George Greig owned a ship mentioned in his will. The name is indecipherable. The ship was built by William Stephen and registered 11 August 1826 as number 32. One deck 2 masts
65' length 18' and one tenth breadth and 12' seven tenths depth. Ship was 113 tons.
Name looks like AUD or AID or CUD of Arbroath- the script in the will is difficult to read. Could be registered at Port of Montrose.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
Deb Findlay
65' length 18' and one tenth breadth and 12' seven tenths depth. Ship was 113 tons.
Name looks like AUD or AID or CUD of Arbroath- the script in the will is difficult to read. Could be registered at Port of Montrose.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
Deb Findlay