The Berry
The Berry is the only political newspaper at Cambridge University
University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is a public research university located in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest university in both the United Kingdom and the English-speaking world , and the seventh-oldest globally...

, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

. In its print form, like The Cambridge Student
The Cambridge Student
The Cambridge Student, commonly known as TCS, is one of Cambridge University's student newspapers...

and Varsity
Varsity (Cambridge)
Varsity is the oldest of Cambridge University's main student newspapers. It has been published continuously since 1947, and is one of only three fully independent student newspapers in the UK. It appears every Friday around Cambridge...

it had a distribution of 10,000. In 2009-10 it was relaunched as an online newspaper, 'The Berry Online', providing Cambridge students with their only regular forum for political debate.


Just as berries
The botanical definition of a berry is a fleshy fruit produced from a single ovary. Grapes are an example. The berry is the most common type of fleshy fruit in which the entire ovary wall ripens into an edible pericarp. They may have one or more carpels with a thin covering and fleshy interiors....

 can be red, blue, yellow, black and almost any other colour, this paper was created to address the concerns of students of all political beliefs. Originally a joint project between CULC
Cambridge University Labour Club
The Cambridge Universities Labour Club is a political society whose predecessor was first set up in 1905, which now seeks to unite socialist and social democratic students at Cambridge University with the Labour Party by propagating "the values of Clause 4 of the Labour Party’s constitution, to...

 and CUCA
Cambridge University Conservative Association
The Cambridge University Conservative Association is a long-established political society going back to 1921, with roots in the late nineteenth century, as a Conservative branch for students at Cambridge University in England...

, the paper has expanded to include contributors from all political persuasions. It aims to remain unbiased while removing the anti-political slant of so much modern media.


The paper was launched in October, 2005, by Laurie Fitzjohn-Sykes, then chairman of CUCA
Cambridge University Conservative Association
The Cambridge University Conservative Association is a long-established political society going back to 1921, with roots in the late nineteenth century, as a Conservative branch for students at Cambridge University in England...

, to challenge the political apathy then prevalent among the university's students. While originally drawing writers from CULC
Cambridge University Labour Club
The Cambridge Universities Labour Club is a political society whose predecessor was first set up in 1905, which now seeks to unite socialist and social democratic students at Cambridge University with the Labour Party by propagating "the values of Clause 4 of the Labour Party’s constitution, to...

 and CUCA
Cambridge University Conservative Association
The Cambridge University Conservative Association is a long-established political society going back to 1921, with roots in the late nineteenth century, as a Conservative branch for students at Cambridge University in England...

, the paper soon diversified to include contributors who were members of the other political parties and those who were members of none at all.

Contributors have included Jeroen van der Veer
Jeroen van der Veer
Jeroen van der Veer was the CEO of the petroleum corporation Royal Dutch Shell until 30 June 2009....

 (CEO of Shell), Mark Lloyd Davis (Conservative Party Health Advisor and Parliamentary Candidate) and Tony Benn
Tony Benn
Anthony Neil Wedgwood "Tony" Benn, PC is a British Labour Party politician and a former MP and Cabinet Minister.His successful campaign to renounce his hereditary peerage was instrumental in the creation of the Peerage Act 1963...

 (former Labour MP).

Current editors Edward Winfield (Peterhouse) and Charles Read (Christ's College) took over in October, 2010, seek to increase readership and awareness of the newspaper.


The Berry is published entirely by a team of volunteers, who are students at Cambridge University
University of Cambridge
The University of Cambridge is a public research university located in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is the second-oldest university in both the United Kingdom and the English-speaking world , and the seventh-oldest globally...

. It is completely funded by advertisements and donations.

External links

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