Dormanstown history
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The history of Dormanstown is mostly incorrect Westfield House was not the only building in the d/town area there was 8 cottages at Wiley bridge or Brigg as the locals called the area on West Coatham lane. D/town was not started in 1917 and finished in 1920 this would have been an incredible feat of construction. The first plans dated 1918 was altered and building started after this deeds on my house build stated 1922 and on a Ariel photo on the web dated 1930s d/town is not complete.Lady Clara Dorman opened the infants junior and senior schools built in 1932.The small school was not on the green but on the grassed area at the end of Westfield Way and behind South avenue this consisted of a larger tin hut and 3 or smaller one's joined together there was wall outside toilets my father went to this school until new one was built the larger of the huts became the senior school dining hall and classroom till the 1980s,the other building's became the guides,scouts and wrvs.these were pulled down in the 60s when a new hall was built behind all saints church.My wife's grandmother and father lived in Wiley cottages as mine moved in when being built 1920s.When I married in 1970 our house on Broadway still had no bathroom until 73 when the council modernised them.