Polish 3rd Carpathian Rifle Division
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I just recently found out that my grandfather, who is deceased, was in the 3rd Carpathian Rifle Division. I have a photo of him in front of St. Peter's Basilica dressed in military clothes and it's dated 1943. A website online has him listed as Borowski Alfons 1913/46 plut.2.komp.zaop. I don't really know what the 46 or the 2 means, but I think maybe he was in the supply company. He was born 5May1913 so I am sure it is a match. I was told he was sent to Siberia, but don't know how to find that information. Any help would be appreciated. He died in 1977 when I was 2.
replied to:  Missstaceylynn
Replied to:  I just recently found out that my grandfather, who is deceased,...

Borowski Alfons 1913/46 plut. 2 komp zaop - means that He was born in 1913, identification number is 46. Plutonowy is Master Corporal, He served in 2nd Supply Company. I may have some more details, if you are interested please let me know.

replied to:  FelixStolp
Replied to:  Hello, Borowski Alfons 1913/46 plut. 2 komp zaop -...

Thank you so much for your reply and information, it was most helpful. I would be very grateful for any additional information if you have some time. The only thing I have is a plebiscite questionnaire that The Hoover Archives sent to me, written by him, but it's written in Polish, and the handwriting is difficult to make out for translating. I have reached many dead ends, so I would really appreciate any help possible. Kind regards, Stacey
replied to:  Missstaceylynn
Replied to:  Lucas, Thank you so much for your reply and information,...
Dear Stacey,

Four members of my family served in that Division so I have plenty of additional materials - especially from Italian Campaign. If you wish I can try to translate whatever is written on your document, my email is: felix1980@o2.pl

Some time ago someone helped me as well and thanks to that I found 20 new members of my family ... in Australia! Helping others is my way of repaying the debt. Ever tried to locate your family in Poland before?


ps. sorry for my english, it is not my second language (unfortunately).
replied to:  FelixStolp
Replied to:  Dear Stacey, Four members of my family served...
Lucus, Oh thank you very much! I have had the document since October and I only have the 1st and 2nd answer translated, but even then, I keep finding errors that end up changing what he is saying. I have great aunts in Brzozowa, Poland on my grandmother's side, but since my grandfather has been deceased since the 70's, I only have my grandmother's memory of what he told her long ago. He was born in Grodno, Poland (now part of Belarus) and I was under the impression that archives there are hard to come by. I don't know when my grandfather was sent to Siberia, just that he was there and had severe post traumatic stress disorder after years of his memory of it. I will scan the document and email it to you. Any help you can give me--especially answer #6...I saw the date Feb 10, 1940 in it, and wondered if that was when he was deported. Thanks again! You are a great man!

P.S. Your Engish is perfect!

replied to:  Missstaceylynn
Replied to:  Lucus, Oh thank you very much! I have had the...
Grodno.. so almost all the documents (birth certificates) are in Belarous and it will be almost impossible to get them. Another problem is that this is very popular surname in eastern Poland (my database shows 27 000 people in Poland only with your surname). Nearest town with a hospital was always stated as birthplace so more less we know where to look.

After polish campaign whoever was captured as POW on soviet occupied land was sent to Siberia. In 1942 all these soldiers were reliesed. They couldnt go to Poland and didnt trust Soviets either so they decided to go Palestine where 3rd Division was formed. This happened to three members of my family as well. Maybe document will tell us more.

Brzozowa village is near the border with Belarus, about 80 miles from Grodno. Good point to start for searching.
