On the Subject program an explanation was given for why the "greenhouse ffect" causes global warming. The explanation was that Sun's infra-red is reflected back but by some unexplained process trapped in the atmosphere. Wrong. The reason for warming is based on "The Greenhouse" principle. But first you have to understand how a Greenhouse works.
The glass in a greenhouse is transparent to the infra rays of the Sun so the rays pass through and are absorbed by the inside which starts to warm up. When a body warmes up by absorbed energy it will in turn start to radiate heat. However the re-radiated heat has less energy than the infra red that warmed the body up.For infra-red that means that the re-radiated infra-red has a longer wave length. The glass is transparent to the shorter wave length from the Sun but it ir opaque to the longer wave length inside the greenhouse. So it is trapped and the insde warms up
Thus the earth warms up because the CO2 is transparent to the Sun's short wave infra-red but opaque to the long wave infra red radiated from the heat absorbed by the earth. If the suns rays were reflected back to space and we had no CO2 to trap the heat, our Planet would be too cold for Life.
The glass in a greenhouse is transparent to the infra rays of the Sun so the rays pass through and are absorbed by the inside which starts to warm up. When a body warmes up by absorbed energy it will in turn start to radiate heat. However the re-radiated heat has less energy than the infra red that warmed the body up.For infra-red that means that the re-radiated infra-red has a longer wave length. The glass is transparent to the shorter wave length from the Sun but it ir opaque to the longer wave length inside the greenhouse. So it is trapped and the insde warms up
Thus the earth warms up because the CO2 is transparent to the Sun's short wave infra-red but opaque to the long wave infra red radiated from the heat absorbed by the earth. If the suns rays were reflected back to space and we had no CO2 to trap the heat, our Planet would be too cold for Life.