Dark Flow is evidence that our universe is not alone
Our SINGULARITY, that started the Big Bang came from THE TAIL END OF A SUPER MASSIVE BLACK HOLE FROM ANOTHER PARALLEL UNIVERSE. Black Holes all have an entry point, therefore, they all must have an exit point. A Black Hole is where gravity has gone wild, it breaks down anything and everything that goes into it and then converts it to pure energy. When this Super Massive Black Hole was created in another Universe, the tail end of it was the beginning of ours. The CREATION of the tail of this black hole opening is the start of our Big Bang. This tail end of the black hole is the mouth that keeps blowing matter into our universe. This creates the dark energy and flow which continues to cause our universe to expand. Gravity and radiation turned all the matter in the Black Hole to pure energy, and this is the reason the "singularity" was incredibly hot. And since the Big Bang was an expansion of this heat, and not an explosion, the temperature is uniform. It is the same reason that the contents in a balloon is uniform in temperature. As long as this Black Hole is being fed by the parallel universe, our universe will continue to expand. The same is true when a person blows up a balloon, as long as he keeps blowing, the balloon will expand. This also explains the hard part, "OUR UNIVERSE CAME OUT OF NOTHING". It appears that way, but in reality our universe was created by a Super massive black hole that started in a parallel universe. Energy has just been transformed.
Extra Thoughts:
Not all black holes create universes. Just like a person who blows bubbles is unable to successfully blow a bubble each and every time he tries.
The "Big Bang" was not an explosion. It was an instant expansion as the tail end of a Super Massive Black Hole came into existence. This is the reason why this "explosion" has no center point, but yet it has a continuing expansion point from its edge. Since We are in the "balloon", and the source is pushing us and everything else away from it, this will make it difficult for us to see the source.
Dark Energy is the force that is coming out of the tail end of the black hole that continues to feed our universe... causing our universe to continue expanding...Dark Energy is "the balloon blower" of our universe, and as long as the black hole is consuming, it will continue to blow out matter along with the Dark Energy force.
Thanks for reading my proposed theory, from a person who has probably read one to many Cosmos books, and watched one to many Universe documentaries.
Jay Zugai
Our SINGULARITY, that started the Big Bang came from THE TAIL END OF A SUPER MASSIVE BLACK HOLE FROM ANOTHER PARALLEL UNIVERSE. Black Holes all have an entry point, therefore, they all must have an exit point. A Black Hole is where gravity has gone wild, it breaks down anything and everything that goes into it and then converts it to pure energy. When this Super Massive Black Hole was created in another Universe, the tail end of it was the beginning of ours. The CREATION of the tail of this black hole opening is the start of our Big Bang. This tail end of the black hole is the mouth that keeps blowing matter into our universe. This creates the dark energy and flow which continues to cause our universe to expand. Gravity and radiation turned all the matter in the Black Hole to pure energy, and this is the reason the "singularity" was incredibly hot. And since the Big Bang was an expansion of this heat, and not an explosion, the temperature is uniform. It is the same reason that the contents in a balloon is uniform in temperature. As long as this Black Hole is being fed by the parallel universe, our universe will continue to expand. The same is true when a person blows up a balloon, as long as he keeps blowing, the balloon will expand. This also explains the hard part, "OUR UNIVERSE CAME OUT OF NOTHING". It appears that way, but in reality our universe was created by a Super massive black hole that started in a parallel universe. Energy has just been transformed.
Extra Thoughts:
Not all black holes create universes. Just like a person who blows bubbles is unable to successfully blow a bubble each and every time he tries.
The "Big Bang" was not an explosion. It was an instant expansion as the tail end of a Super Massive Black Hole came into existence. This is the reason why this "explosion" has no center point, but yet it has a continuing expansion point from its edge. Since We are in the "balloon", and the source is pushing us and everything else away from it, this will make it difficult for us to see the source.
Dark Energy is the force that is coming out of the tail end of the black hole that continues to feed our universe... causing our universe to continue expanding...Dark Energy is "the balloon blower" of our universe, and as long as the black hole is consuming, it will continue to blow out matter along with the Dark Energy force.
Thanks for reading my proposed theory, from a person who has probably read one to many Cosmos books, and watched one to many Universe documentaries.
Jay Zugai