I say that God is not pleased with the size of service and corresponding intensity of devotion. He is pleased only with the purity of the service, which is nothing but lack of any desire to be fulfilled with the help of God.
This single aspect is the life of your entire effort to please God. From millions of births, the human being is so much involved in the fulfillment of his personal aspiration, that even the bones of the human being after death, shall ask for the fulfillment of some personal desire, if an opportunity is granted.
Shiridi Sai Baba told that after His death the bones of His body will speak and clarify the doubts of devotees. This is true, because He was spiritual preacher from millions of births and hence even His bones have the habit of answering the doubts. Similarly, any human being is a beggar for the fulfillment of personal desires and therefore the bones of any human being after death shall ask for the fulfillment of some desire. Buddha, the human incarnation of God, concentrated on this single aspect of destroying the desire. Gita also preaches Nishkama karmayoga only, which means doing the service without any personal desire. If this one aspect is achieved, all the spiritual effort ends. Without this achievement, there is no need of any type of service, which is always impregnated with the impurity of fulfillment of selfish desire. Due to the desire, even the practical service becomes useless.
In such case, there is no need of speaking about efforts like penance, meditation, recitation of prayers etc., which are not even the practical service. First, you must leave all these theoretical services, which are the cleaver tricks of selfish and miser intellectual devotees trying to fool God. Then, you must come to the line of practical service and practical sacrifice. Then, you must clean your practical service by eradicating the aspiration for fulfillment of any selfish desire. This is the essence of all the scriptures and without achieving success in this aspect, God cannot be pleased by any trick since God is omniscient.