Ben Tulfo
Concern for a woman under threat
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Hi, Mr. Tulfo,

We've been watching regularly your show on TV and we are impressed with the way you report hot topics and handle situations that need quick though difficult solutions.

I am writing about a woman who is presently being held captive by her boyfriend. Her brother got in touch with us to report the sad situation of his sister.

Allegedly, her boyfriend, an ex-marine, physically abuses her and keeps her literally under lock and key in their house (they are living-in). He does not let her out of the house. When he goes out, he locks her up inside. Now she's begging to be "rescued" by his family but her brothers and sister(as well as their parents) are in the province. At present, she has no one to turn to. His brother informed us about her situation.

We are seeking your assistance. Through you, we would like to help the woman.

\*I deliberately did not give her name, the province where her family is, and our contact number so that the boyfriend will not know about our attempt to take her from him. If you don't mind, I would like to give the details through your email. Or you can get in touch with us at 9315504 or

Thank you. We hope you can help us.
