United Nations Security Council Resolution 1219
United Nations
United Nations
The United Nations is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace...

 Security Council Resolution
United Nations Security Council Resolution
A United Nations Security Council resolution is a UN resolution adopted by the fifteen members of the Security Council; the UN body charged with "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security"....

, adopted unanimously on December 31, 1998, after reaffirming Resolution 696
United Nations Security Council Resolution 696
United Nations Security Council Resolution 696, adopted unanimously on May 30, 1991, after noting the recent desire to sign the Bicesse Accords between the MPLA and UNITA in Angola, the recent withdrawal of all Cuban troops and considering a report by the Secretary-General, the Council approved...

 (1991) and all subsequent resolutions on Angola
Angola, officially the Republic of Angola , is a country in south-central Africa bordered by Namibia on the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the north, and Zambia on the east; its west coast is on the Atlantic Ocean with Luanda as its capital city...

, particularly resolutions 1202
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1202
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1202 was adopted unanimously on October 15, 1998, after reaffirming Resolution 696 and all subsequent resolutions on Angola, including Resolution 1196 on Africa...

 (1998) and 1213
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1213
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1213, adopted unanimously on December 3, 1998, after reaffirming Resolution 696 and all subsequent resolutions on Angola, including resolutions 846 , 1127 and 1173 , the Council extended the mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Angola for a...

 (1998), the Council condemned the absence of actions to determine the fate of crew and passengers aboard United Nations Flight 806 which crashed on December 26, 1998.

The Security Council expressed extreme concern at the crash of United Nations Flight 806 and at the disappearance of other aircraft over Angolan territory controlled by UNITA
The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola is the second-largest political party in Angola. Founded in 1966, UNITA fought with the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola in the Angolan War for Independence and then against the MPLA in the ensuing civil war .The war was one...

. It deplored the lack of co-operation in clarifying the circumstances of the incident and permitting a United Nations search and rescue mission. The Council demanded that Jonas Savimbi
Jonas Savimbi
Jonas Malheiro Savimbi was an Angolan political leader. He founded and led UNITA, a movement that first waged a guerrilla war against Portuguese colonial rule, 1966–1974, then confronted the rival MPLA during the decolonization conflict, 1974/75, and after independence in 1975 fought the ruling...

, the leader of UNITA, respond immediately to appeals from the United Nations to search and rescue possible survivors of Flight 806. The flight had 14 people on board and crashed 16 miles from Huambo
Huambo, formerly Nova Lisboa , is the capital of Huambo province in Angola. The city is located about 220 km E from Benguela and 600 km SE from Luanda. The city's last known population count was 225,268...


The resolution continued by expressing further concern about the increasing number of vanishing aircraft
An aircraft is a vehicle that is able to fly by gaining support from the air, or, in general, the atmosphere of a planet. An aircraft counters the force of gravity by using either static lift or by using the dynamic lift of an airfoil, or in a few cases the downward thrust from jet engines.Although...

 over UNITA territory and condemned the lack of co-operation to determine the fate of crews and passengers involved in these incidents. UNITA in particular had to facilitate investigations into the disappearances; if there was no compliance with the current resolution by January 11, 1999, further action would be taken.

Finally, all countries were reminded to comply in the implementation of sanctions against UNITA imposed in resolutions 864
United Nations Security Council Resolution 864
United Nations Security Council Resolution 864, adopted unanimously on September 15, 1993, after reaffirming resolutions 696 , 747 , 785 , 793 , 804 , 811 , 823 , 834 and 851 , the Council noted the continuing situation in Angola and went on to condemn and place international sanctions on...

 (1993), 1127
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1127
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1127, adopted unanimously on August 28, 1997, after reaffirming Resolution 696 and all subsequent resolutions on Angola, the Council, acting under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, imposed sanctions on UNITA following the lack of compliance in...

 (1997) and 1173
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1173
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1173, adopted unanimously on June 12, 1998, after reaffirming Resolution 696 and all subsequent resolutions on Angola, particularly Resolution 1127 , the Council announced its intention to impose further sanctions against UNITA for non-compliance, unless...


See also

  • Angolan Civil War
    Angolan Civil War
    The Angolan Civil War was a major civil conflict in the Southern African state of Angola, beginning in 1975 and continuing, with some interludes, until 2002. The war began immediately after Angola became independent from Portugal in November 1975. Prior to this, a decolonisation conflict had taken...

  • List of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1201 to 1300 (1998–2000)
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1221
    United Nations Security Council Resolution 1221
    United Nations Security Council Resolution 1221, adopted unanimously on January 12, 1999, after reaffirming Resolution 696 and all subsequent resolutions on Angola, particularly resolutions 1196 and 1219 , the Council condemned the downing of two commercial planes over UNITA-controlled territory...

External links

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