Claude V. McKnight III
Claude Mcknight or ClaudieMac
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Yes, sad but true... Claude Mcknight has confessed on a public blog about stringing along many women at the same time - finding them on different social network sites... apparently, he had been doing this for years...what a waste of a man I guess... and he has the gall to call himself a religious man?? wow! glad I was able to find this educational information.
replied to:  onewoman
Replied to:  Yes, sad but true... Claude Mcknight has confessed on a public...
I think it is so easy for people to sit on the side lines and throw rocks and beat someone down as long as their skeletons remain in the closet. I however choose to have faith in Claude and the fact he has come clean and admits his wrongs and is trying to put one foot in front of the other to start to make things right.
What more can he do. Maybe this needed to come to a head so he could begin the road to being a better person.
An addiction is something that people have no control over and act in manners they normally wouldnt act. I feel for anyone with matter what it is drugs, smoking, sex and list goes on forever.
What I dont get is why these women are skating around their own responsibility of "safe sex". Come on ladies let's be women and not victims. He had sex without condoms....did you ask him to use one?? As women we need to protect ourselves. IF he said no to a condom then get the hell out of there!!
"He lied to me"....and so you think people don't lie....
"he used me"...let's face it you can not be used unless YOU allow it.
And as far as him calling himself a religious man maybe we need to look at that. He is still a child of God...flaws and all!!! He knows what he has done is not right in the eyes of God but neither is our sin. You know the skeletons in your closet are no greater or no less then his EXCEPT he is in the public eye and people love a good story.
I feel for people going thru the heart break (I have been there myself) but looking back I realized it wasnt all the mans fault...I need to LEARN and move on. Not beat someone down to make myself feel better.
replied to:  galodgejo2
Replied to:  I think it is so easy for people to sit on...
He really hasn't changed. I can't believe women are still falling for it. New and old relationships's crazy how they all just want to believe (pathetic and in love with him or waiting for him VERY PATIENTLY lol) then they call anyone coming along with different FACTS than what they have decided to believe ...a crazy liar...whatever....they'll find out sooner or later. ...with him they better hope they don't get a broken heart and a disease in the mean time....oh...and btw...that broken heart with this guy is...over and over....and over and over...he doesn't 'throw anyone away'....he can't stand if you want to live with THAT and a venereal disease...claudiemac is your perfect match