Notes from My Travels
Everest Base Camp Trek & Hike
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Everest trek where you find Sherpa culture, and chances to click some of the best pictures in the world. The adventure also takes you through challenging terrain that includes glacial moraines and a steep climb up Kala Patthar where the adrenalin really goes into overdrive. As you hike up to EBC, expect some 3-4 hours hiking every day of the trip, but be prepared for some longer days on the return journey. A reasonable level of fitness is required. After exploring historical Kathmandu, we take a short flight to the hillside village of Lukla (2800m). As we move through the splendid mix and eye-catching vegetation of Sagarmatha National Park, we trek to the Sherpa 'capital' of Namche Bazaar. This is an interesting, bustling and friendly town where amazingly, even at such an altitude, almost everything under the skies can be found here. Namche was formerly a trading post between Nepal and Tibet.

We allow a day's acclimatization hereabouts and then move on to the beautiful Thyangboche Monastery. At this peaceful landmark, we find ourselves amongst the Mani walls, prayer flags and chortens & soon realize we are in the shadows of the magnificent Everest massif and Ama Dablam, where the views are breathtakingly dumbfounding.

The trek from Thyangboche ascends slowly but steadily to Dingboche, Lobuche and finally Gorek Shep, advancing above the tree line into more rugged and moonscape-like surroundings. Gorek Shep, at 5100m is in fact the highest point that we will lodge at, and we take our time to reach this altitude after getting well acclimatized. Naturally, we leave our packs at Gorek Shep to make an afternoon incursion to Everest Base Camp, passing spectacular glacial forms and enjoying the triumph of having made it all the way! A trip that will surely go down into our dairies…..