Leonardo da Vinci
Da Vinci and the Shroud of Turin
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Has anyone heard the theory that Da Vinci was the artist who created the Shroud of Turin?
replied to:  scbrow
Replied to:  Has anyone heard the theory that Da Vinci was the artist...
I saw on the History channel about an early camera Da Vinci invented that he could have used to create the Shroud. The age of the Shroud can't be precisely determined because it had been in a fire, thus making carbon dating impossible.
replied to:  gdmcra7x
Replied to:  I saw on the History channel about an early camera Da...
New info on Carbon Dating. Basically stating the date they came up with 1260-1390 was due to testing a piece of the Shroud which has determined to have been a piece of cloth which was woven into the original at sometime maybe to repair it . Anyway what can be tested the History Channel(April 2009)piece said was the burnt parts from the fire. Carbon and Carbon 14 I guess are different. When this may happen?????
replied to:  scbrow
Replied to:  Has anyone heard the theory that Da Vinci was the artist...
History Channel had a updated show(April 2009) and what they said was da Vinci may have been hired to make a Shroud. Maybe for the House of Savoy?
Also that facial measurements(Jan 2009) were taken of Leonardo and the figure on the Shroud and they matched one another. Also I saw a show a while back were someone had taken measurements of the Mona Lisa and Leonardo and they matched. Busy guy!
replied to:  LeoWrangler
Replied to:  History Channel had a updated show(April 2009) and what they said...
The site www.photoofJesus.com has some compelling arguments regarding the Shroud of Turin being genuine. Regarding the Da Vinci Shroud, the site argues that Leonardo Da Vinci must have seen the Shroud, and being so impressed with the noble image on the Shroud, that he used the Shroud image as his model. The site also points out that other painters before DaVinci used the shroud as a model for their painting. The site also gives convincing pictures of the Shroud face being superimposed on a painting from the year 550AD to give a perfect match.
replied to:  scbrow
Replied to:  Has anyone heard the theory that Da Vinci was the artist...
There is a theory that the Shroud of Turin is actually a medieval or early renaissance attempt of a photograph: It was a piece of fabric treated with chemicals like the ones used today in photo-emulsions and then placed into something like a camera obscura. In fact, the fabric shows three different photographs: one from the front, one from the back and one close-up of the face. The whole thing was some kind of experiment that later resurfaced as the 'shroud with this magic markings on it' that then later became the Shroud of Turin.

As for Leonardo Da vinci: he was in France in about the time the shroud first surfaced there. So the time ans location match... roughtly, at least good enough as that some later theorist, when searching for a man who could have produced the linnen-photograph, immediately came up with his name. Interesting theory, but dragging Da Vinci into it is a bit far fetched: there were lots of other renaissance men, scientists or even alchemists around that could have made this shroud just as well. Leonardo was just the most famous. So in retrospect it MUST have been him. Somewhat like claiming that the Harry Potter movies were made by Steven Spielberg... or that the Stealth Fighter was secretly designed by superdesigner Kelly Johnson... or by Dick Rutan.

One variation of this theory has the Lords of Savoy calling on Leonardo da Vinci to help with the RESTAURATION of the Shroud of Turin, upon which he then created the photographic process to make the outlines look like a real man.... true? judge for yourself...
replied to:  scbrow
Replied to:  Has anyone heard the theory that Da Vinci was the artist...
No he painted the mona lisa