I'm the mom of a teen with Asperger's Syndrome, also diagnosed as ADHD, and who also has food intolerances and two learning challenges. At the suggestion of an online friend I have blogged about raising and homeschooling my daughter. I did this for a couple of reasons: for my daughter (I got a little behind in her records and the family photo album during her childhood somehow); and in case our story as a family living with Asperger's,etc., might help others who are experiencing similar challenges.
Would anyone here be interested in reading my blog? If so, here is the addy: http://raisingbutterfly.blogspot.com/ If not, that's cool too. I'm not selling anything; it's free to read for anyone interested. Have a great day. :)
Would anyone here be interested in reading my blog? If so, here is the addy: http://raisingbutterfly.blogspot.com/ If not, that's cool too. I'm not selling anything; it's free to read for anyone interested. Have a great day. :)