I am A Ph.D em Chemistry and not so good in High Mathematics than most of you. Therefore forgive me if, if my idea is a little bit naive.
Superparticles as an evidence are dificult to create, because of hughe energy ammounts necessary for it.
But I was told that our STRINGS are much, much smaller than an ordinary subatomic particle, for example an electron or a positron. Being so, caused by the combination either of strings with the "wrong" vibration pattern or "right" strings in a "wrong" ratio, you should find within a particle-accelerater/collider deficient particles with deficient electricle charge, the charge values of which should be smaller than the elementary charge +Eo or -Eo.
Probably, if they really exist, already have been found, but rejected as experimental garbage, as the do not make any sense in ordinary Quantum Theory.
Yours truely:
replied to: drtoivowillmann
Replied to: I am A Ph.D em Chemistry and not so good in...
I thnk that your disscussion is correct you are definatly a phd
replied to: drtoivowillmann
Replied to: I am A Ph.D em Chemistry and not so good in...
Gamma-Vacuum Interaction as evidence for M-Theory
I see a secound alternative to prove the validity of M-Theory without Superparticles and without vanishing Gravitons.
According to M-Theory the empty space (Vacuum) must be full of STRINGS.
If STRINGS vibrate, they have energy.
If they have, they can either emit or absorve energy.
* Produce Gamma Radiation of very high energy, the wave-lengtht of which is in the order of magnitude of the hypothetic STRING size.
* Radiation must be mono-chromatic.
* Pass the radiation through some distance through Vacuum. Here the masters of mathematics are called to calculate a minimum distance for the Gamma-Quantums to have a detectable probability to hit into the “bull’s-eye” of a single STRING and to interact with it.
* Make a spectroscopic analisis afterwards. More tha 90 % of the radiation will maintain its original wave-lengtht. But if M-THEORY IS TRUE, a small amount will have a shorter wave-lengtht, because it absorved some energy from the hit STRING. Another small amount will have a larger wave-lengtht, because it lost to it some energy.
It is hard to produce Gamma-Raditation of such a short wave-lengtht, must be even harder to obtain it mono-chromatic and to make a spectroscopic analisis of it.
We do not know, if such an energy exchange between a STRING and a Gamma-Quantum is an allowed or forbidden Quantum Transfer.
B.) Maybe we already have got evidence for or against M-Theory without knowing about it.
As you all know Gamma—Radiation-Quantums of less energy than in A.) but with more energy than twice the resting-mass of an electron in the vacuum spontaneously transform into a pair of electron and positron (electron’s anti-particle).
According to Dirac’s Hole-Theory the Vacuum is an ocean of electrons in a negative energy state. If hit by Gamma-Quantums they are liberated as electrons with positive energy. There remains in the ocean a “hole” with positive energy and electric charge:
That’s the positron.
Dirac’s theory is one of the crazyist of Quantum Mechanics. But according to M-Theory, things might be different: the Gamma-Quantum hit a single STRING or a group of them (as they are big enough because of their wave-lengtht). This collision might be responsable for the transformation.
* Produce mono-chromatic Gamma Radiation.
* Determine with high precision its wave-lengtht.
* Irradiate Vaccum.
* Collect the pairs of electrons and positrons produced and determine their total energy with high precision.
If M-Theory is valid, you’ll NEVER find pairs os electrons and positrons the total energy of which maintain exactly the energy of the original Gamma-Quantum. Total energy either will be slightly lower or slightly higher.
Why ? In Physics there cannot be interaction without energy exchange.: either energy is absorved from or lost to the STRING.
But if you find additionally to pairs with slightly different total energy (also Dirac’s Theory permits them) signifficant amounts of electron-positron pairs which exactly maintain the original Gamma-Quantum energy, due to originally “negative” electrons hit in their Ground (basic) quantum state: FORGET M-THEORY, because STRINGS do not exist !
The only way, how hit strings might produce pairs that maintain the original energy is that one of two emits, the other absorves exacly the same energy amount. Not impossible but rather improbable !
What do you think, folks ?
Yours truely: