Cultures in ancient India may have held beliefs about extraterrestrial life, as evidenced by some of their ancient texts.
replied to: cyclotreker
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The first Western thinkers to consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life were the Greeks.
replied to: mordinho
Replied to: The first Western thinkers to consider the possibility of extraterrestrial...
In 1277 the Bishop of Paris declared that extraterrestrial life was theologically possible, because an omnipotent God could create multiple worlds.
replied to: tbone
Replied to: In 1277 the Bishop of Paris declared that extraterrestrial life was...
It's amazing when you look at all of the symbols and paintings/pictures/chislings that so many different cultures made a long time ago. It's so amazing because they were completely isolated from each other and had no way of communicating or knowing that the others existed, but what they all drew of what they saw in the sky (besides the obvious things like stars, the moon and the planets and sun) were definetly (if not exactly) the same. I'm skeptical on the whole alien visitation thing but that one's a little tough to shake.
replied to: painkiller24
Replied to: It's amazing when you look at all of the symbols and...
Most people are skeptical about things we do not understand, but what you are saying is actually there for all to see.There are many things that can be made to fit into whatever one want's to believe,the Bible is a good source of imformation, people coming out of the sky on a blazing/burning shield for example could be a primative description of a spacecraft.