Main Line Media News#blogcomments#blogcomments
Formal criminal charges have been made against Janet Lynn Giersch and her accomplices to both the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) Philadelphia and Fort Washington Headquarters Public Corruption Division. The murder attempt was effectively enable by a collaborative criminal public corruption of officials in Montgomery County and Lower Merion Township.
Lower Merion Police have identified the primary participant in the attempted murder charges in a child abduction scheme as Janet Lynn Giersch, a school nurse working at the Archbishop Prendergast High and resides in Bryn Mawr, PA. The attack has left the victim permanently disabled with current standing threats to carry out the murder.
As the surrounding criminal public corruption around this murder attempt is so widespread we have asked Pennsylvania Attorney General for a Special Grand Jury Criminal Investigation.
PA Governor Rendell has asked for these crimes to investigated, but to date no investigation has been conducted.
With the widespread criminal public corruption currently surrounding the Montgomery County Judges and District Attorney including investigators and police no conviction can ever stand. Every trial will now be appealed on the grounds of un-investigation criminal public corruption. Two major trials in Montgomery County are now in the process of appeal on grounds of this public criminal corruption. This is costing the residents millions of dollars for standing criminal public corruption of our elected officials. From within our own family, our Montgomery County detective will tell you, we plant a gun on the guy if we have to get a conviction.
Any case currently before or on appeal in the Montgomery County Justice system should immediately contact us to join in eliminating this criminal offence against the Montgomery County community.
Richard Liberatoscioli
PA Governor Edward G. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Richard Liberatoscioli
9 Reformed Rd.
Linfield , PA 19468
Re: Authorization for use of deadly force
Governor Rendell,
Thank- you for your letter to the commander of the PA State Police requesting a criminal investigation into the widespread criminal charges surrounding the Lower Merion Police.
The PA State Commander sent notice the Montgomery County District Attorney for criminal investigation. This District Attorney has not responded at all in any way other than “we don’t have the authority to investigate the police”.
As you must know by the copy of the original criminal complaint, the charges are of widespread and blatant criminal public corruption in Montgomery County. The crimes committed range in scope from local, state and federal police and public corruption laws.
The most serious of the crimes was the Lower Merion Police murder attempt that left me permanently disabled and the current and standing threats to kill me by these police officers.
As you know, it is standard police policy in such a magnitude of criminal allegation that the armed officers be relived of their lethal weapons until a criminal investigation is conducted. There has been no investigation of these crimes. These officers remain at large armed and in all demonstrated conduct to make good on their treats of murder under the veil of widespread criminal cover up and corruption.
I ask of you to assist in the restoration of law and order within the commonwealth in the protection of its citizens and the authorization for use of deadly force in self defense against these public criminals.
Richard Liberatoscioli
Formal criminal charges have been made against Janet Lynn Giersch and her accomplices to both the Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) Philadelphia and Fort Washington Headquarters Public Corruption Division. The murder attempt was effectively enable by a collaborative criminal public corruption of officials in Montgomery County and Lower Merion Township.
Lower Merion Police have identified the primary participant in the attempted murder charges in a child abduction scheme as Janet Lynn Giersch, a school nurse working at the Archbishop Prendergast High and resides in Bryn Mawr, PA. The attack has left the victim permanently disabled with current standing threats to carry out the murder.
As the surrounding criminal public corruption around this murder attempt is so widespread we have asked Pennsylvania Attorney General for a Special Grand Jury Criminal Investigation.
PA Governor Rendell has asked for these crimes to investigated, but to date no investigation has been conducted.
With the widespread criminal public corruption currently surrounding the Montgomery County Judges and District Attorney including investigators and police no conviction can ever stand. Every trial will now be appealed on the grounds of un-investigation criminal public corruption. Two major trials in Montgomery County are now in the process of appeal on grounds of this public criminal corruption. This is costing the residents millions of dollars for standing criminal public corruption of our elected officials. From within our own family, our Montgomery County detective will tell you, we plant a gun on the guy if we have to get a conviction.
Any case currently before or on appeal in the Montgomery County Justice system should immediately contact us to join in eliminating this criminal offence against the Montgomery County community.
Richard Liberatoscioli
PA Governor Edward G. Rendell
225 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120
Richard Liberatoscioli
9 Reformed Rd.
Linfield , PA 19468
Re: Authorization for use of deadly force
Governor Rendell,
Thank- you for your letter to the commander of the PA State Police requesting a criminal investigation into the widespread criminal charges surrounding the Lower Merion Police.
The PA State Commander sent notice the Montgomery County District Attorney for criminal investigation. This District Attorney has not responded at all in any way other than “we don’t have the authority to investigate the police”.
As you must know by the copy of the original criminal complaint, the charges are of widespread and blatant criminal public corruption in Montgomery County. The crimes committed range in scope from local, state and federal police and public corruption laws.
The most serious of the crimes was the Lower Merion Police murder attempt that left me permanently disabled and the current and standing threats to kill me by these police officers.
As you know, it is standard police policy in such a magnitude of criminal allegation that the armed officers be relived of their lethal weapons until a criminal investigation is conducted. There has been no investigation of these crimes. These officers remain at large armed and in all demonstrated conduct to make good on their treats of murder under the veil of widespread criminal cover up and corruption.
I ask of you to assist in the restoration of law and order within the commonwealth in the protection of its citizens and the authorization for use of deadly force in self defense against these public criminals.
Richard Liberatoscioli