Does God approve of cremation? Is it ok for a Christian?
replied to: 3dman
Replied to: Does God approve of cremation? Is it ok for a Christian?...
NO! Return to the Earth from wence thou came!
replied to: 3dman
Replied to: Does God approve of cremation? Is it ok for a Christian?...
Cremation is just fine as Christian. There is no prohibition of this whatsoever in the Bible. When a person dies, their spirit returns to the face of God. Prior to Jesus coming to the earth as a perfect man, men of God believed as was written in the Bible, that there would be a Resurrection of both the good and the bad. Those who did good to resurrection of life and those who did bad, a resurrection of judgment. The judgment is simply dependent on their choice to change their behaviour from their former life. Yes, there are those who do go to heaven, but most will live on the earth, having been resurrected. That has always been the hope of mankind from the time of Adam's fall until now.