"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born." -Ronald Reagan
Abortion is murder! If the baby could choose I'm sure he or she would choose life. God has a purpose for everyone!
replied to: jbrooke12
Replied to: "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born."...
Very well stated...God and Ronald are watching us...
replied to: jbarnes1
Replied to: Very well stated...God and Ronald are watching us...
I totally agree but who is Ronald.
replied to: jbrooke12
Replied to: "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born."...
With respect, I feel that your view on abortion is simplistic. Life for life sake isn't enough. Quality of life must be addressed as well. This to me is a private matter the individual and those she feels close enough to to help her make such a decision.
replied to: Tara355
Replied to: With respect, I feel that your view on abortion is simplistic....
What about the babies choice? I'm sure they would choose life if they could. If someone doesn't want a child then they shouldn't have sex. If they are married, use protection. And if that fails you won't wanna give up the child for anything. If they are raped, give the child up for adoption. Don't punish the child for the crime committed. I don't see how anyone could give up there own child no matter what the circumstance. I've lost 2 children in miscarriage and it upsets me when someone aborts their perfectly healthy baby.
replied to: jbrooke12
Replied to: What about the babies choice? I'm sure they would choose life...
I am very sorry for your loss. The pain and anger you feel is very deep and I would not presume to understand it fully. I hope that you are able to find peace.
replied to: ronghole2
Replied to: I totally agree but who is Ronald.