I would like someone to set the facts straight. It concerns me that several notations about the first ascent of the East Face fail to mention other members in the party. Repeatedly I read that the team leader was Jim Morrissay (true) and then there is only mention of Lou Reichart. My brother, Kim Momb, actually proceeded Lou to the summit. Also, Carlos Bueler was a member of the 3 man first assault team.
Additionally, Kim was on the 1981 expedition which has been refered to as a reconnaissance expedition. I can assure you that Sir Edmond Hillary, John Roskelly, Kim and the other members of that expedition thought they were going for the summit. It became a reconnaissance simply because the avalanche danger was too great to proceed.
Additionally, Kim was on the 1981 expedition which has been refered to as a reconnaissance expedition. I can assure you that Sir Edmond Hillary, John Roskelly, Kim and the other members of that expedition thought they were going for the summit. It became a reconnaissance simply because the avalanche danger was too great to proceed.