Parnelli Jones
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After too many years of racing Pro motorcycle circuit with cheap helmets and not being as good as I could have been, My memory is largely a memorym IE: gone. Parnelli was an acquantaince of mine back in the days of him & the big Merc at Pikes Peak (I raced it 8 times, bikes & cars with a class win, 2nd's & 3rds -- then watched Mr. Jones at Devil's Playground (famous pic with rear quarter panel hanging a good 18" of 2,000ft. of sky & throwing roosts that are still hanging in the Colorado air somewhere, my mind has just drawn a major blank here with friends -- WHAT THE HELL WAS THE NICKNAME OF PARNELLI'S OLD SCHOOL FRONT ENGINED ROADSTER??? Any body???
replied to:  deaconblue
Replied to:  After too many years of racing Pro motorcycle circuit with cheap...
I just got it -- soon as I posted my plea, it came to me -"Ol' Calhoun" hahaha** Love it
As a pubescent kid in the heyday of the sea change from front to rear engined Indy (ty Mssrs' Clark, Stewart, Brabham, Gurney, et al) the only way we could watch the 500 in "real time" was to buy what seemed like expensive (probably $3) to closed circuit, fuzzy, B&W coverage flag to flag in a movie theater. Quality may not have been best but it was LIVE for the first time in my hormone-charged life, "babysat" by my older brother and making the trip from Boulder to Denver, CO in his Alfa Giula (yes, it made it all the way and back. barely. I WAS brand new but still...) My first was the year we lost Dave McDonald & Eddie Sachs in that horror of horrors fireball and ensuing carnage. Worse because they disn't show racing on telly and then only edited or highlights and would never had let the cameras linger on all the tragic action like that and wouldn't today. Buy the 2nd lap or whatever it was, Clark had booted it to nearly half a lap lead with his "real" 4-speeds as opposed to the trad. Indy/Offy 2 and actually downshifted for corners & passing! Unheard of. Watching and hearing all those big old loud Offies mingling in anger with all those (green-gasp!), "lil' ferner sporty cars" (skeptics were quickly & forever, duly enightened thowe couple of years** was pure heaven for me. Enough-----
My question; that was also the year (a helluva year**) that Parnelli's car caught fire as he was pulling out of a pit stop and there's a FANTASTIC B&W photo/poster of him acrobatically in the air like a high jumper out of the seat and over the high pipe and giant tire, escaping a cockpit roasting we could't see, with the under-forearm of his thin uniform already black from the flames. It's a classic, classic shot and I've always cherished one for my den -- or living room -- or shrine. Q___ Does anyone have a copy of that shot or a poster (either original or "new reprint" of the original of that classic moment?? I would really like to discuss some arrangement that might get a facsimle in my hands to hang next to my Poster of Steve McQueen (actually Bud Ekins -- little known fact), Steve's racing partner, tuner, rebuilder/restorer over the decades, doing the famous jump on his Triumph ove the concertina wire (actually string with clipped-rubber band knots to simulate barbed wire along the jumped bit. Sorry -- too much blather, I know. TY for any help re Indy Parnell Poster/pic** contact: or -- 720/980/0234
replied to:  deaconblue
Replied to:  After too many years of racing Pro motorcycle circuit with cheap...
Ol' Calhoun .