Post subject: Is the American Dream Over?
Yes! Most definitely! It began it's descent when Wyatt Earp died. He was the last of his kind, the very heart and soul of The American Dream.
Very soon after, the stock market crashed, the Great Depression began, and that was just the beginning. The Dust Bowls ruined the lives and health of millions of Americans sending throngs of the displaced to California to pick produce, which ultimately led to illegal immigration, pollution in L.A., mudslides, earthquakes, wildfires and the largest State deficit in recorded history.
To make matters much worse, Al Capone was imprisoned for income tax evasion (a tax that was against the very constitution of our great nation) and the Lindbergh's baby was kidnapped.
Keynes introduced the new economic theory and then, to add insult to injury FDR Launched The New Deal--for which our grandchildren will be paying for, if America is still around. Social Security was enacted, and like Rosemary's Baby, one can only guess the end result.
Bonnie and Clyde were killed. Ambushed by the Feds and local police, thousands of lead bullets ended the last gasp of The American Dream. You see, these were hard-working bank robbers, and they took a pittance of what "the big banks" would steal, down the road.
After The War and a decade at most, the "new" economy began exporting American jobs. It started with steel, then autos and now most everything is manufactured overseas to fulfill The Chinese Dream and The Indian Dream (that dream being ownership of the U.S. and a large and prosperous middle class.)
And then, there was Bernie Madoff and Wallstreet and The Fed. And of course, you know the rest of the story
Yes! Most definitely! It began it's descent when Wyatt Earp died. He was the last of his kind, the very heart and soul of The American Dream.
Very soon after, the stock market crashed, the Great Depression began, and that was just the beginning. The Dust Bowls ruined the lives and health of millions of Americans sending throngs of the displaced to California to pick produce, which ultimately led to illegal immigration, pollution in L.A., mudslides, earthquakes, wildfires and the largest State deficit in recorded history.
To make matters much worse, Al Capone was imprisoned for income tax evasion (a tax that was against the very constitution of our great nation) and the Lindbergh's baby was kidnapped.
Keynes introduced the new economic theory and then, to add insult to injury FDR Launched The New Deal--for which our grandchildren will be paying for, if America is still around. Social Security was enacted, and like Rosemary's Baby, one can only guess the end result.
Bonnie and Clyde were killed. Ambushed by the Feds and local police, thousands of lead bullets ended the last gasp of The American Dream. You see, these were hard-working bank robbers, and they took a pittance of what "the big banks" would steal, down the road.
After The War and a decade at most, the "new" economy began exporting American jobs. It started with steel, then autos and now most everything is manufactured overseas to fulfill The Chinese Dream and The Indian Dream (that dream being ownership of the U.S. and a large and prosperous middle class.)
And then, there was Bernie Madoff and Wallstreet and The Fed. And of course, you know the rest of the story