My family has been canadians for 3 generations and the forth generation is canadian born. the xinhai revolution is a bitter sweet event for me. my father was abducted by renegate soldiers or bandits and sold into the chow family in kaiping about 1911 at an age appears to be 5 years old. all I know is that the family was large. why bitter sweet? if the revoution didn't happen, the young child would grow up with the birth family, would not marry my mother as a chow and I would not exist. but I am in a timeline where the revolution did happened. after my father pass away, the knowledge started to gnaw at my guts and I often ask myself. what is my real surname?, are there any of my birth family alive in china?. this is my first attempt to begin the search. my father could read and write chinese very well. that indicates that he was educated in china. why did he not make any attempt to locate his lost family. I think either he was too young to remember enough or out of respect for the foster parents. but the more possible reason would be that the birth family home is too far away . so the lost family might not be in kaiping. I grew up and educated in canada and don't know much about china what route dit the renegate soldiers would take and pin down his ancestry home. I am hoping someone with information of a family who lost a 5 year old child near kaiping at that time or anyone in the same situation would contact me. this happens 100 years ago and solving the mystery is a very difficult task, but nothing is impossible, the only impossible task is the ones that never got started. happy new years! everyone.
replied to: tseto
Replied to: My family has been canadians for 3 generations and the forth...
Am sorry to hear your story. Anyhow,xinhan revolution is a so far away from us now. But you do not have any clue or maretials,besides,those people who live in xinhai revolution almost were died nowadays..So you just can get information from their generations.
If you can speak or type Chinese,it will be much better,because many of our China elder people donot understand English,so how can they help you even though they know the accident.
replied to: evainchina
Replied to: Am sorry to hear your story. Anyhow,xinhan revolution is...
Thanks Eva. I am assuming you are Eva from your username. Even when I had only 10 years of my life in China I have a very strong desire to remain Chinese. I learn to read and write Chinese by attending Chinese school in Chinatown in the evenings as I attended grade school normally when I was young. I am well aware that all of my grandparent's generation and anyone who had first hand knowledge of the events are gone now. I hope the other part of the family of my generation and the their children are thriving somewhere and one day we will meet. her is a Chinese version that might explain the flow of events in more detail.
尋找 父 親 1911 辛 亥 革 命前的童 年
1911年的中國辛亥革命時期中開平橫石村周家收養了一個五歲大的小孩. 後來他的養父帶同他移民加拿大. 小孩長大後成家立室, 育有兩個兒子, 享齡九四. 這個小垓是家父, 我排 行第二, 在加 拿大長大和接受教育. 爸爸在世時, 他一切似乎不ナ分重要, 因為我每天見到他, 我有我自巳的世界. 父親 2000年後. 我開始有不安的感覺. 父親的生父是誰, 我本來是什麼姓氏? 我有沒有家族仍 然在中國或在其他方, 什麼災害造成他從他的家庭被分離, , 真相在那裡 ? 一定有人知道其中奧秘. 太多的問題需耍答案. 家父五歲大前的一切我知道的不多, 只知是來自一個小康之家, 有許多成員, 當他不開心的時侯, 他就拿著他的拖鞋 堅持要回家. 應該不是一個被拋棄的孩子最有可能他是被綁架, 賣給周家.一百年後的今天辛亥革命一百年後我開始追尋父親真正的身世這是個非常困難的嘗試但是如果不開始心結永遠解不開大家幫幫忙如任何人有信息對似上有幫助請電郵至, 中英文均好非常感激任何有用的建議謝謝
1930年父親回國在聯江里建立一個新的家庭然後返回加拿大. 他的第二次回到中國的結果是我的誕生. 十年的鄉村生活後我離開中國. 現在 , 辛亥革命的一百年後, 我的目標是在搜索信息 一個在辛亥革命時期中失去了一個5歲大孩子的家庭. 或一個有缺少一個小叔叔紀錄的家庭的資料. 真相一定存在.