Holmes on Homes
Exposed wires within reach
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I am a contractor in california and was watching a holmes
on holmes show and noticed that they had to rebuild a fireplace because it was vented wrong and the electric was messed up to, so they brought in the right people to fix everything and when they were done I noticed alot of things that would not be legal in Ca or most other states in the US. Im assuming the laws are somewhat different in Canada
but I know we get a lot of our products such as electrical
and plumbing from Canada.The first thing I noticed was being able to use aluminum flex to vent the fireplace exaust. The next was all the wiring that was exposed and within reach of somebody being able to touch or grab or hang things on it! Also copper gas lines? Im not saying it's wrong I just have never seen that before. Maybe because I work in Ca with so many rules and restrictions that I just figured everybody does it the same way.