A few months ago i was ranked on the british museum at around 11am. i was the first on the rank with one other behind. a fairway pulled up to the the museum facing me and dropped off its passengers. they paid the fare and walked off. after this driver had sorted his money out and reset his meter he pulled off at a fair speed to get out but had forgot one thing,,,his passenger door was still open!!!!his door then proceeded to smash into my near side bumper and front panel. i had sounded my horn to warn him his door was open and people had shouted at him but he seemed not to notice before smashing into my new tx4. his door was mangled and nearly hanging off. after the accident he pulled over and appologised,,,we exchanged details,,,he was renting this old fairway and gave me their details. the other drive on the rank acted as a witness. after getting all thses details i went back to my cab and took a closer inspection of the damage,,,it wasn't to bad, considering the impact, scratches on the bumper and a few scratches on the front side panel,,, but considering i had just paid over 30k for this cab i wasn't to pleased. later in the day i phoned my insurance company and gave them all the info relating to the accident,,,,they advised me to claim through a third party as it would not affect my policy and i would not have to pay any excess,,,i agreed,,,,wron g decision!!!! three months later i am still waiting to get a result from this claim,,,i am constantly having to phone the solicotor dealing with my claim to find out what is happening,,,i have had an inspection done on me cab and they value the damage at 1200.00. aparently, the reason it is taking so long to get this resolved is that the onus could be on the passengers of the cab not closing the door and not the driver who forgot to check it was still open. it seems now that if i wish to get the work done on my cab i will have to pay for it myself or loose my no claims bonus despite paying a thousand pounds a year to my insurance company,,,,what a joke,,,,can anyone give me any advise on what to do next,,,,cheers