I am posting this as to maybe get some answers or see what I find first and foremost. I have read an article on CNN.com and a health report stating that autism in newborns may be linked to women who were pregnant and taking some sort of antidepressant with an SSRI in it.. Has anyone else seen this? Please comment!
Thank you,
replied to: cordelia24
Replied to: I am posting this as to maybe get some answers or...
I have seen these reports alot more frequently and the evidence behind it is becoming more substantial as of late. There is a local attorney who is very passionate about these types of cases in my area. If you feel like yourself or someone you know has been affected by this, please go to zolofthurtmychild.com or chadpinkerton.com. You may also speak with a trained representative or lawyer by calling 1-855-ZOLOFT-1.
replied to: GCG22
Replied to: I have seen these reports alot more frequently and the evidence...
In my opinion a good chiropractic doctor can answer this accurately. My cousin was also suffering from this. But then he met with Dr. Tony salamay. He is a qualified chiropractic doctor in panama city.