WW II left tens of millions of soldiers and civilians dead and leveled many areas of Europe.
replied to: bravotren
Replied to: WW II left tens of millions of soldiers and civilians dead...
The United Nations was formed on October 24, 1945, to maintain international peace.
replied to: epking
Replied to: The United Nations was formed on October 24, 1945, to maintain...
A period of decolonization occurred in the years after the war, with powers such as France losing control of colonial holdings.
replied to: ericfischer
Replied to: A period of decolonization occurred in the years after the war,...
The USSR gained total power in eastern except for Grece
replied to: bravotren
Replied to: WW II left tens of millions of soldiers and civilians dead...
The term 'genocide' came into existence after the Holocaust.