I love the show, but i prefered wildfire as it had more drama with relationships but didn't take away any of the plots to do with horses or the business.
replied to: tvlover
Replied to: I love the show, but i prefered wildfire as it had...
Regardless of their attempts at making the lead characters annoying, full of contradictions and all around spoiled brats whose mission in life seems to only be about getting their own way; there's actually a decent show hidden in there. It's impossible to believe that the lead characters are an accurate representation of how young Canadian girls/women act, nor their moral/ethical (or lack thereof) values, as most I've known aren't the jealous, self-centered, selfish type of people that are represented by Amy, Lou and Mallory characters. Maybe in the Canadian countryside the so-called "strong" females are whiny, lack the ability to honor their promises/word, and get their way 'cause their men just roll over and give them whatever they want, but folks in the city wouldn't stand for their childish shenanigans and tantrums whenever they don't get their way; only real country bumpkins would bend to their will every time and definitely not a real billionaire CEO.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is that there's a real lack of realism when it comes to the behavior of people in real life vs their characters' which detracts from the storylines that involve the animals and their trials which are infinitely more realistic. Kind of sad if you ask me, the potential for a great show is there, instead the vanilla apology/reconciliation of all of the misdeeds of the humans conflicts ensures that half of the show is constantly annoying instead. Friends with a member of the opposite sex? Jealously leads to assumptions and arguments and separation BUT a quick apology makes up for it. Cheat on your significant other? Apology and all is forgiven. Everything else is a "do as I say, not as I do" philosophy but I realizd I was wrong, so apology and all is dandy. It could be so much better and I watch hoping that it's realized and change is coming, but season 4 so far and it's still the same.
Maybe the target audience is Tweens and not adults, in which case, Hannah Montana eat your heart out...