Sitting at his desk, body and feet turned toword ma as I stand right in front of him, elbow on the table, feet apart, hands held in front of his chest ( one hend placed in the other hand) so tight that you could see the white in his nuckels. Conversation was just small talk realy. I think he's hot but I try not to show it, if it makes a difference:)
replied to: Onia
Replied to: Sitting at his desk, body and feet turned toword ma as...
Your boss is probably frusterated at something. what was the talk about???
replied to: Luv2Surf
Replied to: Your boss is probably frusterated at something. what was the talk...
"Hey how are you?" It was kind of awkward now that I think about it.
Thanks, Onia!
replied to: Onia
Replied to: Sitting at his desk, body and feet turned toword ma as...
Bosses usually are stressed and chances are the stress has nothing to do with you. The white knuckles are a bit of a give away. We tend to tighten up when the subject of our stress is brought up, so to find the source of his stress watch him during the small talk.
replied to: Onia
Replied to: Sitting at his desk, body and feet turned toword ma as...
I have studied and research a bit on this topic which is available on my blog in two posts which can be visited at -