Do you think that the asteroid tracking makes the earth any safer?
replied to: belanna
Replied to: Do you think that the asteroid tracking makes the earth any...
It was just by chance that this one was as small as it was. We have no control of most things on earth or out there in space. If something happens we will not be able to protect ourselves.
replied to: jharrington
Replied to: It was just by chance that this one was as small...
We are as much as danger as we always were before this happened.
replied to: belanna
Replied to: Do you think that the asteroid tracking makes the earth any...
Sure, then you know where they plan to hit earth. You can send a missle and blow them up...boom!
replied to: belanna
Replied to: Do you think that the asteroid tracking makes the earth any...
According to my knowledge that the scene right out of a bad Hollywood movie experts from around the world are debating how they can change the trajectory of an asteroid that may hit earth in 11 months.The Asteroid known as the scientific community as asteroid 2012 DA14, was discovered by a Spanish astronomer. it is expected to skim by the earth next February (2013). How likely it is that the asteroid could hit the earth is debatable anyhow its definitely has some in the scientific community that these are the facts.