Lof or caví (Spanish: Cahuín); formed the basic social organization of the Mapuche
The Mapuche are a group of indigenous inhabitants of south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina. They constitute a wide-ranging ethnicity composed of various groups who shared a common social, religious and economic structure, as well as a common linguistic heritage. Their influence extended...

, Huilliche
The Huilliche is an ethnic group of Chile, belonging to the Mapuche culture. They live in mountain valleys in an area south of Toltén River and on Chiloé Archipelago...

 and the extinct Picunche
The Picunche , also referred to as picones by the Spanish, were a mapudungun speaking Chilean people living to the north of the Mapuches or Araucanians and south of the Choapa River and the Diaguitas...

 peoples, consisting of a familial clan or lineage that recognizes the authority of a lonco
A lonco or lonko is a tribal chief of the Mapuches. These were often Ulmen, the wealthier men in the lof. In wartime loncos of the various local rehue or the larger aillarehue would gather in a koyag or parliament and would elect a toqui to lead the warriors in battle...

 (cacique). The Lof or caví is formed by diverse families that share the same territory and they are considered mutually related, descended from a common ancestor. Several lof form a rehue
Rehue or rewe is the sacred altar used by the Mapuche of Chile in many of their ceremonies.- Alter :It is a tree trunk set in the ground and surrounded by canes of colihue located in row and adorned with white, blue or yellow flags and branches of coihues, maitén, lengas and other trees of the area...

, and nine rehue formed the aillarehue
Aillarehue or Ayllarehue Aillarehue or Ayllarehue Aillarehue or Ayllarehue (from the (mapudungun: ayllarewe/ayjarewe: " nine rehues"); a confederation of rehues or familiar clans (lof) that dominated a region or province. It was the old administrative and territorial division of the Mapuche,...

, that formed one of the 3 or 5 great territorial confederations of the Mapuches, the Butalmapu
Butalmapu or Fütalmapu is the name in Mapudungun for "great land", which were one of the great confederations wherein the Mapuche people organized themselves in case of war...

 (great earth).

The identity of lof was reinforced by the accomplishment of diverse community and festive activities. Lof habitually shared a unique rehue, or Machi
Machi (Shaman)
A machi is a traditional healer and religious leader in the Mapuche culture of Chile and Argentina. Machis play significant roles in Mapuche religion. Women are more commonly machis than men.-Description:...

's altar, in which the more significant religious ceremonies were performed. On the other hand the vitality of the clan shone in the accomplishment of lof kudau, a species of retributive communitarian work followed by a celebration with a feast and drinking, similar to the mingaco of the quechuas
Quechuas is the collective term for several indigenous ethnic groups in South America who speak a Quechua language , belonging to several ethnic groups in South America, especially in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Argentina.The Quechuas of Ecuador call themselves as well as their...

. Lof kudau consisted usually of harvests, and other work that demanded large amounts of manpower, mainly in the fields of rich and prestigious personages of the lof: the ulmenes and lonco
A lonco or lonko is a tribal chief of the Mapuches. These were often Ulmen, the wealthier men in the lof. In wartime loncos of the various local rehue or the larger aillarehue would gather in a koyag or parliament and would elect a toqui to lead the warriors in battle...

s, who could afford to provide enough food and drink.


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