This post is in regards to euthanasia and assisted suicide. I would like to collate some thoughts from the society about their perception towards legalizing euthanasia.
Should euthanasia be legalized?
What are the implications of legalizing euthanasia?
I'm looking forward to recieving feedbacks!
replied to: sheenaliwen
Replied to: This post is in regards to euthanasia and assisted suicide. I...
In my humble opinion, Euthanasia should be legal in most developed countries. It should also have a strict set of guidelines to be followed alongst with, so as to avoid abuse of Euthanasia.
For example; The person whom is already facing certain death and is suffering in pain should have the capacity to choose to end his/her life in a painless way; compared to someone who is just unhappy with life for no significant reasons.
Of course, every case should be assessed on a case by case basis from a qualified practitioner and discussed with a board.
After-all no one wants to suffer or see a loved one suffering needlessly. What would you do if you were in that position?
replied to: badeggs
Replied to: In my humble opinion, Euthanasia should be legal in most developed...
Another thing i forgot to mention is the implication of NOT legalizing Euthanasia. People will be people, and as the saying goes. You can't force a cow to drink water if it doesn't want to. Or rather, you can't stop someone to not die if he doesn't want to. By legalizing euthanasia, we will be offering people the choice to pass on in a mercy full, painless and dignified manner. Which would you choose?
1) dying in a controlled environment painlessly assisted by a qualified medical practitioner.
2) throwing yourself off the 20th storey of a building.
It may sound extreme but that is the reality of it.
Just my 2cents
replied to: badeggs
Replied to: Another thing i forgot to mention is the implication of NOT...
On a personal note, I share quite similar views and thoughts on your opinion. There are many factors to consider in terms of euthanasia and after going through thorough researches on this particular topic, I perceive that it should be legalized. However, there are many individuals out there in the world and society that feel and think otherwise.
Many countries have at the same time banned the practice of euthanasia. Yet there are arising number of countries which have worked their way towards legalizing or overlooking the ban of euthanasia. Do you feel that in time to come, the world will allow the practice of physician assisted suicide?
replied to: sheenaliwen
Replied to: On a personal note, I share quite similar views and thoughts...
I'm glad you share similar thoughts. Most of the "anti-euthanasia people" i feel have never actually been through the experience of seeing a loved one suffering unnecessarily where certain death is unavoidable. Hence they don't see the benefits of euthanasia. I certainly hope that this mindset would change in time to come. Everyone grows old and sick one day. I certainly would want the option to have a choice of being in control of my own death when that time comes, in a painless & dignified fashion. Rather than going through a painful & meaningless death.
Not every country would legalize euthanasia in my opinion due to different cultures and mindsets. However, i do feel that there are too few countries that do at the moment.
Hopefully in the near future, people become more comfortable with the idea and make it legal.
Euthanasia should always be an option!
replied to: badeggs
Replied to: I'm glad you share similar thoughts. Most of the "anti-euthanasia people"...
Yes, I would totally agree on your thoughts in the reply. That's one thing for sure that euthanasia would always be a controversial issue, with the laws in the world being more restrictive than ever.
I thank you for your thoughts and replies on the issue. I'm glad to receive reciprocative replies in this discussion forum - being a new user.
Please feel free to give more on your opinions about the particular topic if you have any to share. Would like to hear more about what other think.
Anyone who share an opposite perception can feel free to speak their mind on it as well. Thanks.