If there is extraterrestrial life elsewhere in the universe,I sincerely hope in God,s name they are not WHITE, have anyone besides myself noticed their behavior since PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA was elected to the white house? their behavior has been ATROCIOUS, they should be ashamed of themselfs.
replied to: talktome24
Replied to: If there is extraterrestrial life elsewhere in the universe,I sincerely hope...
If we simply apply maths to this question , and accept time as being linear then we have to accept that life certainly does and did exist on other planets, what we can only speculate on is how far away, how advanced, and how long ago. Considering that in the 5 billion years that our planet has been spinning, we have only existed for a very small fraction of this, as upright beings (homo erectus) able to use primitive tools since around 1.5 million years ago. And as homo sapiens for around 200.000 years. The chances of an advanced civilisation existing nearby and within the same timeline are remote. but the chances of there being no other life forms in the universe are miniscule.