Does religion give a special meaning to people's lives?
replied to: feri
Replied to: Does religion give a special meaning to people's lives?
Yes. It is how people will spend their lives. If your a satanist (like me) it determines how somebody might act around you. Plenty of people do not like me. Simply because my religion is not their own, so they don't understand it.
replied to: AkumaShikyo
Replied to: Yes. It is how people will spend their lives. If your...
What is the philosophy of saatnist? put some of sentence of your belive
replied to: feri
Replied to: Does religion give a special meaning to people's lives?
No religion asks people to be bad. so, every religion is good.if someone really obeys what the religion says he is a true man. that means by gaining the good u learn frm the religion u can become a good person. if u never ever think of the good in your religion you may be a very bad person, but one can learn good things from another person and be good without any effect frm the religion too.
i am a Buddhist..i believe everything in it..bcause everything it says abt the formation of us or our souls are believable and the way it teaches us to find the eternal glory is really practical but needs a lot of determination..
the teachings abt the theories of the universe may differ from one religion to the other but the most important thing is following the good teachings mentioned in them..whatever the religion is
replied to: aliengirl123
Replied to: No religion asks people to be bad. so, every religion is...
Are you serious, most religions are not only creepy they are down right evil. The catholic religion was born when Peter was crucified on vatican hill. It reacted by spending the next two thousand years by pursecuting, torturing and murdering anyone who disagreeed with its so called teachings. It suppressed the rights of women, retarded the progress of science. Fought the establishment of public education and fought every step in the social evolution that has bought us to the place we are today. If the church had prevailed we would all be living as serf on our masters estates. Islam is even worse
Fundermentalist are even worst than the muslims. God look at the far right loonys vying for the republican presidentail nomination. IF YOU WANT TO MEET HYPOCRYTS GO TO CHURCH. IF YOU ENJOY THE COMPANY OF BIGOTS, CHURCH IS THE PLACE FOR YOU.