replied to: lasrus
Replied to: Is the area dangerous?
Scientists believe there is little chance of another cataclysmic eruption.
replied to: dbrunner
Replied to: Scientists believe there is little chance of another cataclysmic eruption.
Research has shown, however, the even earthquakes and disturbances great distances away can influence the Yellowstone caldera.
replied to: lasrus
Replied to: Is the area dangerous?
Consider that if a full eruption were to happen, the entire world will be thrown into another ice age. All of North America would take the initial onslaught of pyroclastic flows and suffocating ash, ash that would remain airborn for 10-15 years. Most life on the planet would surely perish, then no, there isn't an increased risk. At least no more than most of the rest of the planet. I personally would rather go in the initial blast, rather than die slowly over the next months due to extreme cold and starvation. Only the "elite" of human society would survive and then only if they could survive until the planet began to thaw. Remember, during the last ice age, the whole of mankind was down to something like 35 breeding females OVER THE WHOLE PLANET! You could expect the whole world, except extremely small, isolated pockets to be frozen dead. Isn't that wonderful?