneses uniflora
    Moneses uniflora
    Moneses uniflora Gray is a plant of the family of Ericaceae, that is indigenous to moist coniferous forests in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere from Spain to Japan and across North America...

    — one-flower wintergreen
  • Orthilia secunda — one-side wintergreen
  • Pyrola americana — American wintergreen

  • Pyrola asarifolia
    Pyrola asarifolia
    Pyrola asarifolia, commonly known as Bog Wintergreen, Liverleaf Wintergreen or Pink Wintergreen, is a plant species of the genus Pyrola native to western North America. It is found primarily on forest margins at mid latitude in the Pacific Northwest and northern California...

    — pink wintergreen
  • Pyrola chlorantha
    Pyrola chlorantha
    Pyrola chlorantha or Green-Flowered Wintergreen is a species of the plant genus Pyrola. It has a Circumboreal distribution and is found throughout the northern latitudes of Eurasia and North America....

    — greenflower wintergreen
  • Pyrola elliptica — shinleaf
  • Pyrola grandiflora — Arctic wintergreen
  • Pyrola minor
    Pyrola minor
    Pyrola minor, known by the common names snowline wintergreen, lesser wintergreen, and common wintergreen, is a plant species of the genus Pyrola. It has a Circumboreal distribution and can be found throughout the northern latitudes of Eurasia and North America.-External links:****...

    — lesser wintergreen
  • Pyrola picta
    Pyrola picta
    Pyrola picta, commonly called white-veined wintergreen or whitevein shinleaf, is a perennial herb in the heath family. It is native to western North America from southwestern Canada to the southwestern United States.-External links:****...

    — whitevein wintergreen
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