Climate change used to distract from the real issue
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Am I the only one who understands the significants of the recently released figures on population growth. 2.5 billion in 1950, that is, the population took the whole of humanity to reach this figure. Let me be clearer, from when we climbed from the soup of the earth, millions of years ago, to 1950 we obtained a population of 2.5 billion people
And here is the scary bit. It then only took 60, let me put that in script,SIXTY YEARS to almost TRIPLE the 1950's number
I believe that this issue is being deliberately ignored by world leaders, who have used Climate Change as the lesser of two evils, basically to distract the populace. Considering the presenting numbers, why are we not having serious debate on this issue as we are on the precipice of total implosion well within the next twenty years, way before the detrimental effects of Climate Change become extreme.
As the most pressing problem facing the earths population,which we can't feed now, have humans become so self absorbed with themselves that this is being deliberately ignored, to the detriment of the WHOLE human race
If this is so, I am embarassed to have been part of the most greedy, cowardly, destructive and arrogant lifeform in the history of this planet
replied to:  johnburgess
Replied to:  Am I the only one who understands the...
I think the reason that world leaders (capitalist) are scared to talk about overpopulation is because the only real solution is to be communist something that all the west seem to be scared of also.
This solution works because as in china a couple can only have one child if the whole world did this the population in time would be halved this can only work in communist countries as they don't need growth to function unlike capitalist systems that depend on growth. If the population doesn't grow neither does the economy therefore the rich people who are in charge of the countries are scared of tackling the issue because they would lose all there money and power.
The only other solution is for a massive disaster or disease that would be done on purpose but this would not be good for anyone and result in billions of deaths.
"the deepest, darkest places in hell are for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crisis."-Dante
For anyone who is a Dante fan and religious and knew how to make a incurable disease this quote may spur them on to doing something dreadful but for some perhaps necessary i hope to hell no one of this nature exists on this earth.
replied to:  johnburgess
Replied to:  Am I the only one who understands the...
I share your frustration, John. It has always been interesting to me that no government or NGO, including Friends of the Earth, is willing to take the bull by the horns and deal with the global threat of overpopulation. It seems to be a taboo subject.

Regarding 2.5 billion in 1950, 27 years ago, I was so horrified when the Earth's population hit FIVE billion that I started writing a book as a vehicle for presenting my own ideas on population control. By the time I had finished writing the book and published it (last month), the population was SEVEN BILLION.

There are far too few voices willing to confront the issue of too many people in the world. There's a lot of noise about feeding all the billions to come, but not in reducing birth rates. That in my mind is insane. I present a fairly controversial and radical solution to the problem in the book (The O.D. by Chris James) in which the human population is reduced by 90% over a 250 year time span. The good news is that nobody gets killed.
